Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 310 18. Kael'thas' Goal

What happened in Colosseum 3 quickly became something that audiences of Dire Maul would like to talk about. About the Holy Spirit weapon of the Dawn Knight and the holy fire pillar that was summoned at the end, it almost only happened in legends. , and when night fell, along with the leaving audience disappearing in twos and threes in the accommodation area outside of Dire Maul, a sneaky shadow also appeared from the Dire Maul arena, the ancient city of Eresalas. In the outer ruins, they entered the ruins through a secret door.

Dick once said that this ancient city originally belonged to the Highborne, but now most of it has been occupied by ogres. Those rude and barbaric guys established the first ogre kingdom in Azeroth here. They have Although the management model of the complete political system is a bit funny, it is this special political system that makes the Kingdom of Godok the most powerful alien force in Azeroth.

Although compared to the mainstream races, they are only equivalent to a bandit regime that occupies the land as king, but fortunately in Feralas, as long as they don't die to provoke the Feathermoon Fortress of the Kaldorei elves, the Kingdom of Godok can Walk sideways in this deep mountain and dense forest.

The sneaky figure ran into the iconic city gate of the Kingdom of Gordok, which was built with a lot of bones, and the dozing ogre guards didn't notice him at all. Rough armor, holding iron weapons with poor craftsmanship but solid weight, this shows that the Gordok ogre even mastered the skills of smelting.

Soon, the shadow came to the throne of the Kingdom of Godok. King Godok had already gone to sleep, and that rude and barbaric guy was not the one he was looking for. He knelt respectfully on the stone statue next to the throne, Silently reciting the evil prayer of the Twilight Church, not long after, a mixed gray and purple light curtain appeared in front of him.

Then a huge, at least 5-meter-high figure stepped out of it. This is also an ogre, but it differs from other ogres in that it has two heads.

Rare double-headed ogre, most of these guys are wise men in the ogre group, generally able to master magic or elemental power, this one is probably one of the strongest double-headed ogre ever, he masters chaos the power of.

"Tell me, my believer, what news have you got?"

"Say it, bastard, our time is precious!"

He opened his mouth, but there were two different voices, one violent and the other kind, but they were both full of some kind of dark force and coercion, making the believers in front of him tremble.

"Great master, according to your instructions, I watched the entire battle of the Dawn Knight. Reza died! She didn't even hurt a single hair of that knight! She failed your trust."

The believer responded loudly, which caused the ogre to laugh,

"Leza is meaningless! That's a bastard manipulated by demons!"

"Her existence is the real test for Dick! Her death means the end of her miserable life!"

The two heads spoke words that made the scalp tingle, and then the ogre's three eyes fixed on the dark believer in front of him,

"Let me see Dick's battle video!"

"If you didn't record it, you can go and accompany Reza!"

The believer immediately took out a crystal from his arms and offered it with both hands. The ogre snatched it and signaled the guy to get out.

Choogall opened the image crystal, watched the whole process of the battle between Dick and Reza, and finally crushed the crystal into powder with a laugh.

"Sure enough, he just recovered a little bit of fighting ability, no threat at all!"

"Then let him die here! Avenge Master C'Thun! Squeeze out the power of order in his body, twist, twist, and let chaos reappear!"

Cugall laughed and walked into the light curtain. The believer who had been standing beside him breathed a sigh of relief, then looked left and right, put the hood on his head, and disappeared into the darkness. When he saw the light curtain, a strange light and a smile flashed in his eyes.

It's a pity that no one noticed this fleeting strangeness in the dark.

The first day of gladiatorial combat came to an end just like that. Gavincent Scovald, the "Front of Valagar", the champion gladiator team of the slave master Rhaegar, the gladiator team of the monk Lao Chen, and suddenly Dick's team that appeared, as well as the gladiator team of the veteran Assassin's League shined brilliantly on the first day, basically securing the qualification for the rematch.

However, Lao Chen only fought once, and he announced his withdrawal from the wrestling after he got the Pandaria Pearl, and the situation on Dick's side was a bit special. Except for him, his team was full of curious girls, and in After killing Leza, Dick also planned to quit the wrestling, but Jaina and the others were eager to try, so when defending the ring, the girls went up one by one to warm up, basically fighting a group.

Anyway, it was only one game away from being promoted. This game was put on the second day, and it was still No. 3 arena. Liadrin and the werewolf girl finished the last game, which was enough for the gladiators. After the addiction, Dick announced his withdrawal from the gladiator on the spot, which made the goblin referee somewhat disappointed, but he also understood that a big man like Dick was just playing for fun, and it was impossible to really fight those gladiators to the death. of.

But just after Dick's team disbanded on the spot, an unexpected situation happened.

Is always calm Kael'thas.

The Sun King strolled to the No. 5 arena where he watched the battle yesterday. His purpose of coming was only the descendants of Syndra, so although he was very interested in the arena, he had no plans to participate in it himself, but fate The will is often not changed according to the thoughts of people trapped in fate, so after a few boring fights, something that made Kael'thas' eyes shine appeared.

It was a broken blade.

To be precise, it is the broken form of an unfinished weapon. It has a sharp and wide blade, and almost one-third of it is broken off at the front, as if it was broken in a certain battle. The golden hilt and blue Decorated with colored gemstones, green fluorescence shines back and forth on the broken blade, and in the center of the blade, there are magic patterns from ancient elves shining brightly.

Obviously, this is a weapon with a strong elf style, and most importantly, this sword brought Kael'thas an extraordinary perception, it seems to be connected by blood, and it seems to be attached to some special meaning.

He seems to have seen this weapon in the family scroll in his memory!

The Sun King shook his head, took out an image gem from his arms, injected magic power to open it, and after a while, a resolute elf in silver armor appeared on the other side of the image stone, it should be Quel'Thalas A general of , a rare elven warrior.

"Your Majesty, you should return to Sunstrider Island as soon as possible. The country is rebuilding. Your actions this time are inappropriate!"

After the video was connected, the resolute elf general began to criticize Kael'thas for "running away from home", which made the young Sun King a little depressed, but he quickly interrupted the general's narration,

"General Thalorian, we can talk about these things later. The Dawnseeker family is the oldest and oldest family in Quel'Thalas, so I need your confirmation on one thing!"

Kael'thas turned the image stone to the arena where he was fighting, and injected more magic power so that the elf general on the other side could see it more clearly. While maintaining the magic power, he said,

"Pay attention to that warrior covered in black armor, General, look at the sword in his hand! I feel that it has a special connection with the ancient holy sword Quel'Delar inherited from your family, but I don't know It's hard to recall the legend about the sword."

Hearing Kael'thas' description, Thalorian Dawnseeker, who was once the chief defense officer of the Sunwell and now the defense commander of the ancient tree Arkandor, suddenly narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the The black-armored warrior swung it around and knocked down the Broken Blade of the tauren and orc in front of him. A few minutes later, the very old general said to Kael'thas solemnly,

"Your Majesty, if this is the goal of your journey this time, then I must say, you must bring that sword back! It is very important. In fact, you are right. The blade Quel'Delar, was once the sister sword forged by the Dragon King himself, it's called Quel'Sera, the sword of the Highborne!"

As he said that, the general carefully pulled out the silver long sword he was carrying on his back and placed it in front of the image stone. It was another elf wide blade, also in the classic elf style, almost exactly the same as the broken blade. The difference is that the hilt of this sword is inlaid with silver gemstones, and the magic lines on the sword body are also fully activated.

"Quel'Delar was once the battlefield killer of King Dath'Rema, and was later given to my grandfather, the head of the king's bodyguard. According to the records of our family, another ancient holy sword - Quelse Ra, has remained in the hand of another Highborne leader, Lord Villins, so if I am not mistaken, this sword can guide us to our lost brother, the descendant of Syndra."

Hearing Salorian's description, Kael'thas narrowed his eyes, which is his habit of thinking about problems. In the end, the Sun King heaved a sigh of relief,

"Okay, General Lotharian, I will get that sword back, but I need you to secretly organize an elite team, the number does not need to be too many, but it must be elite enough, in fact, I am going out this time , is here for the descendants of Syndra, wait for my call."

"Obey, Your Majesty! Please take care of yourself, we are always waiting for your call!"

The image of General Dawn Seeker flashed in front of Kael'thas. The Sun King put away the image crystal, waved to summon the succubus maid who served him, and asked in a low voice,

"I want to participate in the gladiatorial fight, right now! I heard that the rule here is that as long as I win, I can take everything from my opponent, right?"

The maid seemed to be working hard in Kael'thas' almost permanent super-magic force field, but she still quickly replied,

"Yes, Your Majesty, in your capacity, you can be directly arranged for the next gladiatorial fight, but there is a problem, you did not register before the start of the competition, so this matter requires you to have at least one invitation letter will do."

Kael'thas frowned beautifully,

"Invitation letter? Yes, I know a guy has two, that's enough, go sign up for me, and I'll be there later."

The succubus maid immediately turned and left, while Kael'thas took out the sound transmission stone,

"Dick? I remember that you have an invitation letter in your hand? If you are not busy, come to Arena No. 5. I need the invitation letter in your hand."

"Is Your Majesty going to experience the life of a gladiator in person?"

Dick's teasing sound came from the other side, Kael'thas smiled,

"Of course, it's all here, so I naturally have to play around. Also, I may have found clues about Syndra's descendants, so you'd better hurry up."

".Wait a minute, I'll be right there!"

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