Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 312 20. The Trouble Left by Villins

The gladiatorial fight between Delaris and Kael'thas ended quickly.

In fact, the moment Kael'thas summoned the phoenix, all the audience in the arena, including him, already knew that the gladiatorial fight was over.

Although the black helmet warrior is very strong, he is still not so powerful beyond the mortal level. After defeating 14 teams, he will be tired and rest, but the strength of Kael'thas is almost indescribable. Yes, in fact, at the end of the second five seconds of Delaris' charge, he was completely knocked out by a blast of fire.

That was because Kael'thas deliberately controlled the power, otherwise just that blow would have been enough to turn Delarys' body into ashes.

When the understanding of a certain system of magic reaches the extreme depths, these mages become the most terrifying opponents in the world, such as Aegwynn, Medivh, Antonidas, and Kael'thas.

Although this is probably the shortest fight, it does not affect it being one of the most exciting fights in this year's Dire Maul Gladiator Tournament. Beautiful and noble creatures fully meet the desire of mortals for "myth", and they feel that they are experiencing a myth in person.

How can mortals challenge myths?

So Delaris' failure is reasonable, and some troubadours even made up new stories on the spot, such as the tragedy of the strongest mortal warrior falling in the myth and so on.

So at the moment when Kael'thas used the levitation technique to lead the fainted Delaris into the aisle of the arena, the cheers that shook the sky and the petals and ribbons that almost filled the sky proved that the Sun King The fatal attraction of His Majesty, whether it is his great strength, his handsome appearance, or even his noble status.

No one complained, everyone was lamenting that it was really the right time this time. The Dawn Knight and the Sun King went off to participate in the gladiatorial battle one after another. This is simply enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

But the gladiatorial fight was over, and the real trouble had just begun.

In the tent where Dick and his party were resting, Liadrin was putting her palm on Delaris' forehead, using holy light to heal his body. Originally, Dick should have done this, but we all know Well, in Dick's holy light attribute, healing only accounts for a very small part. His healing skills are not even comparable to the healing skills of a junior priest.

The others were sitting next to them, almost frowning at Delaris lying on the bed. Without him, after removing the armor of the descendant of Syndra, his physical condition would definitely not make people happy.

The whole body of this elf is extremely skinny, like skin and bones, even the face is like this, which looks extremely terrifying, which is probably why he wears full-coverage armor, and the skin on his skin , and some complicated magic patterns, except for Kael'thas and Jaina, almost no one can understand what those magic patterns mean.

"His physical condition is not very bad!"

Liadrin withdrew her hand, took the towel handed by Dick and wiped the sweat off her face, and continued, "It's hard to imagine that this elf can persist for so long. Although he looks terrible, he is healthy. Even healthier than the Quel'dorei who just left the Sunwell."

Kael'thas frowned,

"That's what he looks like"

"It's magic addiction, Your Majesty!"

Liadrin's face became much more serious, "There are still traces of the last attack of magic addiction on him, it is unbelievable that he just absorbed a trace of magic power, and then used his own will to suppress the hunger and thirst. Suppressed, but I guess few of Syndra's descendants are as strong-willed as he is, so it looks like they're doing pretty bad overall."

"And there's bad news, the magic power in his body still has the shadow of evil energy, so...they probably made some very dangerous moves in order to survive."

Kael'thas nodded. To be honest, he had already considered the issue of magic addiction when he heard about the descendants of Syndra. As both the Highborne, the sin'dorei happened under the influence of the Sunwell anyway. Some signs of evolution, now there is a milder Arkando, and there is no need to worry about magic addiction, but the descendants of Syndra have nothing. In fact, when Kael'thas came into contact with Delaris, this powerful The mage felt a strange magic in his body.

It seems that the descendants of Syndra have a much worse life than they imagined.

"Ahem, I originally planned to tell you on the day of the action, but now it seems that it is time."

Dick was sitting on the side, playing with the broken blade in his hand. He recognized the sword at first glance, Quel Sela, the symbol of all high-end defensive fighters in a period of time, the real sword of the highborne , purple quality, trustworthy.

Of course, it had been broken over the ages, but Dick believed that the polymaths of Syndra had a way of reforging it.

Kael'thas turned his gaze to Dick, who pointed to Delaris lying on the bed, and whispered,

"Sindra 7,000 years ago, the leader who agreed to travel eastward with the former king of Dath'Remar died. There is no doubt about it. I can even tell you where he died, but that doesn't make sense. The man named Villins The son of the chieftain, Prince Torsedrin, took control of the entire Eresalas after he disappeared. This prince can be regarded as a man of great talent, but unfortunately the situation faced by the descendants of Syndra is too bad. They were imprisoned In this ancient city, and they don't trust anyone."

Dick made a helpless gesture, "The night elves can't be blamed for this incident. The Syndras have sealed off this city by themselves. There used to be enough magic nodes here to allow them to survive with plenty of magic power. Come down, but these magic power nodes are not eternal, when most of the nodes are extinguished, the magic addiction controls them!"

"What the hell is this addiction?"

Darth, who had just finished a gladiatorial fight, was shirtless and joined the discussion while enjoying the aftertaste of the battle.

Facing his question, Kael'thas threw him an image crystal, and said without turning his head, "Magic Addiction is a demon deeply implanted in the blood of all high elves, it makes us have a superhuman understanding of magic power." Ordinary greed, in fact, in the ruins of the now-destroyed Isle of Quel'Danas, there are a small number of mana addicts, and no one can save them."

Das and Demi clicked on the image crystal curiously, and were immediately attracted by the tragic picture in it. Without their interruption, Kael'thas looked at Dick and continued to ask,

"I know that Syndra has a tradition of absorbing magic power from other creatures, but at least in the era of King Dath'Remar, they were still very restrained, but from your words, I can guess that they finally used the last Bad way to replenish mana, right?"

"Yes, they were driven mad by the hunger and thirst coming from their bodies, so Torsedrin made a crazy plan."

Dick looked at Delaris and said softly, "They tried many times before they succeeded in summoning a void demon named Immotar, a very powerful one, that guy destroyed the whole of Egypt. The outer city of Resasla forced Syndra's descendants to hide in the inner city, they imprisoned it and extracted its magic power to satisfy their magic addiction."

The paladin paused and concluded with an idiom,

"It's simply drinking poison to quench thirst."

After hearing the complete story, Kael'thas also fell silent. In this way, he would never even think about it. Even when the sin'dorei elves were at their worst, they never had such a crazy idea. Syndra My elves, what kind of life have you lived in these 7,000 years?

"Uh, this is me."

When everyone was silent about the tragedy of the Syndra Elf, Delaris lying on the bed coughed hard and woke up. He opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was this gorgeous The roof of the tent, then he turned his head and saw Dick who was playing with Quel'Sala, looking at him curiously, and the Sunstrider who defeated him, and several beautiful women of different races, and finally a Bulky and savage warriors and a swordsman in light green armor.

Delaris' first reaction was defense and vigilance, but his body was too exhausted, and Kael'thas' flame impact put his body under a lot of pressure, so just jumped up from putting on, Syndra's The soldier let out a cry of pain and fell on the bed again.

"Don't be so impulsive, descendants of Syndra, you have also seen that we have no malice towards you."

Dick spread his hands to show his position, but Delaris sat cross-legged on the bed in silence, his skinny face, like a skinny skeleton, looked extremely horrifying.

He was silent, as if silence was his language, obviously, this silence was an answer to Dick and Kael'thas, he didn't believe them.

The paladin and the Sun King looked at each other, and finally the paladin spoke again,

"Descendants of Syndra, we are here for your compatriots. To be precise, we are here for the knowledge you protect, so trust and distrust are put aside. In fact, even if you don't speak, I can Find Syndra's hiding place, every month when the first quarter moon is at its fullest, the inner city of Eresalas hides the crescent gate behind the ancient archer sculpture, and the gate of starlight requires a crescent key to open, right?"

This extremely secretive message made Delaris froze for a moment, then bared his teeth at Dick, and opened his mouth for the first time,

"Who are you? Human, why do you know this!"

"It seems I was right."

Dick glanced at Kael'thas with a smile, then patted him on the shoulder, and continued to Delaris,

"It doesn't matter who I am, he, the Sun King of the Sunstrider, has the ability to help you solve the problem of magic addiction, and he is also willing to renew the covenant 7,000 years ago. As he said, you should be brothers of."

This news is like a heavy hammer swept across Delaris' head, to solve the magic addiction? Azshara, is this true?

Can this problem that has plagued the entire Syndra society for thousands of years really be solved?

Looking at Delarys' confused eyes, Kael'thas also said softly,

"If you don't believe me, I can take you to Quel'Thalas. Thanks to the help of Knight Dick, we have found the most suitable way to alleviate or even completely clear the addiction. It’s not as good as what you saw with your own eyes, how about it? Come with me!”

"It's not useless."

Delaris took a deep look at Kael'thas, frankly speaking, after this series of events, he already believed in Kael'thas' words, but he was not as optimistic as Dick and Kael'thas, His voice was hoarse, but he still spoke out about Syndra's current problem.

"Even if I believe it, even if I take you into the inner city of Eresalas, the polymaths still won't believe you, Lord Villins, that was our leader 7000 years ago, a powerful Arcanist, his mysterious disappearance has been endowed with a very special meaning. Scholars agree that it is Kaldorei, and even some conspiracy theorists have not ruled out Quel'dorei and Lord Dath'Remar. .”

Kael'thas' eyes became cold at a speed visible to the naked eye. He might be able to tolerate them criticizing him, but for the former King Dath'Remar who created the Phoenix Dynasty of Quel'Thalas, that is not allowed to be arbitrarily abused by foreigners. insulting.

Fortunately, Dick interrupted Delaris' narration in time. These scholars are straight-hearted and do not understand the art of speaking at all. He looked at Delaris and said word by word,

"Don't keep these ridiculous speculations. Villins has never disappeared. He died! He died in the ruins of black mist less than 300 miles away from Elesalas. This is the same as Quel'dorei It has nothing to do with sin'dorei, go look there, warrior, and you will find that your 7,000-year disaster is like a joke!"

(About the issue that the Syndra Elf made an appointment to go with Dath'Rema back then, and finally broke the contract, it is really hard to guess the reason, but there is a succubus version of "Succubus" in the ruins of the black mist in Feralas The story of "A Chinese Ghost Story" revealed a corner of the truth for us. Frankly speaking, I still don't know who "Villins" is, but judging from his tone of voice, he should be a big man, so here Let’s set it as the leader of Syndra back then. The reason why they didn’t go with them was because the demons took advantage of it. It’s an imaginative plot. Only Blizzard knows the real reason. However, the cataclysm is in The shoddy plot of Feralas, the inexplicable return of the Elf Syndra to the Dark Night Society, but kept this secret in time forever, what a pity.)

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