Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 590 35. When the fragile balance tilts

Stonetalon Mountains, the Burning Sun Stone Residence.

This land was once the territory of the night elves, but like most places in Kalimdor, after the explosion of the Well of Eternity, the Kaldorei only kept the minimum for these lands that did not use many resources. level of attention.

In fact, they only have two garrison points on this land symbolically. Before the tauren migrated from Desolace, the night elves never thought that this land full of sharp pinnacles would have such things as war Such gaffes.

The sluggishness of the long-lived species makes them a little less concerned about these things, but in fact, the situation is changing much faster than the elves imagined. After these guys with long ears start to face the threat of the tribe, They were shocked to find that not only the Stone Talon Mountains, but even other areas under their control had tribal forces.

The catastrophic Battle of Mount Hyjal has far from recovered the damage done to the Kaldorei. In the 6 years since the battle, their control over most of Kalimdor has been weakening, so a team in Stormwind City After the Legion secretly entered the Stonetalon Mountains, the upper elves of the night elves took a default approach to the actions of this third-party ally.

The vanguard camp, this is the front line of the Alliance Legion less than 3000 meters away from the Tauren's Burning Sun Stone Residence. The conflict that Kane Bloodhoof and Varian said happened here.

A unit of the Stormwind Seventh Legion is stationed here. General John Hawthorne is the commander of this front. General Hawthorne has been a little restless these two days, not only because of the perseverance of the tauren Sneak attack and abuse, this veteran who has experienced the baptism of the orc war and the undead war is more worried about other things.

Just a week ago, some orcs entered the Burning Sun Rock Residence. Although the orcs and the tauren were members of the same tribe, at least in the Stonetalon Mountains, the camps of the two races were separated, but now they have joined.

This abnormal behavior made General Hawthorne's veteran's intuition frantically warn him. The warning from the deepest part of his heart was telling him that those damned orcs were coming towards them!

The general immediately asked for help from the night elf camp in the rear, but the next morning, an uninvited visitor visited the vanguard camp. He was carried in.

"Who are you? Soldier!"

Hawthorn frowned, and led the guards to the center of the camp. He looked at the man lying on the stretcher in front of him. He was wearing a Stormwind military uniform, but now it was covered with wounds, and the miserable wounds were full of blood. Even his left arm was cut off by a sharp blade. If he hadn't seen the nameplate in the soldier's hand, Hawthorne would have definitely thought it was a corpse.

"Do you have any news for me?"

The general lowered his body and approached the extremely pale guy. He probably sensed someone approaching. The guard, who was only breathing, opened his eyes suddenly, and grabbed Hawthorne's hand with his remaining arm. , the hoarse voice screamed,

"Go and save Your Majesty! Theramore! He's been ambushed! Go!"


General Hawthorne's face changed drastically, and even the soldiers around him began to whisper. The general grabbed the soldier's shoulders, lifted him directly from the stretcher, and shouted,

"Show yourself! Soldier!"

"Stormwind City royal guard Gummerson. Hurry up and save him."

The old general wanted to hear more, but it was too late. After struggling to finish the sentence, the soldier died. The general hurriedly put his hand into his pocket, trying to find any evidence of his identity. thing.

General Hawthorne knew about the news that King Varian arrived in Theramore yesterday to attend the leadership meeting. When he first heard the bad news brought by this soldier, he instinctively felt that the matter was difficult. When he took out a ring from his pocket, the general was stunned.

The seal of the Wrynn family that Varian has never left his hand has blood stains on it. As a general, he has been in close contact with this ring more than once. He can be sure that this thing is real. This is Urien The emblem of the patriarch of the En family, under what circumstances did His Majesty allow it to leave his body.

"Assemble the soldiers! Quick!"

The first thing the general did when he came back to his senses was to shout to the orderly behind him, "Everyone! Everyone is ready to attack!"

"General, calm down!"

The adjutant hastily grabbed Hawthorne's shoulder, and whispered, "We can't initiate a war with just one ring! This is Kalimdor, and we are at a disadvantage!"

The adjutant's reminder made the old general calm down a little, he nodded,

"Then send the news of the king's attack back to Stormwind City, verify the authenticity, and then send a distress signal to the night elves behind. Everyone is ready! Once the news is confirmed, we must break through the Horde's blockade as soon as possible. Entering Theramore from the Barrens, if His Majesty is really attacked, the war will begin!"

As soon as Hawthorn finished speaking, a loud warning bell came back from the sentry at the front of the camp, making everyone's eyes focus there, and then they heard the heart-piercing cry of the sentinel,

"Horde! The Horde is attacking!"

The general and the adjutant looked at each other, and the next moment, Hawthorne firmly held the ring in his hand, his eyes became sharp, and bloody anger began to surge in his body, and his loud, clanging voice sounded like a knife. Sounded in the camp,

"Soldiers of the Alliance! The Horde thinks they can break us, show them how stupid they are with the sword! Prepare to fight!!!"

And outside the vanguard camp, an orc with the Dragonmaw logo engraved on his arm was waving the battle ax in his hand and roaring loudly,

"Warriors of the Horde! The cunning alliance dogs ambushed our warchief, kill them! Go free the warchief!"

"Follow me to charge!"

Behind him, heavily armed orcs and tauren roared in unison, and further away, the engineering artillery of the goblins had already fired.

The war has begun!

And the war will definitely not start in this place alone!

The center of the Eastern Continent, the Twilight Highlands, is the traditional territory of the Wildhammer clan, one of the three dwarf clans. Grim Batol, the original capital of the Black Iron Kingdom, is located here. Of course, that cursed city has no one left. Inhabited, abandoned for hundreds of years.

Some time ago, the return of Kurdran Wildhammer, one of the five heroes of Outland, made the dwarves of the Wildhammer clan really excited for a long time. This was considered a symbol of the rise of the Wildhammer, but less than a year has passed. The new threat dampened the joy and excitement of the Wildhammer dwarves.

Dragonmaw orcs!

Since those Dragonmaw orcs who joined the Horde and fought in Northrend brought back the specialty of Northrend for their clan, the savage proto-dragon, this orc who had boldly enslaved the Red Dragon Queen, used He mastered the method of taming this beast in the shortest time, so the Dragonmaw orc, who was suppressed by the Wildhammer dwarves before, regained control of the sky!

The Griffins of the Wildhammer have no advantage in front of the savage Proto-Dragon, but they are manic. The Dragonmaw orcs who have not joined the tribe once again hold the heavy ax of war. Of course, the failure more than ten years ago made them more cautious , did not launch a full-scale war in the first place, but only a tentative attack.

Today, however, dense swarms of Dragonmaw orcs stand outside their camp, and in the sky above their heads, proto-dragons soar in enormous numbers.

The Dragonmaw orc standing at the front raised the halberd in his hand and roared loudly,

"Brothers of Dragonmaw! I have received news that the Alliance and the Horde are at war! This is our chance! We want to complete the unfinished mission of our ancestors 20 years ago! We want to use the battle axes in our hands to win a battle for the orcs. New world!"

"And this time, we won't fail again!"

"With the support of the tribe, we will definitely defeat those weak humans, those damn dwarves!"

"I, Malkorok, the chief of the Dragonmaw clan, officially announce that the Dragonmaw orcs will join the tribe starting today, and our first task is to completely capture the Twilight Highlands for the tribe!"

"Brothers, the souls of 20 years ago are watching us from the sky, we want to commemorate that failure with a massacre!"

"In the name of the Horde! Sound the drums and let the war begin!"

"For the Horde!"

The voice of the hideous Malkorok spread throughout the camp, and countless Dragonmaw orcs raised their arms and shouted, "For the Horde!"

In this carnival of war and death, there was only one person hiding in a corner, looking desperately at the fanatical compatriots around him.

Zaira clenched her fists tightly. As a female orc who participated in the undead war and was promoted to the warlord, she looked angrily at the figure in the front. Malkorok was once her compatriot, but Now, he has undoubtedly become a careerist.

The most frightening thing is that Zaira knows that relying on Malkorok's muscular head, he will never come up with such an idea to start a war in the name of the tribe, so behind him, there are other people controlling all of these!

Zaira felt a little cold all over, but she knew what to do.

"Orgrimmar Garrosh! I hope you don't go crazy with them!"


Anduin's fists hit the table in front of him, and the power of the high-ranking paladin caused two cracks to appear on the hard wooden table, but now, no one in the entire council hall paid attention to this. When Lamore participated in the leaders' meeting, the little prince who acted as the country's leader, General Windsor who was in charge, Duke Leoric, and other high-ranking officials in Stormwind City fell into a certain silence.

"Say it again! Major Samuel! What happened to my father?!"

The little prince asked word by word, the voice seemed to be extremely heavy, and along with his emotional fluctuations, the oath performer and the guardian of the truth that he placed by his hand also emitted brighter and brighter light .

The royal guard half-kneeling in front of all the officials, Major Samuel, King Varian's personal bodyguard, was in a very bad condition at this time, a hideous wound almost tore his chest, and his face was extremely pale , The military uniform that he hadn't changed in time was covered with blood and disgusting pieces of meat.

Facing the prince's questioning, Major Samuel's body trembled, not because of fear, but because of anger.

"His Majesty Varian encountered a despicable ambush from the tribe when he participated in the leaders' meeting, and His Majesty was seriously injured. Fortunately, the Draenei prophet Lord Velen who accompanied him broke through the blockade of the tribe and brought His Majesty into Theramore Somewhere in the territory to cultivate, His Majesty the Dwarf King Magni, His Majesty the Elven High Priest Tyrande, His Majesty Dailin of Kul Tiras, and Queen Kalia of Lordaeron were all seriously injured or captured by the tribe! Theramore has been besieged by Naga, and they joined forces!"

The excited Major Samuel pulled the wound, he let out a cry of pain, tremblingly took out a broken scepter from under his close-fitting clothes, held it up high,

"Your Majesty ordered me to ask for help from Stormwind City. Corporal Gurmerson went to the Stonetalon Mountains to ask for help! Your Highness! The Horde is at war with us!"

Anduin took the broken scepter, which was a symbol of his father's never leaving his hand. He sat back on his seat in a daze, his heart was very confused, but when he thought that he might lose his father, He had an urge to rush to Theramore immediately.

At this time, three hurried magicians strode into the meeting hall, holding urgent messages from three places in their hands.

"Your Highness, the Dragonmaw orcs of the Twilight Highlands have launched an all-out war against the Wildhammer dwarves in the name of the Horde! High Lord Falstad of the Wildhammer appeals to all alliance members for help!"

"This is an urgent request for help from General Galad of Overwatch! The Blackrock orcs hiding in the Swamp of Sorrows have broken out of the encirclement again. They have teamed up with the Gurubashi trolls in Stranglethorn Vale and are besieging Overwatch!"

"Report Your Highness, 10 minutes ago, we received the last magical letter from the Stonetalon Mountains. The front line of the Vanguard Army has completely fallen. General Hawthorne... died in battle."


Anduin stood up abruptly from his seat, his eyes were full of anger, like a lion cub completely enraged,

"Marshal Leoric, assemble the Morgan Legion and the Night Watchman Legion, led by you, to support Fort Watch!"

"General Gryan Stallman, the command of the Moon Creek Brigade and the Gold Glitter Brigade is entrusted to you, and cooperate with Marshal Leoric! Be sure to defeat the Blackrock orcs!"

"Marshal Windsor, assemble the Seventh Legion and all warships, and head to Theramore with me!"

The little prince clenched his fists, staring at the scepter in his hand,

"Be sure to bring back my father!"

MOP opening animation, Wa Wang's line "Be sure to bring back my son!"

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