Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 363 22. Looking for Layden's Footsteps

On this day, the residents of Kun-Lai Mountains all saw a wonderful scene. First, in the southeast, in the direction of Bin'an Village, there was a golden streamer shining. Not many people saw this scene, but then, the flying in the sky that day Gold pops, the golden flame that ignites most of the sky, and the golden beam of light, the silver beam of light, and the shooting star falling from the sky.

Everything is rendered like a dream and a myth.

Some old pandaren even said that it was the scene of the god appearing in the secular world in real form, so many young and impulsive pandaren ran in that direction, and some people rode their goats, but when they approached that Before reaching the place, they were stopped by the sudden appearance of Shado-Pan monks.

These indifferent monks had only one sentence to and fro.

"Danger ahead, no passage!"

The status of the Shado-Pan in Pandaria is not comparable to that of soldiers in the civilized world, so although everyone is curious, no one dares to rush in, and as the number of Shado-Pan monks in this place is increasing, the onlookers The panda people also felt that something was wrong, so they dispersed one after another.

However, the appearance of the mysterious Shado-Pan monk like the protagonist of the story added a touch of mystery to the story, so amidst the false rumors of the people, soon, the story about "stars falling from the sky, great changes are coming" The story spread throughout Kun-Lai Mountains, and then spread to the Emerald Forest and the Valley of the Four Winds soon after being passed down by the eloquent land spirit merchants, so a mysterious prophecy appeared.

There are traces of the four gods in this prophecy, as well as evil and other dramas, but they are not wrong in one point. A big change is indeed coming, but it has little to do with this battle.

Silver falling stars fell from the sky, and the scorching brilliance sprinkled the ground with justice. When the trembling sound resounded through the sky and the earth, when a cross star that shook people's hearts was lit up, the soil and grass roots in the sky were blowing in all directions. After going out, the ground was uplifted by this impact. In fact, when the bell resounding through heaven and earth slowly stopped, Zhu Taran and Lao Chen had already turned into a hiding place like a hillside.

Looking at the impact dents in front of them like meteors falling to the ground, everyone was speechless. This scene was simply a disaster worse than everyone imagined, and the most surprising thing was that the circles of dents At the very center, a man holding a warhammer was standing there. In front of him was Gavincent who had returned to his normal shape.

Anveena sat on Dick's shoulder, holding her ears and screaming for pain. This stupid girl didn't choose the right angle when she fell, and she smashed her ears forcibly. However, with her elemental physique, it didn't take much It can be recovered in minutes, and the reason why I howl here is purely out of the mentality of a child to play.

Dick was really injured, but it wasn't serious. His arms were trembling slightly, and his internal organs were also scarred due to the vibration. However, under the influence of MAX's holy energy, it only took ten minutes to recover. As before, although the healing power of his Holy Light is low, the quantity more than makes up for the lack of quality.

The surface of the crystal hammer of the Fire of Justice was stained with a trace of golden blood, and Gavincent's forehead lying on the ground had been smashed to pieces. Judging by the way he was lying on the ground, more than half of the bones in his body must have been shattered. Well, if it was an ordinary person, this blow would have killed him long ago.

It's a pity that Gavincent is not an ordinary person, and the power given by Odin is not so easy to defeat. Dick's power of order is at most equal to the special power in Gavincent's body, and it can't reach the lethal effect. , just borrowed the light of the Sha of Wrath.

But no matter what, no one can fault today's battle. It was Dick who fought Gavincent in an upright manner and won. Of course, only Dick knew how lucky this victory was. If Gavincent hadn't been dazzled by anger at the last moment, Dick would never have won so easily if he still had a sliver of fighting wisdom.

It's actually not easy.

Lili jumped to Dick's side, and just wanted to probe Gavincent's current situation, when Dick covered his eyes and turned around,

"Good boy, don't look at it."

At this moment, the vrykul's body was reorganizing, let alone a child, even monks like Lao Chen and Zhu Taran would feel their scalps go numb after seeing that scene.

"The problem is solved, let's go to the White Tiger Temple."

Dick turned his head and looked at Zhu Taran. The latter immediately took a step back. This was a completely subconscious reaction, but it made Dick and Old Chen stunned, and even Zhu Taran was stunned. Think about it , probably because Dick's blow just now was too fierce, which made the monk have some bad associations.

The paladin couldn't help but laugh, and Lao Chen also laughed. This guy's injury is still not healed, and one arm is still hanging in front of his chest. He patted Zhu Taran's shoulder optimistically,

"Master Zhu, don't be afraid. Under normal conditions, Dick is not your opponent at all. He can't even beat me, but if you accidentally get sha energy...then you have to pray that you don't meet Dick. The guy is the nemesis of all evil things, the absolute nemesis."

Zhu Taran smiled a little embarrassedly, then turned his head to look around, and waved in a certain direction. A few seconds later, a shadow shattered around everyone, and a "slender" female pandaren appeared in Zhu Taran's eyes. Beside Taran, this touch made Valela's eyes widen.

This is clearly the stealth of a high-level assassin. She really didn't expect that, she originally thought that there were only monks in Pandaria, but she didn't expect that there was an assassin's inheritance here.

In fact, this is also Valeira's cognition error, not only in Pandaria, in fact, in the Wandering Isle, all the inheritances except the Warlock are complete, but the number is small, Lao Chen said more than once However, not everyone is suitable to become a monk. In the land of Pandaria, there are many monks, but it does not mean that there are no other professions.

"This is Tao Shi, the best assassin master of our Shado-Pan faction, a veteran who has been stationed on the Great Wall for 10 years. She has slashed countless mantids with her hands, and she is also good at stealth and search!"

Zhu Taran said to Di Ke, "She is the host of the search for Kun-Lai Mountain this time. I will soon return to the Shado-Pan Temple to find the culprit of the Red Crane Temple tragedy. In the future, she will be directly responsible to you for the search operations in Kun-Lai Mountain. Di Mr. Ke, although you may not want to listen, I have to remind you that the mogu warlords are masters of shadow magic and traps, so you must be careful!"

Dick nodded with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Zhu Taran,

"Because of the situation, otherwise I would not have made such a request. I hope you will forgive me! I wish the master."

Pandaren are not used to shaking hands, but Zhu Taran also knew the meaning of this gesture. He stretched out his hand, and his furry paws were held together with Dick's. A voice only audible says,

"I just want to see what you promised..."

Dick smiled at each other, and the meaning was obvious, don't worry, I will do it!

After a brief farewell, Zhu Taran waved to everyone for the last time, and then took the pandaren of the Shado-Pan faction, rode on cranes or flying dragons, and flew away towards the northwest of Kun-Lai Mountains. Only then did Dick have time to notice Tao Shi, this somewhat unusual pandaren girl.

She was wearing the standard leather armor of the construction school, and she was wearing the same black and red hat as Zhu Taran, which covered most of her face. Her long black hair was blown into a long ponytail behind her, and she wore red wrist guards on her hands. There are two daggers that are not the same as Azeroth's daggers. Lili told him in a low voice that they are called hand stabs, also known as Emei thorns. They are special weapons for high-level assassins. Once stabbed, the wound will It is extremely difficult to heal.

Unlike other pandaren who are always jovial or boisterous like Lili, she stands one or two steps away from the crowd, looking a little alienated. Her face is pure white, with a fine mane , looks very cute, but the eyes under the bamboo hat are a little cold, and the whole body exudes the smell of an ascetic monk.

And compared to the fat figures of other pandaren girls, Tao Ya is much slimmer, probably because she needs to keep light as an assassin. Although she doesn't look as thrilling as Valeira's thin body, she is relatively slender. Very well-proportioned.

Tao Shi immediately noticed Dick's gaze, and this kind of scrutiny made her a little uncomfortable. Tao Shi was used to accepting and executing orders after years of military service, and she was a little worse in dealing with people. Her indifferent voice came over,

"Commander, what do I need to do?"

Tao Shi's voice is very nice, with a taste of orchid in the valley, but this name made Dick startled, and then he couldn't help laughing. He nodded to everyone, and then made a "follow me" gesture to Tao Shi, The two walked to the side, and Dick described the situation in the Valley of the Emperor in a low voice to Tao Shi in detail. The pandaren assassin girl nodded and asked while listening, which definitely reflected her professionalism.

After listening to the order, Tao Shi took a few steps back, bowed to Dick, and then disappeared into the shadows. The whole process was smooth and smooth, and Valeira's voice sounded behind Dick,

"Don't underestimate her, Dick, this is a real assassin, I can even smell the shadow flowing on her body, this should be the kind of genius born... tsk tsk tsk, it's really enviable."

This kind of emotion made Dick look sideways, but after getting acquainted with Valeira, she was also a very good character, even a little familiar, so Dick didn't say anything, because another group of guests came over.

The old troll Golaya witnessed the battle between Dick and Gavincent almost the whole time. In fact, at the end of the battle, the corners of the old troll's eyes kept twitching. He thought he paid enough attention to Dick. But now it seems that his evaluation of Dick still needs to go up a liter.

"Dick, this is Jalak, my clansman."

Goraya introduced Jalak, who was covered in wounds all over his body, to Dick, and the troll god of war said in a sincere tone,

"I should apologize to your friend, human, for going into that state of madness while he was fighting me, and I am at least half-responsible."

The paladin waved,

"It's not your fault, friend of Zandalar. Gavincent's fighting style determines that as long as he is still in Pandaria, this situation will inevitably happen, but this also reminds us."

Dick glanced at the silent Goraya, he emphasized his tone,

"This place is much more dangerous than we imagined. We have to sincerely "cooperate" to find what we all want to find. Mr. Goraya, let's just say it, as those who once fought together in Silithus Comrades, I hope you can do me a favor."

The old troll didn't speak, but spread out his hands and made a "please" gesture. Dick pondered for a moment, pointed to the northwest of Kun-Lai Mountain,

"There, in the sea beyond this mountain, in the mists of the sea, there is an island, the Pandaren here have lost records about it, but I think there should be records in your literature , "Top of Thunder", the mountain that is eternally covered with thunder and lightning, I hope you can help me find that island."

The rosary in Goraya's hand kept spinning, and a few seconds later, the old troll opened his eyes,

"What can Zandalari get? Knight Dick, you and I don't trust each other. For both parties, cooperation is not an easy task for both parties."

"I know what you're looking for! I can give you that power!"

Dick narrowed his eyes, and Goraya shook his head,

"But I also know that you are also here for this reason. Zandalar is unwilling to fight against you, but this means that our harvest will be reduced, which will make the Dark Prophet Zul dissatisfied, so this is not enough!"

The paladin raised his fist,

"And my friendship!"

The old troll smiled, and he spread his hands. At this moment, Goraya finally became sincere, "But what about your army? What about your power? Knight Dick, Dark Prophet Zul would like a private person like you Friends, but as a dialogue between two forces, you are obviously in a weak position, and a shrewd businessman would not make such a deal."

Dick's eyes flashed brightly, and Anveena on his shoulder kept making faces or grinning at Goraya,

"My army, my power, you will see it soon, but when it comes to the help just now, are you going to help or not?"

The rosary in Goraya's hand stopped, and after 2 seconds, he turned his head and said to Jalak,

"Let all our fellow clansmen on Doom Island dispatch to explore the deep sea in the northwest of Kun-Lai Mountain, and report any news immediately!"

God of War led the way, Goraya turned his head, his back straight at that moment, bent down again, and that deep voice,

"So, I am waiting for your proof."

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