Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 384 43. The Day of the End of the Fog Age

Ten thousand years ago, when Shaohao, the last pandaren emperor, succeeded to the throne, according to the tradition of the pandaren emperor, he went to the Prophet's Pool of the Jinyu people to pursue the fate of himself and the whole world, but in that divination, he saw What they want is not a peaceful future, but the whole world is shrouded in green evil energy, and the ground under their feet will completely collapse.

That would be a catastrophe that would spread throughout Azeroth, so on the first day after succeeding to the throne, the pandaren emperor embarked on the road to save the land and people under his feet. Ritik, their footsteps spread all over Pandaria. With the help of the mask accidentally made by Kritik, Shaohao faded away his six negative emotions and became stronger.

But this increase in strength could not solve his troubles. This wise pandaren knew that no matter how powerful an individual is, it would be useless to face the kind of disasters that spread all over the world, so he once again went to Jade Lin's Qinglong Temple, looking for wisdom from Qinglong Yulong.

No one knows what he and Yulong talked about, but in the moment when the Well of Eternity exploded, when the whole Pandaria was shaking and was about to be destroyed, the last emperor bravely stood up, and at the Terrace of Yongchun, he In the favorite palace in the past, he left his soul from his body and spread the power he gained during the journey throughout Pandaria. With the help of the four gods, he forcibly tore this continent from the complete continent. .

He rose to the sky in the attention of his people, and his soul turned into a thick fog, covering the entire continent, isolating it from the world of Azeroth, thus preventing the continent from exploding and spreading all over the world. Destroyed in the sinking.

Since then, the pandaren have not had an emperor.

"Praise you, great ancient sage."

Dick stood in front of the foggy Shaohao, and bowed deeply. This hero deserves his courtesy, and Shaohao accepted the courtesy frankly. Right now, his body is composed of white-gray fog. The flowing mist vividly outlined his wise face with a white beard, the white robe he was wearing, the black jade belt around his waist, and the prayer flags floating behind him, making him look like a fairy .

Especially those eyes, in the passage of time, still seem to be full of wisdom and compassion, this should be a generous elder.

"Kritik, is this the hero you were talking about?"

Shaohao, who was floating in the air, turned his head to look at his old friend from ten thousand years ago. Kritik sat on the ground, tore open a jug of wine he brought, and nodded to Shaohao,

"Yes, it's this idiot, his name is Dick, he's braver than you, the heart of darkness, the heart of darkness that you dare not even touch, he took it out and was going to take it away Pandaria, by the way, he also killed Thor, you know, the guy you asked me to kill completely, old friend, you have been here for 10,000 years, and I have been sealed for 10,000 years, hehe , we're even."

Shaohao smiled, and he looked at Dick with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes,

"I should have noticed you, after you entered the mist, but... too many things are happening in this land every day, but from your breath, I feel that you have overcome your pride? Unbelievable, You did what I couldn't do."

"This is nothing compared to the sacrifice you made."

Dick sat on the chair in the gilt pavilion, and waved his hands indifferently, "Critik also helped me a lot, he asked me to save you from this too long shackles, if you do well Now that we are ready, we can begin to release the mists of Pandaria now, and your soul will also be free at that time."

Kritik also chimed in,

"Yeah, Shaohao, you've done too much for us. It's all thanks to you that Pandaria can exist for ten thousand years. Let's take a good rest. We can travel around the world as before. Wannian, the world is already very different, and there is more happiness waiting for us.”

Facing his friend's eagerness, Shaohao waved his hand, his face was calm and calm,

"Ten thousand years, there is no need to rush for a while."

After finishing speaking, the pandaren emperor turned to look at Dick, his voice echoed in the pavilion,

"Young Dick, I can feel that you are tired and want to go home, which is good, but I also see confusion and hesitation in your eyes, this should not appear in a person who saved Pandaria. Come on, tell me, maybe I, an old man from 10,000 years ago, can solve your troubles?"

The paladin was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor would be so sensitive to emotions, but thinking that Shaohao had experienced the test of six emotions, he was undoubtedly a truly powerful wise man, and his advice was priceless, so he just Hesitating, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said,

"To tell you the truth, with the help of some powerful forces, I have glimpsed a glimpse of the future destiny of this world. What I saw made me feel hopeless. I have done a lot. I thought I had changed a lot, but Now it looks like the things I saw are still going to happen and have not changed, which makes me a little bit suspicious that I can really turn the doomed future around."

After Shaohao listened to Dick's words, his body changed up and he sat cross-legged in the air. The prayer flags behind him kept shaking, showing that the emperor was thinking. After a while, he spoke,

"When I first succeeded to the throne, I also foresaw the future with the help of the Jinyu prophets. In fact, we both faced the same situation. Do you know? When I saw the allies of the Pandaren Empire , When those arrogant Highborne would attract demons to invade Kalimdor and even threaten the whole world, I was very angry and even wanted to bring the army to stop them."

Shaohao closed his eyes slightly, he seemed to feel the wind of Yongchun Terrace, his long white beard fluttered in the wind,

"But in the end I didn't do that, because I knew that even if I passed, I couldn't change anything. At that time, my thoughts were very simple. When facing choices in life, we should think more about what we should do. Instead of expecting others to help me, so I set out on the road of salvation in order to prevent that doom from befalling my people and my country.”

"At that moment, I knew that for me, there would be no more comfortable throne, and my life might have to go through ups and downs, and those glory that belonged to the emperor, those life that people yearn for, would never be with me, because I had to Let's go now, I have to start an adventure to save Pandaria."

"You may not know that when I set foot on the starting point of that road, I had no more supporters than my people, and then I met Kritik, who was the first to volunteer Heroes who followed me on the road to salvation, we went through hardships, we fought against terrible opponents, at the last moment, when I look back at the experience of the past ten years, I understand..."

Shaohao opened his eyes and looked at Dick, who also looked at him,

"Any road to salvation is difficult. There is no joy, only suffering. It is only allowed to succeed and not to fail. It is to carry hope, but not to despair. That is the responsibility I must bear, because I I foresee it, and you are the same, I believe you are the same as me, you will be at a loss because you are afraid that everything you do is meaningless, I was also at a loss, but I still made a choice in the end."

The pandaren emperor's words hit Dick's heart word by word,

"Once you make a choice, you will no longer be at a loss, and you have only two choices, give up, or move on."

"So, I'll ask you, would you give up?"

Dick shook his head, Shaohao also nodded with a smile,

"Then why are you still confused? Changes are never in the past or the present. Dick, you have to understand that changes happen in the future. Do you think that everything you do will change the future?"

Dick was silent.

Shaohao no longer looked at him, turned to Kritik,

"So, old friend, where's the wine you brought? I haven't smelled that in ten thousand years."

The Monkey King smiled and handed the wine jar in his hand to the misty Shaohao. The latter held his hand in the air, and the wine jar floated in mid-air, and then another bowl floated up, jade-colored. The wine is poured into the bowl, and the aroma of the wine is tangy.

Shaohao put the wine into his mouth, took a sip lightly, and laughed,

"Come and tell me what happened ten thousand years later? I really want to know."

Critik did not answer, his tail flicked in the air,

"It's up to you to see for yourself. I won't reveal the answer in advance."

"Look, this is you, Monkey King, you are always such a disappointment."

A pair of good friends poured themselves back and forth, leaving Dick sitting on a chair, thinking about the past and the future. It wasn't until the sunset that Dick came back to his senses. All the wine jars were empty beside him. In front of him, there was a black bowl with a glass of amber liquor in it.

"This is the last bowl of wine left for you."

There was already a hint of drunkenness in Kritik's eyes, he grabbed his tail and bared his teeth at Dick,

"It's a thank you for what you're about to do, drink it, and set my friend free."

Shaohao stood by the pavilion with his hands behind his back, he seemed to be looking at the scenery he had seen for ten thousand years, and he seemed to be ready for another adventure.

Dick picked up the bowl of wine, his face was reflected in the amber liquid, and the deep blankness was no longer in those eyes, in fact, he still hadn't let go of the last trace of his heart. Hesitation, but as Shaohao said, as long as a decision is made, being at a loss is a burden.

He silently drank the fragrant monkey wine, feeling the indescribable taste swirling in his stomach, he threw the wine bowl far away, wiped his mouth, stood up,

"Come, let us set a hero free."

On the ocean beyond the mist of Pandaria, three fleets are mooring at different locations. They come from the Kingdom of Stormwind, Kul Tiras, and... pirates.

Yes, this is probably the first pirate in the world of Azeroth who dared to stand alongside the Kul Tiras fleet. Tauren, to ferocious werewolves, to cunning goblins, to noisy gnomes, and even rare proud elves.

And on the largest iron-clad giant ship painted black, a pirate captain dressed like a human noble was standing on the deck, staring at the fog in front of him with a lonesome posture, his waist A delicate rapier hangs, which is his status symbol.

Mr. Gibbs, the first mate, also wearing a gorgeous red robe, stood behind Senxia. of Kul Tiran warships.

But he didn't dare to ask, no one in this fleet dared to ask such a question, because it was Senxia who made the decision, that's all.

This seems to be an ordinary day, just like the past week, nothing to be happy about will happen, but at noon on this day, the silent fog that enveloped the entire sea suddenly rolled over, like It was a giant dragon stirring up the heavy mist, and it looked like some kind of monster was about to break out from the seal of the mist.

The sky above the mist was covered with black clouds at this moment, thunder and lightning danced recklessly, and the sea wind roared. In an instant, the entire sea changed from cloudless to a violent storm like the end of the world.

"Hold on tight, fools, you'll be torn apart by the sea!"

Gibbs was running on the deck, shouting, his voice was covered by thunder and lightning, it seemed that there were thousands of dragons roaring in the sky that day, he felt the vibration of the ship under his feet accompanied by the waves, the bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, and the crazy Thunderhowl, the great pirate from the Gilneas countryside, felt something big was about to happen.

But Sen Xia was still poking at the bow of the ship like a piece of wood, his eyes under his black hair were shining in the darkness, his indifferent lips moved slightly,

"Look, I'm truly witnessing history."

"The Age of Fog... is coming to an end!"

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