Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 351 10. Divide the troops · Qinglong Temple--Add more changes for the Brothers of Frostfang

Jade Forest, Podong Village, this is the nearest settlement after Dick and his party landed, except for Shuiyue Manor. That manor seems to be a place where wealthy businessmen live. He rushed to Podong Village at a fast speed.

At this moment, Old Chen was talking eagerly with the village head of Podong Village. Although the Wandering Isle and Pandaria had not been in touch for hundreds of years, fortunately, the language of the two sides had not changed much. Old Chen and the enthusiastic panda The communication went smoothly, and when he asked about Anduin and Lili's news, the old village head gave a quick answer.

"What did you say? There are 4 people?"

"That's right! There are four, a pandaren child, and a foreigner like them!"

The village chief, who was wearing an elegant silk robe, waved his fan, pointed to Dick and his party who were staying beside him, and then pointed to Valeera who was manicuring her nails with a dagger.

"There are two other people who look very similar to this alien, but their ears are longer than hers, but that man seems to be injured, and his skin is like a flame. He is really a strange alien. I've seen them before, but now they appear in groups, by the way, old brother, where are you from? Why haven't I seen you?"

After getting the news about Lili, Old Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried for almost a week, but facing the old village chief who had obviously become suspicious, Old Chen didn't know how to answer. At this time, Dick Take a step forward and speak in a pandaren language that is not standard but definitely understandable,

"Ah, he is from the Valley of the Four Winds, and he came to the Jade Forest to receive us. We were summoned by the Four Holy Spirits. By the way, Old Chen, Master Zhu Taran and Master Xueliu are also old friends. You should have seen it, he But a powerful monk, by the way, Mr. Village Chief, do you know where Master Zhu took those children?"

Faced with Dick's inquiry, the pandaren village head was obviously hesitant. It seemed that this news could not be revealed casually. Dick narrowed his eyes and said,

"Actually, we have met Mr. Zhou Zhuo once, and I also know that the apple foam beer in Podong Village is the best in Pandaria!"

This sentence made the old pandaren proud immediately, the fan in his hand shook even faster,

"Okay, outsider, if you have vision, the apple foam beer in Podong Village is of course the best. You also know Mr. Zhou Zhuo, so it should be fine. I heard, um, just heard that they It seems that I went to that ghost place in the Krasarang Forest, but it is said that I just went to have a look, and I will go back to the Shado-Pan Monastery soon, if you make an appointment with them, you can wait for them in the middle of the mountain."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Village Chief began to recommend the Apple Foam Beer of Podong Village to everyone. Everyone couldn’t resist, so they drank a large glass of it alone. Old Chen came forward and arranged General Taylor’s seriously injured soldiers in the village. For this, Dick had to pay a large sum of money and bought enough cider for him to drink forever, so he was able to hire a guide with a lot of money in the warm welcome of the village chief and villagers. , and then embarked on the road to Qinglong Temple.

Fortunately, the currency of the Pandaren here is also a hard currency like gold, otherwise it would really end badly.

After turning a big corner, Dick gathered everyone together. The troll warriors stood in a circle very consciously, and the pandaren guides also stayed outside with great interest, facing the crowd with doubts, surprises, or surprises. With a calm gaze, Dick coughed lightly,

"I know what you want to ask, but this is a secret, and there are more important things now, I decided to divide my troops and move forward!"

"Old Chen, you take Valeira and Bearskin to Krasarang Forest, Gavincent's power will be limited there, Elder Goraya, I need to borrow some soldiers from you to go with them!"

The old troll didn't object, he waved his hand, and six sturdy troll warriors stood behind Lao Chen and the others, and the paladin's eyes swept over the faces of the three of them and the troll warriors, looking serious. say,

"Thinking about the things we encountered on the beach, I don't know whether it was because of our arrival that the seal of the Sha was activated, or for other reasons, but what I want to tell you is that there is a seal in Krasarang Wilds Shamo's body, if you don't want Anduin and Lili to have an accident there, you'd better go there quickly! Also, remember, emotions!"

Dick pointed to the ground under his feet,

"In this land, emotions are your worst enemy!"

Old Chen nodded, his eyes were full of determination, but Valeira asked,

"But against a monster like that... what do we do?"

Dick closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then turned his head to the silent druid bearskin,

"In the gladiatorial fight against Gavincent, the spell you used should be able to protect you from being possessed by the sha. If you find Anduin and Lili, take them to the Red Crane Temple. It can restrain the power of Sha Demon."

Bearskin was very silent, maybe silence was his language, he nodded, and not long after, a group of people rode griffins and combat bats, and under the guidance of the guide, flew towards Krasarang Forest.

After the group left, the paladin turned his head to the silent old troll,

"Elder Goraya, I believe that you are also in a hurry to meet Mr. Jax, so I won't stop you, but I hope that I can find your messenger left in the middle of the mountain. Since we cooperated in the Battle of Quicksand I just said it once, I know where the power you and your dark prophet are looking for is, and I hope we can continue to cooperate happily."

The old troll opened his mouth, put his hand on his forehead, and then let go, which meant that he agreed to Dick's conditions. In fact, Golaya didn't intend to fall out with Dick here. On the one hand, it was not worthwhile. On the other hand, the spirit binder has seen the magic of Dick, and he believes what Dick said, as well as his secrets, which are already worth his risk.

"Das, you and Demi went to the Valley of the Four Winds with Elder Goraya, and then waited for me in the middle of the mountain. Believe me, you will like that place. It is the most delicious place in the whole of Azeroth."

The dragon man and the green dragon didn't object. In fact, these two very curious guys came to the New World, and they couldn't wait any longer. Anyway, Anduin and Lili had news, so there was no need to worry anymore.

Finally, the Paladin set his sights on the Vrykul,

"Gavincent, are you going to meet the Azure Dragon with me, or go to the middle of the mountain with Darth and the others?"

A rough smile appeared on Gavincent's face. He patted Darth on the shoulder and bared the rude dragonman's teeth. The two guys got along very well along the way, probably because of their personalities. But the Vrykul was not stupid, he knew that the reason why Dick kept him on purpose was to monitor the troll's actions for him, and only he had the strength to make the mysterious Goraya stalk him.

So while leaving with the trolls, the moment Gavincent passed Dick, he whispered,

"You owe me one, paladin! Fight me sometime! You'll be a good opponent."

Dick shrugged.

"Don't worry, Zandalar's God of War Jax is also a good opponent, beware of his Horridon overpowering you."

The Vrykul's eyes lit up, and he followed the trolls while grinding his teeth.

When the spot was empty, Dick breathed a sigh of relief, and the golden light spirit Anveena jumped out from his shoulders, stood beside Dick's ear with her hips crossed, and asked loudly,

"Idiot, what are you going to do after taking them all away?"

Dick subconsciously replied,

"For you."

As a result, the next moment, a piercing pain rose from his ears, making Dick almost jump up,

"It hurts! Let go of my ears, okay! I'm going to take you to see your brothers and sisters, this is what I promised you!"


When Anwena heard this, she pulled again subconsciously. Her strength was not weaker than Dick's at all, which really made Dick jump up, but she immediately realized the situation and let go quickly. Then he leaned on Dick's ear and asked softly,

"Really? Do people really have brothers and sisters? My mother didn't tell me. I thought you were just lying to me."

"how come?"

Dick rubbed his red ears, and while summoning the star, slowly floating up into the sky, he explained to the curious Anveena,

"There are four holy spirits in Pandaria, Qinglong Yulong, White Tiger Xuen, Red Crane Chijing, and Xuanniu Niuzao. The locals call them the Four Gods and endow them with various meanings. Yulong represents wisdom, Xuen represents strength, and Red Essence represents hope, and Niuzao represents perseverance. They are also the first batch of living beings in Azeroth, and like you, the essence of the Holy Spirit is the life conceived directly from the Well of Eternity. They are powerful, but not omnipotent. cannot."

The paladin looked at the Qinglong Temple that was getting closer, and Anveena lay on Dick's shoulder in a daze. As Dick said, she felt the closeness from blood, and Dick felt Anveena's uneasiness. Continue in the wind full of sweet floral fragrance,

"Among the four holy spirits or the four heavenly gods, Xuen is the most powerful, suppressing anger and madness with his own power, Niuzao suppresses hatred and at the same time resists the invasion of the mantid, Qinglong suppresses suspicion, and red crane suppresses However, even the weakest Crimson Crane and Qinglong are in the middle of the demigods of Azeroth. Xuen and Niuzao are the best among them. Unfortunately, they have a mission and cannot leave This land, so there are no legends about them, but don't worry, my Anwena, Yulong is the most tempered of the four gods, she will like you."

Lady Anwena took a deep breath. Even though she didn't need air to survive, it was her way of soothing her mood. Under Dick's comfort, a stiff smile appeared on her delicate face. But soon, An Weena realized another problem,

"Stupid, if the Four Heavenly Gods were born here, wouldn't that mean..."

"Yes, Pandaria, if I'm not wrong, there should be a little remnant of the Well of Eternity here, and this should be the wound that Lord Elune mentioned... This is also the reason why I came here in person this time, as long as I can Heal this wound that keeps bleeding the whole of Azeroth, and Lord Elune will recover soon."

Dick couldn't help but look towards the west. There was the ancient city of Splendid Blossoms, which had been covered in dust for hundreds of thousands of years. It was also the place where the heart of Y'Shaarj was placed. How could an ordinary well suppress the will of the ancient gods? There is only one possibility, the Titans are using the entire planet to suppress the recovery of the ancient god, maybe because of haste, or maybe because of Raiden's negligence.

In short, that temporary wound has been preserved until now, but that is not the most important thing now.

The Paladin manipulated the Pegasus to descend from the sky and landed on the main entrance of Qinglong Temple. This temple is only open on weekdays for prayers. There is a great Qinglong enshrined here, so there is nothing special. Pandas will not disturb Qinglong Of rest, there is no one here.

Dick took Xing Xiao into the reins, straightened his clothes, and was about to knock on the door, but the heavy mahogany door burst open at this moment.

A female pandaren wearing a cyan silk sacrificial robe and a cyan hosta on her head stood inside the gate leading solemn monks. She looked at Dick and Anveena on his shoulders,

"Please come in, respected guests, Lord Yulong is waiting for you!"

(The well about the heart of Sha is the starry well in front of the Mogu'shan Palace. In the CG, Shaoxia Hou got the heart of Sha out of that well, so I really don't think that It’s an ordinary well, so there’s this brain hole here...don’t hit me~ it’s just a brain hole~)

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