When they saw this token, everyone also reacted.

Yes, although Qin Bei hasn't recruited enough powerful followers yet, Qin Bei has a Saint Order.

The gold content of this token is known to everyone in Daxia.

In addition, Qin Bei also has an exoneration gold medal, the two together, it is an absolute deterrent.

Because once he gets angry, Qin Bei can even let people exterminate the family directly, and in the end Qin Bei will not pay the price for this.

Even if such a situation may only occur once, no one wants this only time to be used on their own.

Therefore, the person who was beaten did not dare to say a word, and left in a daze.

Although there are still some unwillingness in the crowd, they all know that it is better to leave first today at least.

After this matter spreads, there will naturally be capable people to deal with Qin Bei.


Seeing the crowd leaving, Qin Bei nodded in satisfaction.

It's just that the staff of Luofenglou, who has been paying attention to the situation here, hurriedly reported the matter after seeing the situation.

This attitude, this behavior.

Even though Ling Kexin has said many times that there is no relationship between himself and Qin Bei, in the current situation, it is really hard for him to believe that there is really nothing between the two.

This is obviously because a powerful person can't get used to a group of people thinking about their own people, so they suppressed it with thunder.

After the person who felt the observation left, a smile appeared on Qin Bei's mouth.

This smile, at first glance, is the smile that only appears when the trick is successful.

As for the facts, of course.

This is what Qin Bei wants.

Mrs. own has come to find Lingkexin, and she is here to drive everyone overbearingly.

He believed that soon, there would be many rumors about himself and Lingkexin throughout the capital.

Definitely a hundred times stronger than before.


"If you can really bring Lingkexin into my palace to do things, it will be worth it to damage a little reputation!"

Qin Bei's heart was already smiling.

In fact, Qin Bei thought of Lingkexin the first time he needed to recruit customers.

Because Lingkexin can not only help him cultivate, but also has a keen awareness of Feng Shui treasures and treasures.

If such a person joins own

Wangfu, if he does things for himself wholeheartedly, Qin Bei feels that he can absolutely crush all his competitors quickly.

However, Lingkexin was in Luofeng Tower after all, Qin Bei knew that if he had invited him directly, Lingkexin would definitely not accept it.

So this is the current plan.

That is to make the relationship between oneself and Lingkexin a reality!

At least in the eyes of outsiders to be real!

Actually is not to say that Lingkexin will follow her because of this, and come to her own palace to do things for herself.

Qin Bei still had no hope for this.

The reason why he wanted to do this was actually the most important reason for Luofenglou.

Because last night Yingbaibai gave Qin Bei a piece of news that he knew through Yingwei before he left.

This was originally an internal news of the Shadow Guard and could not be shared, but the Shadow One hundred received a hint that he told Qin Bei the news.

And this news is also very simple, it is about Lingkexin and Luofenglou.

When Lingkexin once joined Luofenglou, the owner of Luofenglou promised that if one day, Lingkexin had someone in her heart and dedicated herself to the other party, then Luofenglou would leave with peace of mind. , complete the duo.

And considering that Lingkexin might have too deep feelings for Luofenglou, and was afraid that the owner of Luofenglou would be sad, so she chose to hide it and didn't leave and suffered herself.

Therefore, under this agreement, as long as the man Ling Kexin likes comes forward to request, Luofenglou will immediately give it to him.


Qin Bei thought of this method as soon as he heard the news.

Although it's not very bright for a girl to use such a method, Qin Bei doesn't care about fame at all.

Anyway, as long as Lingkexin can join the palace.

The big deal is that after Lingkexin enters the palace, tell Lingkexin all about her own behavior.

Sincerely Qin Bei can still do this.

The reason why there is a current strategy is entirely because it is obviously difficult for Luofenglou to let go.


And Qin Bei also knew that the key to all of these lies in Lingkexin himself.

Because if Lingkexin resists, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

So Qin Bei actually let Lingkexin choose by himself, and hand

Duan is against Luofenglou.

It is Qin Bei's bottom line not to use despicable conspiracies against his own people.

As for whether Lingkexin will choose himself in the end, Qin Bei can only pin it on his own personality.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Bei has a system... He can exchange the good things of the Eldar.

I don't believe that Ling Kexin, who is determined to find the Spirit Race, will not be moved!

Anyway, the big net has been rolled out, just waiting for Lingkexin to take the bait.

This feeling of cheating the little girl with a lollipop made Qin Bei very happy.


An hour later, Qin Bei leisurely returned to his room.

Seeing the harmonious and quiet scene, Qin Bei was a little surprised.

"It's really late to meet you. If only I could talk to Sister Kexin often."

Mu Zhaoxue held Lingke's hand from the bottom of her heart and said hopefully.

"Of course, you can come to Luofenglou often in the future, and no one will stop you."

Ling Kexin also responded happily.

"Hey~ After all, she's already the princess of the North, how can she be so free."

"That's true."

Ling nodded understandingly.

Seeing that the three of them were looking forward to seeing each other late, Qin Bei almost doubted whether Mu Zhaoxue and Ji Zhuyue knew about their own plan, so they cooperated very well.

How did he know that the three of them had a really good chat during this time.

Because they have a common topic, which is to complain about Qin Bei. …

Obviously, whether it is the Holy Maiden, the Empress, or the descendants of the Eldar, they are all women, so it is still unshakable in terms of complaining and eating melons.

With this topic, of course, the conversation started.

It's almost the same as a man talking about beauty, it's a feeling of sympathy.

"Hey~ If you are going to say that, I think if you are unwilling, you should join my palace. It just so happens that my palace is also recruiting guests. Don't worry, the treatment I give is definitely better than that given to you by Luofenglou! And I There are still a lot of news and items about the Spiritual Race in hand, I believe that the girl Kexin is interested."

Qin Bei didn't know that the three of them were complaining about him, but he knew that now was the best time to invite him.

But obviously, Ling Kexin, who suddenly received the invitation, didn't react.


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