Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 317 22. Syndra's Loremaster

The Mystery Hall, as Delaris calls it, actually covers an area far larger than that of a single hall. It is like the projection of the double-storey palace above, which is astonishingly vast.

As a basement, its light is not dim. In fact, this hall is probably the only building in the ancient city of Elesalas that has been destroyed by two-thirds, and still maintains the style of the Highborne. , everything here is estimated to have a history of more than 10,000 years. If the old dwarf Brian was placed here, he would probably jump up happily.

This place might be heaven for archaeologists, but Dick felt that it was as cold as a tomb.

For thousands of years, Syndra, and even the most intelligent and knowledgeable people in the entire world, have closed themselves in this basement, watching their compatriots die painfully one by one in the magic power containing magic energy.

It's hard to imagine that this is a decision made by intelligent creatures, but everyone including Delaris, a rare fighter, thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

"Here is the only meaning of Syndra's existence."

Syndra's warriors led the way ahead, and the surrounding arcane deformities responsible for guarding the magic lighthouse turned a blind eye to him. Probably because of the crescent key, Kael'thas and others followed behind Delaris in silence , after witnessing the hell-like scene just now, no one wants to speak at this time.

There was a trace of grief and firmness in Delaris' voice. He probably noticed Dick's increasingly cold face, so he explained,

"When every Syndra elf is born, the first thing we learn is to organize books. In the peaceful years, every Syndra elf's life is a journey to find new knowledge Even though when I left, the situation was unbearably bad, but not a single elf went to destroy it, because this is not only the last magic node of Syndra, but also our library .”

Delaris proudly pointed to a stone gate not far ahead,

"There, right there, from the time of the birth of the night elves until now, all the knowledge is stored there, and there is Syndra's proudest treasure house, the most magnificent library in Azeroth."

Kael'thas also explained to the others in a low voice,

"Even in the Elven Empire back then, the Syndra elves were very mysterious. They kept secrets and classics for Queen Azshara, and they were called the "hidden ones", but Syndra was the real "eruditionist" "The clan, more than nine-tenths of the polymaths of the Elven Empire back then came from Eresasla. Even during the craziest period of the War of the Ancients, both sides tacitly avoided Ere Salas, it is said that the demons are coveting the forbidden knowledge in this city, but I have seen it from the family secret volume, it is because Syndra at that time mastered a special spell that can Dispel demons...but that's just a legend after all."

"But one thing is certain."

Dick breathed a sigh of relief, and when Delaris was about to open the door, he joined Kael'thas' discussion. He pointed to the hall behind everyone surrounded by a light curtain,

"Syndra has indeed mastered the unknown secret technique and can explore the secrets of some demons. Behind the light curtain is a rare void mana beast lord, which is a rare demon in the Burning Legion, but Found by these Syndras, their mastery of forbidden knowledge is far beyond our imagination."


Delaris gently pushed open the beautiful carved wooden door in front of him, and suddenly, a scent of ink from books entered the nostrils of everyone. Kael'thas and Dick walked into the hall first, and then Staying in place, everyone who walked into the library from the hall froze there.

Only Delaris, the steadfast warrior, had a proud expression on his face at this time. He glanced at the familiar scene with nostalgic eyes, and all he could see were books.

In the exquisite design divided into three floors, all kinds of books occupy almost every place in the three-story area. Everyone is on the second floor, and there is a spiral downward staircase below. There is also a The library is a third of the size of the hall, and above everyone's heads, there is another layer of storage for books.

Thousands of exquisite wooden shelves are filled with tomes made of animal skins, leaves, and paper. They are sorted by age and placed in their proper places. Dick feels as if he is overwhelmed by books. Same, that feeling is far worse than those libraries in the previous life.

No, those places in memory are far less majestic than the place in front of me. The cane in Jaina's hand fell to the ground because of shock, and the rude dragon man Darth was also shocked by the power of knowledge at this moment. Feeling at a loss, he can be sure that even if only one-tenth of the books here are pressed on him, it is enough to crush him into powder.

Too much!

There are also items of great commemorative significance, such as the first fallen leaf of the world tree Nordrassil, the first bust of Azshara, the first star track made by the elves, and the oracle sent down by Elune The old laurel tree, the skull of the demon lord who died during the War of the Ancients, Kael'thas even saw the portrait of his ancestor, His Majesty Dath'Remar hanging in a corner.

Time is frozen and chaotic in this place, and it doesn't give people the feeling of chaos at all.

Walking here, Dick and the others could not help but slow down their breathing, as if they were worried about disturbing the tranquility here. Demeter and Das walked around the bookshelves, and they were marking "The War of the Ancients" In that part of the world, a scroll of special leather was found, signed to their great queen Ysera.

It was a precious antiquity donated by the Green Dragon Queen to the Syndra elf, but it was placed in the middle of the two books like the most common book. Das felt that this was the disrespect of the Syndra elves for the dragons. When his hand was about to reach for the scroll, a sliver of lightning struck his hand, making the rude dragonman take a step back.

Then they saw a white-haired old elf in a white robe and leaning on a wooden stick appearing beside them angrily.

"Who are you? Dragon people and green dragons, you have no manners! Who allowed you to break into the library! Get out! Immediately! Immediately!"

Dick, who heard the voice, hurried over, accompanied by Delaris. When he saw the white-haired old elf, Syndra's warrior shouted,

"Uncle Ledros, take it easy! It's me, Delaris! I'm back!"

The sound made the old elf, who was about to release a special spell, turn his head suddenly. When he saw Delaris standing behind Dick, he walked over angrily.

"Didn't I tell you to leave here! Why did you come back! You are the heir to the holy sword, you shouldn't come back here! Syndra has no hope, go away! Before Torsedrin finds you, Go away! Leave here forever, and don't come back!"

Delaris seemed to respect the old elf very much. After waiting for the old elf to finish speaking, he pointed to Prince Kael'thas and replied in a low voice,

"Uncle Ledros, I see the hope of Syndra, this is the descendant of Lord Darth Remar who made a covenant with Lord Villins, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Quel'Thalas The Sun King of the elves, they have found a cure for their addiction!"

"What? Cure the addiction?"

The old elf stared at the smiling Kael'thas with his beard blowing, showing the disgusted look he had when he met a liar, he shook his head, "No, Delaris, my nephew, isn't magic addiction What can be cured, that is what we have to bear... Curse and redemption, when we followed Queen Azshara to open the portal, we were destined to bear all this..."

"Uncle, they found Akando! It is the story you often told me when I was a child, the tree of miracles, Akando who can perfectly reconcile magic power!"

Delaris grabbed Ledros's arm and said with some excitement, "I saw it with my own eyes and felt its magic power. It is very peaceful, unexpectedly peaceful! That's true, uncle, I didn't lie you!"

"Acando...Acando, my God, it's impossible!"

The polymath of the white-haired elf was also a little surprised when he saw Delaris' excitement. He turned around twice with his cane, and then lightly tapped the stick on the ground. A few seconds later, another man in white The old mage in the robe stepped over the portal and appeared beside him,

"Ledros, didn't I tell you not to disturb me? Immotar's restriction is getting more and more chaotic, and I have to re-seal the monster before it escapes...Wait, who are you?"

The old mage who just appeared has gray hair and looks like a polymath. He babbled a lot before he noticed the stranger around him. Before he could finish asking, the old mage interrupted off him,

"Esturan, old man, my nephew, the sword bearer Delaris of Quel Sela, brought back news about Arkandor, and the descendants of Dath'Remar, of course I don't believe them , the matter of Wellings... Hey, you are the most researched in this area, so let's talk about it."

The three words Akando stunned the polymath who just came over, and then he sneered,

"This is impossible! When Queen Azshara planted Arkando, I recorded all of this. The magic node of Suramar City made the five miracle trees thrive, but all Arkando Having been destroyed in the explosion of the Well of Eternity, it is clear that your nephew was duped, Ledros."

The air froze, and then Dick said,

"Your record is obviously wrong, polymath, Suramar has not been destroyed, it is just hidden in an inaccessible place, Prince Kael'thas found the last tree in the ruins of Luna outside Suramar City The seed of Akandor, and then planted it with the magic node of Quel'Thalas, you are saved, provided that you can leave this cold tomb alive!"

This remark stunned the two polymaths, and the polymath named Estulan pulled his hair vigorously,

"Suramar wasn't destroyed? If that's the's possible...wait a minute, you said he planted Arkando with only mana nodes? Have you invited druids to see it?"

Estulan saw Kael'thas shook his head, and the old mage rushed forward like a soldier and grabbed the collar of Kael'thas who was caught off guard, shouting,

"You madman! You don't understand Akando's habits at all. That thing must cooperate with the Druid's special spells to enter the growth stage safely. The more magic power it supplies, the more it will become more and more unbalanced. When it enters the growth stage Sometimes that tree will become a giant magic bomb that will eventually destroy everything around it! Tell me if it's silver blue in color! It's fluorescent! There's a faint light in the night, tell me! Yes or no!"

Kael'thas was subconsciously about to break free from Estulan's shackles, but after hearing the polymath's words, the Sun King broke out in a cold sweat, and he replied hoarsely,

"No, it's not silver blue, it's ice blue, and it doesn't glow at night, but those leaves do."

"That's okay...that's still helpful."

After Estulan heard Kael'thas' answer, he breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the Sun King, then frowned and waved his hand,

"Immediately stop the supply of Akando's magic power and stop those magic power nodes. The arch druid must cast spells in person. It is best to be a druid who has experienced the battle of the ancients. They all know something about the ancient druids. nature-harmonized spells, damn it! you lucky bastards, and reckless ones, you almost ruined your only hope, but it's not too late, and if there's akando, who would drink those moonwell waters .”

Kael'thas glanced at Dick, he was also a little confused by the news, he was saving the knight's opinion, and Dick was digging through the broken and incomplete information in his mind, and finally found regretfully that he had indeed forgotten With this fatal point, if Estulan hadn't reminded him here, I'm afraid that after a while, Sunstrider Island would really be blown up.

So when Kael'thas asked for advice, the paladin hesitated for a moment, but nodded, the Sun King grabbed the sound transmission stone and walked to the side, while Delaris took advantage of the two polymaths' exchange, whispered Asked,

"Uncle Ledros, and Master Esturan, about Prince Torsedrin and Immotar..."

Esturin turned to stare at him, and Ledros said bitterly,

"There was no hope in the past, but now I see hope. Who will go crazy with Torsedrin? We will immediately convene a meeting of polymaths to renegotiate Syndra's future, although the suspicion of these Quel'dorei has not been eliminated. , but for Acandor's sake, I think most polymaths will make the right judgment."

"And Syndra can't perish, look at these precious books! Torsedrin's weight is not one ten thousandth of them, this is the real Syndra's wealth! Torsedrin is now on his throne In the hall, take your new friend to subdue him. Let’s talk about the rest slowly. By the way, be careful, something seems to have changed under Torsedrin’s body... His breath, Over the course of the year it has gotten worse."

Delaris nodded, but just as he was about to leave, he remembered another thing,

"By the way, Uncle, Master, I... I found the trace of Lord Villins who disappeared back then, but unfortunately, the disappearance of Lord Vilinth has nothing to do with the night elves or Quel'dorei. We wronged them , It’s the work of the devil! We have been deceived for nearly 7,000 years!”

"What did you say?"

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