Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 373 32. The Lightning Knight of Order

Before Thor got the Thunder Core, he was just a relatively powerful mogu warlord, but after getting this heart, he became the emperor of all the mogu people and established a dynasty that lasted thousands of years. This core of thunder and lightning has a rich and colorful stroke in this history.

And now, it has found its third owner.


Unimaginable pain, the pain of tearing the flesh, melting the bone marrow, replacing a heart abruptly... and letting the third energy besides order and holy energy merge into the body, it is like smashing him with a hammer every bone in the body, and put it back together again.

Dick's body began to convulse at this moment, and in the storm of lightning and holy light, the already stable inside of his body began a third round of transformation, a fatal transformation!

In any fairy tale, thunder and lightning are not gentle, but explosive, wild, angry, just, swift, and cleansing of all evil.

So it is angry, it is arrogant, it is unruly, it is crazy.

Driven by the lightning, Dick's body was scorched and melted every second, but under the surge of holy energy, he would be intact the next moment.

But this is not a blessing, it is like the pain of a thousand cuts, it makes his eyes go black in an instant, and when the power of order joins it again, everything becomes even worse.

The wanton lightning outside his body turned completely silver at a certain moment, but at the next moment, his body dissipated like a Buddha element, and reappeared in place. A test of life itself and the soul contained in it.

If he passed it, it proved that he made the right choice, and if he failed to pass it, it proved that he was nothing more than that.

This is exactly the same as those titan creations, because in essence, Raiden is also a titan creation, he is friendly, he is peaceful, he is cruel, and he is indifferent, but that is only for Dick, for Raiden's little brother In other words, if it was Darth who rushed here today, or Gavincent who had a little relationship with the Titans, there would be only one ending for them...disappearing into the earth and the sky.

This has nothing to do with character, but the majesty of the guardian, which cannot be desecrated. Who would expect people and ants to live in peace? Ignoring them and letting them turn the world upside down is already a rare gift.

Any ant trying to approach a human, with good results?

Anveena turned into Holy Flame and wanted to see Dick, but was stopped by Raiden's fingers. The guardian looked at the flapping sun spirit and shook his head.

"You can't help him, he can only come by himself!"

Lady Anwena was not afraid of Layden's strength at all, she flapped her wings, circled Layden quickly, and shouted loudly,

"At least I can help him share the pain! We are one!"

Lydon glanced at her, frowning, but let go of his fingers, his eyebrows lowered,

"Perhaps, this is not a bad thing... But, this is your own choice, little girl."

Anveena ignored Layden's warning at all, and jumped onto Dick's shoulder as soon as she dodged. The three-way battle order, holy light and lightning were mixed together, like silver eyes, golden body, and purple thunderbolt hanging on it. Like a Thunder Beast, it rushed towards Anveena, caged her in this battlefield, and in just a second, the wings on Anveena's back dissipated directly into the air.


The Sun Spirit's tears burst out all at once. She had already foreseen that Dick would be in pain, but she didn't expect that it would be so painful, as if her whole body was put on a blood plate full of sharp teeth and fangs. It hurts like chewing it into pieces!

"Idiot, no!"

Another wave of lightning struck, and Anveena lay on Dick's shoulder in pain, but the next moment, she gritted her teeth, turned into light spots and dissipated, trying to merge into the same frequency as the holy light around Dick's body, Then take this opportunity to fully integrate into Dick's body.

Although the Sun Spirit usually has some funny behaviors, she is not stupid. During the nearly 7,000 years of Quel'Thalas, she has long understood many things. For example, in the current situation, although the power of order Weak, but the highest quality, followed by the thunder core, the holy energy seems to be huge, but in fact the quality is the weakest, and it is the easiest to be defeated. Once the holy energy is defeated in this environment, it means that even if Dick wakes up, he will not be able to recover. Light can no longer be used.

And the three parties are either completely broken, or completely opposed. Only in these two situations can Dick escape from this chaotic and tumbling pain.

Anveena chose the Holy Light...Because Raiden said just now that part of the power of order in Dick's body also comes from the Holy Light, so as long as the two stand together to suppress the outsider, the Thunder Core, it will not be a problem at all. problem.

But this is not a simple matter. Even with the same energy, different people use it in different ways. Dick's holy light is absolutely different from Mograine's holy light. Anveena's holy light The light is similar to Dick's holy light, but it will never be exactly the same, especially as Anveena is an elemental creature, it is difficult to achieve absolute control over power.

The result is that Anveena dissipates again and again, and reappears again and again in the thunder and lightning storms. Originally, only one person suffered, but now it suddenly becomes two, and Anveena's pain will not be much less than Dick's. .

But it dissipated again and again, causing the tears on her face to drip continuously. Because of the extreme pain, An Weina, whose face was distorted, was also familiar with the frequency of Dick's holy light again and again. Finally, after 2 minutes, the first Dissipated 13 times, and Anveena never appeared again. The defeated Holy Light, which had already been defeated in the three-way competition, also surged crazily in the next moment, and for the first time overwhelmed the order like a sword and the purple storm of lightning and thunder. .

It was at this moment that Dick, whose consciousness was in a state of confusion in this extreme pain, heard Anwena whispering in his ear,

"Hold on! It's over, it's over!"

The girl's voice was still trembling, but Dick's consciousness became clearer and brighter, and finally, after a flash of golden light, he appeared in the air.

No, not him, but… him.

The situation was the same as last time at Blackrock Spire, but at this moment, Dick felt that his control over his consciousness was clearer and more straightforward. He bit his lip, watching the valley energy coming and going in Raiden's palm, he I felt An Weina's pain and this girl's determination.

He has never understood that this girl who only knows how to eat, play and open people's heads has such a resolute side today.

Then that familiar voice sounded behind him, it was definitely the last voice Dick wanted to hear.

"Ah, my chosen one, you're here again? I've been waiting for you for a long time, so... convince me."

"Convince me to give you new power!"

Dick stiffened his head, turned around, and there was still nothing, but he knew that a great will that he didn't even dare to think about was watching him, the will that supported him from the beginning to the present, he spared Looking at him with interest is like looking at the cricket general in his favorite cricket jar.

Looking forward to this carefully domesticated general will bring him more fun.

Dick had never thought his boss was such a jerk, but the saddest thing was that he couldn't even think about it, because he, himself, had nothing to hide under that gaze.

"I...I don't know..."

Dick lowered his head, like a bad boy who didn't do his homework well and was called to the office by the teacher, with a guilty conscience.

"you do not know?"

There was a tinge of amusement in the voice, but he seemed in a good mood, so after a few horrifying seconds he said,

"Okay then, let me give you some tips... What are you doing all this for?"

Dick thought hard, from Northern Border to Blackrock Mountain, from Blackrock Mountain to Silithus, from Silithus to Feralas, from Feralas to Pandaria, what is the purpose of everything he did?

revenge? No, too superficial.

justice? No, too hypocritical.

good? No, too pan.

So... what is it?


"Peace! Then let the whole of Azeroth be twisted together to fight against those forces that we can't fight!"

Dick replied loudly.

The voice was silent for a second, and while Dick waited,


The voice became a little cloudy and unpredictable, as if... very dissatisfied with the answer?

Dick gritted his teeth. Although he was a conscious body, he couldn't help but reach out and wipe the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead under such indescribable pressure. When he touched his forehead, a word jumped out, Di Ke Ke raised his head, clenched his fists, and shouted loudly.

"Order! It's order, isn't it?"

After speaking, without waiting for the voice to answer, he continued,

"Order is not just peace, punishment is also order, so I quell the plague of the undead, so I wiped out the black dragon, so I dealt with the insects, so I... I quit the civilized world, just to ensure that the order of that world still exists... So, you The answer I want is the name you gave me, Order, right?"

"I don't need to be a punisher, because I am a punisher myself!"

"I don't need to be a guardian, because my killing is the meaning of protection!"

"I don't even need to be a savior, because to defeat disorder is to maintain order!"

Another unbearable 3 seconds,

" are not too stupid. Although this answer is still very... superficial, but for you now, it is somewhat difficult for you to understand the deeper order, so let's just let you pass."


Dick breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, the voice with a hint of teasing sounded again,

"You've met Velen, haven't you? He's much smarter than you. Although his path is different from yours, I hope you can work together. Remember, Dick, what Norgannon told you. There are no mistakes, time, maybe there is still a lot for you, but when you look at everything in another way, you will find that everything you have done is too small."

"But... you somehow passed, so, are you ready? Be an orderly...well, maybe an orderly Thunder Knight."

Dick felt a hint of teasing, and his mood relaxed, and he even made a joke,

"I don't want to become a beast with thunder all over..."

"Are you sure? Well, as you wish!"

As soon as the words fell, Dick's consciousness swirled and was drawn into his body as if being wrapped in a storm. At the same time, the order of his whole body, the holy light and thunder and lightning abruptly disappeared. The chaotic battle just now turned into a confrontation. The next moment, order and holy light converged, and in just a short moment, the violent thunder was suppressed.

Then the order and the holy light also disappeared.

But the humming sound in Dick's mind kept ringing.

"Drip... Privilege conversion, Great Guardian (temporary) Privilege acquisition, twist rate +5%"

"Drip... The current twist rate is 46%, more than 45%, the talent enhancement template is open, and the current number of uses is 1. The primary guardian of ancient kings is activated (Sun Spirit Anveena)."

"Drip... the hero level has been achieved, the data is abbreviated"

"Drip... During the blessing of hero power, all attributes are increased by 140 points."

Dick's ears were a little deaf. He glanced back at Raiden. As the great guardian said, he was exhausted from the confrontation with Y'Shaarj. He should take a good rest now. He turned into a stone statue again. , that was the original state when the Titans made them.

With the posture of a leader, he stood majestically in place, but there was no light in those light blue eyes.

He didn't die, he just rested.

Moreover, he threw a lot of mess to Dick, and the paladin, whose clothes were mostly burned, looked up at Raiden, took a step back, and bowed respectfully.

Then the golden-purple lightning flashed in his eyes, and his whole body turned into a purple thunder, and disappeared in place like a shadow.

With the slow closure of the sealing mechanism, this place that recorded countless secrets was once again shrouded in darkness.

What will it be like the next time it is turned on again?

Is the world already destroyed? Or will the good times in his memory come back again?

No one knows... and probably no one wants to know.

"Dick Don Bronzan"

"Great Guardian (Temporary)"

"Hero/Elemental/Legendary Creature Template"

"27 years old, male, healthy"

"Strength 650 (+140), Dexterity 550 (+140), Energy 4000 (+700), Holy Power +MAX"

"Occupation Template: Paladin - When the opponent is a non-order creature, the damage is increased by 100%"

"Lord Template: Stratholme, North Castle"

"Guardian of Kings: Anveena, Spirit of the Sun"

"Follower - High Lord Paladin Liadrin"

"Follower - High Lord Druid Velinde - Starsong"

"Follower - High Level Lord Elemental Creature - Moam"

"Follower - High Lord Assassin - Tao Ya"

"Equipment: Flame of Righteousness, Uther's Blessed Libram, Shadow of Foliage, Shield of the Naaru, Thunderfury - Blessed Sword of the Windchaser"

"Status: Level 4 of Dragon Power, Hero Power, Guardian of Light, Body of Lightning"

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