Ask Sword

Chapter 590: The Moon


How lonely is the vast starry sky measured in light years, and how small human beings are in it.

Xing Hechou was silent for a moment, "Will we meet again?"

"Maybe. Maybe one day, I will completely reconcile with Weiyuan matter,

Maybe one day, humans who have entered the universe will meet me again in the galaxy. "

Li Ang looked up at the night sky, as if he wanted to completely engrave the sky of his hometown into his mind.

Infected by emotions, Xing Heshou and Wan Li Fengdao also looked up at the stars in silence.

Humans are social animals, and even those hermits who live alone and think about life alone rarely completely disconnect from human civilization.

It is hard for them to imagine how deep loneliness it would be to be alone in the dead star universe light-years away from the earth.

"The time is coming."

Li Ang stopped looking up and clapped his hands.


The entire fleet, including warships and submarines farther away, turned on their lights and headed this way.

Li Ang said: "These ships will be handed over to you."


Xing Hechou didn't react immediately.

"After I'm gone, the struggle on Earth will continue."

Li Ang said calmly: "In addition to these aircraft carriers, the US military stationed in Japan and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces have also been wiped out. Whether you want to break through the island chain, or demilitarize Japan and hand it over to international trusteeship, it all depends on your future. A few days of action."

Accompanied by his words, the Weiyuan matter scattered in each ship surged and repaired all the ships as before,

Afterwards, the Weiyuan matter collectively floated up, floated over, and gathered at Li Ang's feet again.

"I really don't know how to repay such a heavy gift."

Xing Hechou showed a wry smile, being able to break through the blockade of the island chain and push the fleet's cruising range to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the strategic value behind this is hard to measure with money.

"Take care of my parents and help me. Send me your apologies."

Li Ang sighed softly, stepped back, and waved at the two of them smartly, "Let's go."

He turned around, stepped on the edge of the deck, and stepped lightly, riding the wind, straight into the sky.

Tokyo, two thousand miles away,

The metal giant made a sharp and loud metal twisting sound,

The whole tree slowly collapsed and disintegrated as if it couldn't bear its own weight.

Including the electronic chip on it, it also melted and decomposed, turning into the most primitive state of black silk thread.

At the foot of the big tree, several seriously injured American military officers looked happy, thinking that Li Ang was also injured and couldn't even maintain the basic shape of the metal giant.

The complexions of Takagi and other supernatural beings became paler, and they could faintly feel that the metal tower like the world tree did not collapse because of Li Ang's inability to support it, or the fatigue of the metal, on the contrary,

It has completed its mission and is returning to its original state.


The giant metal wood finally melted and disintegrated, and all the primordial matter contained in it flowed into the groove of the railgun, casting it into the outline of a cigar-shaped spaceship.

More Weiyuan substances scattered throughout the city also poured in like a torrent, and jointly constructed the complex circuits, energy supply systems, oxygen circulation systems and other components in the aircraft.

Li Ang climbed up the ladder of mind power, came to the front of the spaceship, opened the door, and stepped inside.

The bridge was empty, and a steel throne was quietly placed in the front. Across the throne, through the porthole glass, you can see the city's skyline, lit up with a faint morning light.

The birds, who knew nothing about the long last night, flew over the messy city, landed on the railing of the roof, and looked down curiously at the street scene below.

time to go.

Li Ang sighed softly, walked across the silent bridge, and sat on his own throne.

Om - oom - oom -

The railgun rapidly absorbed the power of the city, and the light on both sides of the track flowed faster and faster.

Li Ang closed his eyes, reviewing every minute of his life in his mind.

call out!

The bright light of the railgun flashed and disappeared, and the spaceship disappeared in place in an instant. Only the layers of cumulus clouds that were torn into narrow gaps in the sky outlined the leaving track of the spaceship.


With the departure of the spaceship, the railgun also began to collapse and disintegrate, and the supernatural beings lying on the ground were shocked to find that they had regained their ability to move.

Everyone endured the pain and stood up, looking at the direction where the clouds were blooming, with complicated emotions.

Why didn't he kill them all? Is it sudden pity, or simple disregard for the weak?

This problem lies in the hearts of the supernatural beings, and some people find it sad that it is difficult to raise the emotion called resentment in their hearts.

There is an insurmountable gap in the strength of the two sides, so that resentment seems insignificant. Just like it is difficult for human beings to resent specific tsunamis and typhoons.

".he's gone."

The Martial Daoist clenched his fists and looked at the sky absently.

Takagi stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and sighed, "Yeah, he's gone."


The dense and loud sound of aircraft skimming came from the southwest direction.

The supernatural beings turned their heads and saw a huge formation of planes with red patterns on them, ignoring the no-fly airspace in Yokota once designated by the US military stationed in Japan, and slowly heading towards the downtown area of ​​Tokyo.

Its number is as high as hundreds, including but not limited to super heavy transport aircraft, fighter jets, bombers, and armed helicopters.


On the satellite orbit, Li Ang stared at the magnificent and splendid planetary scene through the porthole.

The clouds are white and misty, the ocean is blue and vast, and the mountains are rolling.

What used to be an ordinary scene has now become a stunning view no matter how hard you look at it.

Li Ang gently pressed his palm on the porthole. Everyone he loves and knows is spending their entire lives on this blue planet in front of him.

The countless languages, cultures, ideologies, and theories of human civilization,

All philosophers, robbers, heroes, cowards, kings, beggars, mothers, fathers, politicians, children,

All the joys and sorrows, joys, anger, sorrows, and disputes in the world are born here.

On this planet, the history of biological evolution starting from cyanobacteria 3.5 billion years ago constituted his body,

The history of civilization based on the total number of 100 billion human beings who have lived constitutes his cognition.

Li Ang stared at the stars in rapt attention, until she got farther and farther away in sight, and the color gradually dimmed.

The artificial intelligence spoke at the right time, gently reminding,

"Oxygen circulation system is online."

"Spin artificial gravity system is online."

"The superconducting power energy storage system works well."

"The nuclear fission reactor is normally supplying energy, and the spare fusion reactor has been built, which requires helium-3 and deuterium, and the optimal route has been drawn for the spacecraft."

"Next destination, the moon."

The melody of music sounded in the bridge.

Fly me to the moon,

And let me play among the stars.

Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and Mars.

In other words, hold my hand.

In other words, darling, kiss me

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