Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 689 The long river of time flows out, and the Lord of Gangsha Star arrives

"Boss, this place is tougher than before..." Wuzhiqi frowned slightly when he saw that Di Jiang's attempts were ineffective.

"The 'Ice Age' has been advanced again. Over the years, the ice abyss has expanded faster and faster, and the ice demons have become more powerful. It seems that the road below is even worse." Di Jiang sighed and said.

"The Frozen Demonic Abyss is originally a forbidden place. Unfortunately, most of the lost caves are born in forbidden places. We cannot disobey the Immortal Lord's decree. We have no choice but to risk our lives.

Boss, if we unfortunately die, we hope that the boss will pick up our precious phantoms in time for our rebirth in the future. "Fu Dou walked aside and said with a wry smile.

"Let's go, that Fangdongtian is about to be born! Don't let Lord Gangsha Star take the lead." Di Jiang flew into the air and landed on Long Xiang's back, turned around and said to Zhao Sheng and the others.

Upon seeing this, Wuzhi Qi, Hu Dou, Teng Snake, and Zhao Sheng flew back on the backs of their respective puppets, ready to set off at any time.

As the two eagle puppets flew into the sky, the dragon and elephant puppet took the lead, and the four beast puppets followed. The group of people continued to trek toward the distance along the ice.

Seven days later, everyone trudged across tens of thousands of miles of ice and arrived at a chaotic and strange place.

The ice on the ground still extended infinitely to both sides, but a hundred miles away in front, the earth suddenly opened a huge rift valley that could not be seen at a glance, looking like an abyss.

An extremely obvious spatial distortion occurred in the sky above it. Incomparably chaotic space cracks spread across time and space, like a black storm raging all over the sky, circling and dying over the canyon. The level of danger was extremely high!

This is the "Ice Demonic Abyss" in the mouth of the Dijiang River.

Everyone drove the puppets and slowly approached the edge of the abyss.

As he got closer, Zhao Sheng quickly noticed that the surroundings were getting a little cold.

At the same time, wisps of pale mist seemed to rise from the dark and lightless abyss, and sometimes a vortex of mist would suddenly form in the abyss, stirring up the cold wind from all directions and increasing the cold air.

From a bird's eye view, there are countless phantoms looming in this mist whirlpool, and they are like a devil's eye growing out of the abyss, staring at everyone, making people feel an indescribable chill in their hearts.

"What is that?" Teng She shouted in shock when she saw this scene.

Zhao Sheng was the closest to him. When he heard this, he shook his head and said: "No matter what it is. Now that I have finally reached this point, I can no longer retreat. I believe that Senior Brother Di Jiang has made a plan and will not push me Wait until you are brought to the place of death."

The two of them were in shock and doubt when they saw Di Jiang waving to everyone.

When Zhao Sheng saw this, he immediately flew over and landed on the dragon elephant's back.

Wuzhi Qi and Fu Dou also flew in one after another, waiting for the boss's instructions.

"Everyone, you have all seen the frozen abyss ahead. The lost cave we are looking for is right down here." Di Jiang seemed very happy, with an obvious smile in his words.

When Wuzhiqi and Huidou heard this, they looked at each other at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Wuzhiqi spoke: "Fu Dou and I have followed the boss in and out of the Frozen Demonic Abyss many times, and we are well aware of the dangers. Naturally, we have nothing to say. However, the two newcomers, Kui Niu and Teng Snake, Still need more care from the boss.

"I will ensure that Kui Niu and I are not dead. Junior Brother Wuzhiqi, you are worrying too much." Di Jiang shook his head and said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Dou suddenly said: "After traveling for so many days, how about we repair it on the spot for a day, and then enter the Frozen Demonic Abyss at this time tomorrow?"

"That's a good idea! Recharge your batteries today and set off tomorrow." Di Jiang nodded decisively and said.

The four of them all nodded and said yes, then each flew back, and then one by one got into the cabin inside the puppet's belly and entered into a state of tranquility.

The next day,

After a sharp eagle scream, two huge elephant-like hawk god puppets swooped down from high altitude and flew into the mist of the Demonic Abyss in the blink of an eye. Only two shadows that disappeared and appeared in the sight were left.

After a few breaths, the five puppet beasts were shrouded in a layer of light of will, and they all rose into the air and rushed into the demonic abyss below.

This time, the dragon and elephant puppets were still at the head, the tiger and leopard puppets were guarding the left and right, and the wolf and ox were at the end of the queue.

The Demonic Abyss extended all the way down, and the scene along the way was empty and dead, but the surrounding fog quickly became thicker.

As you dive downwards, the Demonic Abyss space quickly becomes vast and boundless, and occasionally you can see some inexplicable beast shadows and mysterious brilliance from the mist.

Sometimes when it breaks into it, a strange ice storm will be inexplicably generated in the mist. If it is affected by the storm, it will be immediately involved by the indestructible ice blade, directly cut into pieces, and the death will be extremely miserable.

In an ice storm, everyone lost an eagle god puppet.

Even though Dijiang's strength is unpredictable and his will force field can cover thousands of miles around him, it is still impossible to predict the formation of the ice storm. It can only withstand it for a moment, leaving time for everyone to escape.

In addition, Ice Storm has no distinction between friend and foe, and is purely designed to freeze and destroy everything.

Zhao Sheng had seen with his own eyes a giant frost dragon that was hundreds of miles long protruding from the mist of the abyss. However, the next second it was caught in a sudden storm and was quickly strangled to pieces.

As a result, a huge dragon ball fell out of the dragon.

Just before the dragon ball was destroyed by the storm, a chaotic tentacle came across the sky, broke through the storm layer in an instant, and rolled the dragon ball back, finally falling into Dijiang's hands.

Although the Frozen Demonic Abyss is extremely dangerous, there are countless ancient treasures hidden in the danger. The dragon beads are just a drop in the bucket, and there are more "wonderful objects, rare treasures, and true immortal treasures" waiting to be seen again.

With the existence of Di Jiang, who was suspected to be the Great Tribulation Master, everyone dived all the way down, with no danger at all.

After nearly two days of ruins, everyone had gone tens of thousands of miles deep into the underground of the Demonic Abyss. The surrounding void was filled with huge suspended ice peaks. Inside the ice peaks were sealed countless corpses of all races in miserable death conditions.

It was not visible, but pale ice corpses emerged from the ice peak. These ice demons all rushed towards Zhao Sheng and his party without fear of death.

Often at this time, the demon god puppet will show its power, relying on its almost indestructible "puppet body" to tear apart the incoming ice corpse.

However, ice demons have a strange characteristic, even if they are rare in number.

Once the number of them appearing at the same time exceeds a hundred, the hardness of the ice demon's corpse will greatly increase, and the surrounding "ice" power will also increase simultaneously.

If the number exceeds 3,000, the real immortal will probably flee even when he comes.

The huge ice peaks floating in the air all around are the best proof!

Therefore, do not let the ice demons gather in groups. It is best to use all your strength from the beginning to kill all the ice demons around you as soon as possible.

Di Jiang has been in and out of the Demon Abyss the most and is most familiar with the characteristics of the ice demon, so he warned Zhao Sheng and Teng Snake early.

After about half a day, Zhao Sheng and his party finally arrived underground in the Demon Abyss.

At this time, the surroundings are surrounded by huge ice peaks that are too high to reach the top. Clusters of frozen "forests" can be seen everywhere. Countless magnificent brilliance is solidified in the "forest at the bottom of the peaks". Everything seems to be a moment frozen countless years ago. scene.

Here, time has lost its meaning!

A large area of ​​"frozen" magnificent brilliance shines through from the ice peaks and ice forests, illuminating this pitch-black abyss.

With the help of brilliance, Zhao Sheng saw a strange mountain peak standing deep in the ice forest. The sunny side of the mountain was golden-red, but the shady side was dim and cold, showing a dark green color.

The strangest thing is that there is no trace of frost around this strange mountain. Everywhere he looked, the soil and rocks were exposed, and bone fragments were scattered among them, but no ice demon could be seen wandering around.

After observing for a moment, Zhao Sheng couldn't help but frown slightly, because after staring at this mountain for a long time, a strong attraction suddenly appeared in his heart, as if there was something there that was always tempting him to go.

The next moment, the Dragon Elephant Puppet suddenly flew towards the mountain peak. Di Jiang's actions undoubtedly proved that he was right.

In all likelihood, that strange mountain peak was the destination of their trip.

And as everyone continued to get closer, the inexplicable attraction became more and more obvious, and an unprecedented law fluctuation began to envelope the sky and the sky.

The mountain seemed not far away, but it still took everyone a full half day to reach the foot of the mountain.

Zhao Sheng stood on top of the White Ox Puppet and looked at the mountains ahead. He saw that half of the mountain peak in front of him was golden and red, and half was green.

The junction between the two is as straight as a straight line, extending from the peak to the base of the mountain. It looks like the entire mountain is artificially spliced ​​together, which is indescribably weird.

"This ghost place is really weird and tight. Every time I come here, the scene I see is different." Fu Dou waved his sleeves and spread out a large area of ​​dim flames, and said coldly.

His words immediately broke the dead silence, and a whimpering sound suddenly came from the mountain in front of him. It seemed that there were countless creatures hidden inside the mountain, crying and wailing in despair.

In an instant, two kinds of "mountain fires", golden red and green, rose simultaneously on both sides of the mountain.

As the fire roared, two completely different emotions, anger and fear, were instantly felt in everyone's hearts.

At the same time, the law fluctuations in the void surged countless times, and the "true form of the law" appeared from the void. It looked like a vast and boundless river rushing in from the endless past.

Although I didn't feel any danger, I felt an inexplicable chill that made me feel uncomfortable all over.

Zhao Sheng frowned slightly, and his soul and spiritual sense vaguely reminded him that there seemed to be something wrong with the long river of "manifested" laws in front of him, but he couldn't detect what was wrong.

After an instant, the long river of law disappeared again, the two kinds of mountain fires on the mountain in front were also extinguished, and the sobbing and crying stopped abruptly.

However, some subtle changes have already occurred, and some perceptions that no one noticed have been permanently changed by some force.

At this moment, Zhao Sheng inexplicably had a lot of principles about time in his mind, and he soon had a new understanding of the avenue of time.

Zhao Sheng instantly became clear of anything else, and all his mind was devoted to understanding the avenue of time.

Dijiang, Wuzhiqi, Fudou, and Tengshe also gathered their minds at the same time and entered the state of enlightenment.

At this time, Long Xiang and other demon god puppets dispersed on their own to protect Zhao Sheng and the five others.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Zhao Sheng finally left the realm of the underworld, and his consciousness returned to the body of the soul.

He opened his eyes, his eyes showing great joy.

At this time, Di Jiang and others had already woken up. The four of them had different eyes and happened to look over.

Hu Dou was the first to speak: "I didn't expect that among us, Junior Brother Kui Niu is the most compatible with the Great Path of Time. This opportunity for the Great Path, Junior Brother will benefit the most. Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Senior Brother Fudou, you don't seem surprised at all, could it be..." Zhao Sheng felt strange and asked.

"Yes, just as you thought. Although the Burial Immortal Ruins is dangerous, it is also a place where the laws of the great path are manifested. Especially at some special nodes, the laws of the great path are easier to manifest, such as this mountain in front of you!"

Wuzhiqi actually spoke: "So you should broaden your horizons and don't always huddle in the safe zone. In the future, you will wander around and explore the outer ruins. You will always encounter opportunities, big and small. Sometimes when you get a big opportunity, you can If you can change your fate against the will of heaven, you will have hope for eternal life in the future.”

"What the two senior brothers said is absolutely true. Kui Niu has learned a lesson." Zhao Sheng stood up and bowed to the two men.

Fu Dou nodded slightly with satisfaction, then turned to look at Di Jiang and asked, "Boss, how long do we have to wait?"

As soon as these words came out, the other three people immediately fell silent and looked at the gray-robed Emperor Jiang who was standing in front of the mountain.

"Almost! Just wait." Di Jiang said calmly without looking back.

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock and had no choice but to turn back to the puppet cabin and continue to recharge their batteries.


Not long after, bursts of thunderous muffled sounds suddenly came from behind the distant ice peak.

Everyone's heart palpitated when they heard it, and they all flew out of the puppet's body and looked into the distance.

Immediately afterwards, behind an ice peak, bright "stars" suddenly appeared, like meteors from the sky, flying towards this side, accompanied by the continuous roaring sound.

"Nah! Why are these locusts smelling like they're here again? Everyone, be careful!" Upon seeing this, Fu Dou was so angry that he cursed and reminded him in time.

Boom boom boom.

In the blink of an eye, stars smashed into the ground one after another, large clouds of smoke and dust exploded from the ground, and circles of bright halo instantly expanded in all directions, forming "fields of light" of intertwined and superimposed stars.

This group of "Gangsha Star Lords" simply ignored the dangerous Frozen Demonic Abyss and flew down all the way with an extremely flamboyant attitude.

Zhao Sheng knew this group of mortal enemies quite well, so he naturally knew that he was not the real Gangsha Star Lord before him, but each Gangsha Star Light Body.

The astral body has no fear of life and death and gathers and disperses by the heart. As long as a piece of original spiritual consciousness is projected through the air, the spirit body can be re-condensed.

Compared with the divine beast messenger, the Gangsha Astral Body is undoubtedly very weak and can often be easily destroyed with one blow.

However, no matter how many astral bodies you destroy, the opponent can project more "spiritual bodies".

Therefore, whenever you go deep into a trap, a desperate place, or a forbidden area, you will often see only a group of evil astral bodies. The real masters are all hidden thousands of miles away, controlling every move of the astral bodies from a distance.

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