Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 298 6. The Omniscient Sorrow (Part 2)

The meeting room in Theramore was silent.

Watching Ironforge Liera leave in a hurry under the escort of the guards, the expressions of the remaining special envoys also changed somewhat. Old Fording's eyes were relieved with a trace of complexity, while Princess Kalia closed her eyes. Her eyes were closed, and she could tell from her hands clenched on her clothes that she was in pain now.

When Dick said that he had a way to get the entire civilized world to support the Northern Expedition, Kalia felt that something was wrong from his farewell tone. As a mature ruler, Kalia knew that this included Tickets are not so easy to fight.

For example, even with the relationship between her and Dick, the paladin even saved her life more than once, but after mixing factors such as kingdom, rule and prestige, she still had to acquiesce to Sir Moens Quietly weakening the authority in Dick's hands, the garrison in the northern fortress has changed twice since the end of the Quicksand War, and the proportion of paladin officers in the Silver Dawn is getting lower and lower in Theramore's army. Under the nose.

She herself and Dick can definitely be called life-to-life, but unfortunately, this is politics, and when thinking about issues from the perspective of the future queen of Lordaeron, the best she can do is to one day After a conflict occurs and Dick is defeated, let him die.

Both she and Dick were like this, not to mention other forces.

To put it bluntly, when Dick's actions affect the internal stability of Kaldorei, which has the loosest political system, even Tyrande, who was also saved by Dick, would have the idea of ​​expulsion. This is not an exaggeration. After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the First Expeditionary Force was stationed farthest from the Mount Hyjal valley and was the first to evacuate, which has proved all this.

Once you step into this circle, your hands will never be fair again.

But what Dick is doing now is precisely provoking this kind of tolerance. Whether it is Dailin or Magni, they will not be willing to use their strength to support an operation far away in the sky. But Dick forced them to do so. It is conceivable how far Dick's status in the minds of these rulers will fall after this incident.

He was clearly using the reputation and character he had accumulated over the years, as well as his detached status in the civilized world in the future, to help Lordaeron and the Northern Expedition overcome the current difficulties.

No wonder he paid so much attention to Anduin's promotion ceremony this time, no wonder he submitted an application to revoke the title of Earl of the North a few days ago, and even handed over the command of the Argent Dawn.

He even thoughtfully paved the way for Princess Kalia. After this time, he probably intends to draw a clear line with Lordaeron. Maybe from today onwards, he will never hear about it again. With the title of Dawn Knight, he will be completely forgotten by the angry monarchs, and even attacked, and his reputation will eventually be ruined.

Kalia has seen many such tragic heroes. She never thought that Dick would go on this path one day, which also made Princess Kalia firm up a certain idea in her heart.

But right now, Dick's "performance" is still going on, his cane taps on the ground very regularly, rattling, and then he comes to Quel'Thalas' special envoy, Halduron Brightwing , the ranger lord's expression was a bit ugly. As Dick's former comrade in arms, he felt that he no longer knew what kind of expression he should use to treat Dick.

But the words of His Majesty Kael'thas before leaving echoed in his head. In the end, Halduron could only look at Dick with a blank face. Before he could speak, Dick raised his hand, Interrupting something Halduron was about to say,

"Halduron, we once killed the enemy together on the battlefield, so needless to say those polite words, go to contact Kael'thas, I have news about Syndra, if he still knows what the word means meaning, he will understand how to do it."

Halduron was also from a famous family, he was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Dick with an unbelievable look,

"Stop joking! Dick! Syndra perished seven thousand years ago! They disappeared on the journey to Feralas, and the remaining demons wiped them out. This is impossible."

It wasn't just Halduron who was surprised, even Barnes, the night elf sentry commander who was sitting across from him, couldn't help standing up. He leaned forward slightly with a serious expression,

"This joke is too much, Knight Dick, Villins of Syndra... that hero in the War of the Ancients, you shouldn't make fun of him!"


Dick took a meaningful look at Barnes. This Moonblade Assassin also served as the night elf's liaison with Theramore, so the two had a good personal relationship, but on this occasion, Dick's mouth twitched. weird smile,

"When Tyrande let the Kaldorei civilians crowd out Dath'Remar and Syndra's people, why didn't you stand up and say that they are heroes? Come on, Barnes, don't think I don't know you Feather Moon What is the purpose of the fortress garrison in Feralas for thousands of years, do you dare to swear to the moon god that you don't know any news about the descendants of Syndra?"

This rare and tough counterattack left the sentinel commander speechless, especially when Halduron saw his hesitation. The ranger lord immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and he left his seat without looking back. glanced at Dick,

"I'll contact His Majesty Kael'thas immediately! Dick... you... played too much this time."

Facing Halduron's complaints, Dick pouted and shrugged,

"No way, who made me come this far."


Halduron finally let out a long sigh, turned around and left. At this time, everyone in the audience was shocked, even the most unbelieving Overlord Saurfang looked at Dick with an undisguised suspicion.

But Dick ignored these eyes with different meanings. He breathed a sigh of relief, put the pipe back in his arms, and looked at Barnes with a gloomy face.

"I heard that the night elves plan to plant the seeds of the third World Tree in the Sea of ​​Misty to relocate part of the night elves' civilians, right? You seem to call it "Teldrassil"?"


Barnes couldn't bear it anymore, and punched the table. This good-tempered commander was going crazy. Leaving aside the matter of the descendants of Syndra, the night elves had concealed that secret for thousands of years. Now it has been exposed in full view, and there is also the matter of Teldrassil, the moon god, but only the senior Kaldorei and the archdruids know about that matter! And Barnes can guarantee that no one will spread such a big event!

Dick... Is he really omniscient?

"Oh, it looks real."

The paladin stroked his beard, and he showed a bright smile to Barnes, "Go and contact Malfurion and Tyrande, I have a big secret to tell long as they can pay the price!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Barnes to reply, he stretched out a finger and shook it.

"Answer cautiously, Barnes, my friend. This is about the lives of at least one-third of the Kaldorei population."

A few minutes later, seeing the sentinel commander leaving with a gloomy face, Dick seemed a little tired. He looked up at the remaining representatives with different expressions,

"Let me just say it, the rest of you, Marshal Windsor, on the condition that I help you find the intact King Varian, I request Stormwind City to send troops to support the Northern Expedition."

"Warlor Saurfang, your son, Draenorth, Garrosh the son of Grom, Sola your brother's niece, Jolin the son of Kilrogg, and Shuazon who raised you Mother, yes, don't be so excited, my friends, they are all dead, I use this news in exchange for your support, if it is not enough, I can find a way to let you meet, this is the best I can do. "

"Finally you, Warlords of Rokhan, Darkspear are the exiles of Stranglethorn Vale, I know you want to take back your lands, but unfortunately, High Priestess Jin'do of Zul'Gurubri may not give you this chance, And I heard that they are summoning the evil god Hakkar recently, I can see it from your eyes, you have heard this name before, right?"

Dick took two quaint troll slabs from Jaina, waved them in front of Rokhan, the troll warlord, and finally turned around, saying to everyone in the hall,

"I am not omniscient, but now I need you to use your strength to support a completely just cause. Please note that this is not a request. After the fall of Lordaeron, you will be next. If what I said is right If it is not important to you, then you can choose to stand by and watch!"

Dick's voice fell to the ground, and the entire conference hall was silent until another slender voice broke the silence. It was the representative of the Goblin Consortium, Garuvitz, the superb goblin engineer with funny engineering goggles on his head Some dissatisfied stood on the chair and slapped the table,

"Hey, hey, Dick Knight, I haven't heard any information about the goblin consortium. Do you think the power of the goblins is dispensable? You're wrong! Steamwheedle, Bilgewater and even As a venture capital company, we have far more power than…”

"At least ten rare mines in the newly-built Kingdom of Lordaeron, and a quarter of the business circle of the entire Theramore territory, this is my bid!"

Dick sat back on the chair and crossed his hands on his chest. He looked at Garrowitz who stopped shouting, a smile appeared on his tired face,

"Accept the deal?"

"Fifteen mines, half of the quota!"

Garrowitz's small eyes were rounded. He dared to swear that this was definitely the biggest deal he had ever negotiated since his debut. He seemed to see a lot of money rolling towards him, but he still gritted his teeth. The price was increased. After all, the Bloodsail Pirates were about to die. Finding new sources of income and convincing several trade princes was not an easy task.

"How greedy! But, deal!"

Dick took off the ring on his finger and threw it to the goblin who was overjoyed, and then he laughed and left the conference hall with Jaina's support. He walked so gracefully, as if he had removed all the shackles and was about to win the The world is the same.

Old Fording was the second to leave. His tall and straight spine seemed to be bent. When he walked to the gate, the old knight glanced back, shook his head, and finally strode away from this place, which made him a little suffocated. hall.

The third person to leave was Princess Kalia. When she stood up, a noble from Stormwind who came with General Windsor stood up politely.

"Your Highness, regarding Prince Anduin's return to the Kingdom of Stormwind..."

"I'm in a bad mood right now, you can talk to Anduin directly about this matter."

"But Your Highness, this will affect the decency of the Storm King's royal family and..."

Princess Kalia lost her temper on a rare occasion. She interrupted the embarrassing noble with a wave of her hand. Looking at the silent old marshal, she emphasized her tone.

"I don't think it would be a good thing for Anduin to live in a country full of cowards. Keep your dignity. Our former allies, even if they are alone, Lordaeron will last until the last man falls. "

"I hope you can remember Dick's words, when Lordaeron falls, you will be next."

(There will be leveling! There will be soon, being hanged or something, it doesn’t exist~ Believe me, oh, there is another point, the protagonist is not separated from the mortal world, but from the shackles of politics, although I also I haven’t played politics~ but guessing is very dark, such a positive novel, let’s not write those who fight for power and profit, let’s devote ourselves to the great cause of saving the world!! Please vote for support! PS : I forgot to pass the current data of the protagonist, he is now in a period of turning into a butterfly, and the data will be passed tomorrow~)

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