Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 371 30. The Great Guardian Lai

At some very critical moments, if you work hard to the end, you may be able to reap a difficult victory, but in fact, most of the time, this is a luxury.

The longer you persist in a desperate situation, the more pain you will only bring.

For example, in the last area of ​​the palace on the Peak of Thunder God, under Dick's command, the Titan creation of the Nalaksha Engine, which is not afraid of casualties, rushed to the forefront. Under the leadership of Jian Xi and Taixi, it took only two In just one day, the entire front half of the palace and the dangerous creatures hiding under the palace were cleared away.

The Zandalari trolls, under the leadership of Gavincent and Jalak, simultaneously broke into the military hall of Thor's Peak, and solved Thor's general Iron Dome and its Quirin army in one go, almost completely. Accepted the puppet warehouse left by Thor, and before the dark will of the most powerful puppet could be activated, its manipulators were all killed by Eragon.

But the remaining mogu guards, under the command of the mogu twin queens, retreated from the final summit of the storm and closed the gate of the final palace.

That is the gate connected to the energy harvesting device under the Thor's Peak. After it is closed, in theory, unless the energy absorbing device is directly destroyed, the gate cannot be opened at all, but that device was made by Layden himself back then. , how could it be destroyed by mortals?

In the end, Dick had to take action himself, forcibly using the Lightning Core plus the authority of the mid-level guardian to regain control of the palace from the hands of the Mogu queens. Push that door open.

The Mogu Twin Queens were the first generation of mogu created by the God of Thunder himself in the engine of Nalaksha. Their loyalty to the God of Thunder was unimaginably high. Finally, surrounded by the army, they fought to the last moment. These two unique Mogu women want to choose suicide to follow their Creator and Eternal Master.

But in the end he was captured due to exhaustion.

In Jianxi and Taixi's mind, these two unique women are the best "gift" for their emperor, although Dick may not need it.

But at this point, after three days of offensive and defensive battles, the entire Thunder God Peak had completely fallen into Dick's hands.

But the paladin did not go to the last Thor's Peak, although it looks like the most handsome place in the palace, it is also a place surrounded by dazzling lightning all the time, if Thor has a secret, it is most likely hidden there, But the problem is that Dick clearly knows that the biggest secret of Thunder Peak is not there.

In fact, the top of the storm is just a strengthening field for Thor to strengthen his subordinates. The real secret lies elsewhere.

There was no one to accompany her, only Anveena who was sitting on Dick's shoulder was chattering while hugging the purple core, but neither she nor Dick actually cared about those words, because these two people who were connected by heart Guys, they all felt the very clear call from the bottom of where they are now.

Here is a large platform filled with red blood-like liquid. Not far away, a huge lizardman corpse was thrown on the ground desolately. Its whole body was covered with disgusting blood bags and cysts. Even after death, Those deformed organs are still growing and tearing, looking horrifying.

This is Premotheus, the first-generation test product of Thor's Creation Project. It has been in this test site for too long, and it has become extremely dangerous. The cells in the whole body are always in a crazily active state. To be honest, such a creature would be a disaster in the outside world, but facing the joint attack of Gavincent and Jalak, this monster only persisted for 20 minutes, and all 5 hearts were torn apart. It was thrown there like a doll.

Dick half-kneeled in the center of this slaughterhouse of flesh and blood, gently supported the ground with his left hand, and pushed away the thick dust mixed with blood, and saw the complicated dirt on the ground, which had already changed with the passage of time. The almost worn out Titan runes should have been engraved by Raiden himself hundreds of thousands of years ago.

As a result, this place has become Raiden's cage for quite a long time. Dick shook his head, raised his left hand, took the purple lightning core from Anwena's hand, raised it high, and smashed it hard In the very center of this dirty high platform.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Accompanied by the sound of a small earthquake, under the authority of the mid-level guardian, this red-blooded high platform collapsed like crazy, with a gorgeous double helix structure, clinging to the shaft-like structure, circles It sank down, like a circle of stairs from top to bottom. This place was obviously built after careful calculation. After the last step was put in place, Dick's footsteps just touched the ground in the dark. ground.

He raised his head and looked at the light coming from above, and on both sides, the dirty blood, the blood that was used by Thor in the experiment, was like two red snakes, constantly circling the double helix stairs It spread downwards, staggered across the air and drew red lines, and finally fell into the groove in the darkness. After the blood flowed into it, it seemed like a light was turned on in the darkness.

Before Dick's eyes, a series of ring lights lit up, the red light illuminated the dark underground, and after the last red light came on, under the ring light, another blue light lit up , this kind of ice blue Dick is very familiar with, this is the most orthodox light of Titan energy.

And in this red and blue light, the huge figure leaning against the wall in a state of embarrassment also appeared in Dick's field of vision.

It was a giant, like Elonaya and Azadas, a guardian. Its body, hair and face were also carved out of rock, but it didn't look cold and dull at all. On the contrary, this titan guardian seemed to have not cleaned up for a long time. After over-exposing his own image, he unexpectedly appeared a little decadent.

In addition, a trace of weakness also appeared on his body. He was leaning against the wall, his eyes closed, his hands casually and awkwardly placed aside, and there were still red blood stains on his body. It is worth noting that this The giant did not wear a robe like Azadas. Instead, he wore a brown-red armor similar to a half-length armor.

It seems like a general, a leader, not an ordinary guardian.

He is Raiden, one of the two guardian leaders most trusted by the Titans and bestowed with the highest authority on Azeroth. Before the Titans left Azeroth, he told him some special secrets.

He is ordinary, not as powerful as the brave Odin and the righteous Tyr, not as intelligent as Loken and Mimiron, even his personality is silent, and he is not conspicuous among the guardians.

But he is special. In the epic battle against the ancient gods, he defeated the unruly wind lord Alakir. After that, he was ordered to guard the heart of the strongest ancient god Y'Shaarji. When Titan was about to leave, helping Titan to establish such a world-destroying and restarting facility as the Furnace of Origin won the trust of Titan.

Moreover, when the Pantheon fell, Raiden was also the only guardian who received the news of the fall of the Titans. From then on, his fighting spirit disappeared, as if he had lost all hope, and then he was attacked by his servants, and even snatched him away. The Thunder Core his heart.

Dick stepped forward. He was sure that Raiden was still alive, and the guardians would not die so easily. In fact, from the time the Titans spread their lives until now, the only guardian who died was Tyre, and Tyre committed suicide as if he blew himself up. , as for the other dying.

Loken, the first corrupted guardian, although he still has the appearance of a guardian, in fact, his inner being has already been replaced by another kind of creature, a kind of creature mixed with darkness and chaos.

Raiden may still retain the tragic state after being attacked by Thor, but this is not because he is unable to fight back. In fact, Dick suspects that when Thor attacked him, he didn't even think about fighting back.

what exactly is it? Let a guardian leader become so depressed?

"I'm here, great Lai! Hundreds of thousands of years later, I'm here!"

Dick stood in front of the guardian who seemed to be awake from a dream, and respectfully called out his name, Lai, not Raiden. Raiden was the honorific name given to Rai by the mogu and other servants. His real name was Rai.


The first breath was heavy, like the first breath of a drowning person coming out of the water, short and full of longing.

This breath made Dick feel oppressed like a storm, and his hair was blown up, revealing the holy pattern of order faintly appearing on his forehead. He was oppressed by Raiden who was gradually waking up in front of him.


The second breath sounded, and this time it was much more normal, and Laiden's eyes also opened at this moment, accompanied by a flash of white golden light like thunder and lightning, those eyes that still looked a little confused looked at Di. Dick, with the coercion unique to the great guardian, Dick snorted, couldn't help but backed up three steps, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.


Lady Anveena jumped down from Dick's shoulder, and in the rising of the golden flames, she turned into a fighting form. She held the silver hand in her hand, but retreated helplessly amidst Dick's groans.

"Stand back! Anveena."

The Sun Spirit pouted, took a step back in dissatisfaction, put away the hammer, and supported Dick's body, which was crumbling.

This was a confrontation between the highest level of authority and the middle level of authority, and Dick was almost crushed without the ability to resist.

Of course, this also has something to do with Layden just waking up and being unable to effectively control his own power, but at that moment just now, Dick felt that a mountain hit him, the real mountain, and he was like an ant at the foot of the mountain.

"Uh sorry."

Leiden adjusted his posture and sat cross-legged in front of Dick. This great guardian was surprisingly easy to talk to. Seeing that Dick was not in good condition, he stretched out his finger and tapped lightly in the air. Immediately, the surrounding energy, even the entire Thor Peak surged, and the trace of healing most among them rushed into Dick's body under Layden's command.

All injuries, even mental exhaustion, were swept away.

After finishing all this, Leiden nodded in satisfaction, then put his fingers back, looked down at Dick and Anveena who looked at him curiously, and said softly,

"It's you, have you reawakened my will?"

A thunderous voice echoed in Dick's ears. He looked up at the friendly Raiden, the holy pattern of order floating above his forehead was shining brightly,

"It's me! I have news from the Titans!"

"Well, I know, when I saw you, I knew that the situation I was most worried about did not appear."

Leiden breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his rock-like face,

"Fortunately, there is still hope for everything."

Dick looked at Raiden who was sitting in front of him like a mountain, and countless thoughts surged in his heart. According to rumors, this guardian should have been shattered by the fall of the Titans, but now It seems that this guardian has not lost his mind, at least he has not lost all his mind.

After pondering for a moment, Dick asked,

"So. Do you know about Ulduar? About the fall of the guardian and the death of Tyr, Yogg-Saron's escape, and the trapping of the chief manager Odin. Do you know all of this?"


Raiden nodded and pointed to the land under Dick's feet, "Everything that happened on this land can't be hidden from my ears. Even in my deep sleep, I felt as if I had witnessed the disintegration of the guardians with my own eyes. Death in battle of my dearest brother, most righteous Tyr."

Dick saw a trace of pain in Layden's eyes that were slowly turning light blue, and he couldn't hide the pain. He decided to believe in the guardian in front of him, but Layden's description was not over yet. He seemed to know that Dick wanted to what.

"When I received the news of the fall of the Pantheon, I was crushed, my will was shattered, and my soul was almost pulled into darkness. Yes, you guessed it, Y'Shaarj, it never Died, at the moment when the titan lost its will, it almost came back to life with the help of my body."

The paladin grows his mouth,

"So... Thor is attacking you?"


Raiden chuckled, and pointed to the wound on his chest that hadn't healed for hundreds of thousands of years, "The mysterious curse of flesh and blood bestowed Thor's wisdom, and wisdom gave birth to ambition. As their master, how could I not realize This? All I need to do is look hopeless, and his ambition will help me accomplish the next thing."

Having said that, the guardian gritted his teeth,

"But frankly, it really hurts. I forced myself into a deep sleep to resist Y'Shaarj's endless corruption. It has only one heart left, and I lost it. The two sides are the same until you wake up Before me, this battle has never stopped, but this is inevitable. If I hadn't held up most of its strength, those pandaren would have to face more than just low-level creatures like Shamo gone."

Dick's complexion suddenly changed.

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