Aztec Eternals

Chapter 108 The Merchant and the Feather

As the cool wind blows, the flowers and plants in the courtyard tremble in the cold. The soldier's feathers swayed silently, and the scene was momentarily chilling.

Looking at Shulot's suddenly tall back, Ticaro felt fear in his heart for the first time. He struggled uselessly in the hands of the warriors, shouting desperately.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Let me go! I'm a close friend of Captain Olosh. Since I met two years ago, I have been sincere to you! The God of War can learn from you!"

Hearing the Mayan merchant's begging for mercy and the God of War's oath, Shulot frowned slightly. The opponent is full of nonsense, but the psychological defense is still solid.

He put away his smile, turned back expressionlessly, and stared at the businessman coldly.

"Oh? You are a close friend of Mr. Olosh? But he told me that you are a complete profiteer. Ever since he smoked a pack of your cigarettes when he was young, he has never paid back the money he owes .Today, I took your life here, and let the teacher's account be written off!"

Ticaro's face froze, and a chill came over him. He tried to shake his slender head and defended loudly.

"Your highness is wise! You always have to charge interest on things you borrow. What's more, I have never asked Olosh for the principal and interest in these years. I swear by the Feathered Serpent God, I have always been a good entertainer!"

Tikalo sincerely swears by the great Feathered Serpent God Kukulkan, which is the most important belief of the Mayans and is rarely violated. Because it is true. Although big businessmen like to lend usury, it depends on the person to charge usury.

Since Olosh served as the warrior commander of the holy city, he has never mentioned the matter of owed money. Every time he met, he lent some tobacco to Olosh and tried to keep in touch. Of course, the bill has always been recorded, and the monthly interest is exactly the same. If the samurai commander has an accident in the future and his status is not guaranteed, the small book still has to be taken out.

Shulot shook his head calmly. He didn't speak, just watched Ticaro being dragged up to the high altar.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Spare my life! This, I, Olosh's account will be canceled!"

Standing on the high platform of sacrifice, looking at the mottled blood, Tikalo felt like duckweed in the wind, and his legs trembled. He hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and shouted in pain.

Shulot carefully looked at Tikalo's expression, and the other's expression was only slightly panicked. He shook his head again and spoke slowly.

"Well, the account has been canceled. But the Lord God loves rare fruits, and he still wants to sacrifice the pickers to serve Him in the Kingdom of God. You said, you picked this yourself?"

Ticaro's wise head was spinning fast. Hearing the boy's loose tone, his heart moved slightly, and he shouted hastily.

"No, I ordered the servant to pick it. It's the old servant at the door! He will replace me and dedicate himself to the gods!"

Hearing this, the old servant at the door trembled, didn't say anything, just nodded silently. A big businessman is rich and has no sense of security. He always raises servants and guards who are willing to die. The purpose of raising a servant for a thousand days is to use it at this time.

Shulot ignored it. He just scolded sternly.

"Tikalo, isn't this precious fruit you picked yourself? How dare you deceive me!"

"Yes, ah! No. This, although I didn't do it myself, my admiration for you remains the same!"

Ticaro was firmly pinned down on his hands and feet and laid flat on the altar. His body kept trembling, desperately lighting his divine head, and his speech was still coherent.

Shulot thought for a moment, and pondered slightly.

"In this case, then only offer precious fruits to God."

The warriors on the left and right let go, and the Mayan businessman breathed a sigh of relief. He got up from the ground and said with a smile on his face.

"Your Highness, you are so majestic and funny! The joke just now almost scared me to death."

Hearing the businessman's words, Shulot frowned slightly and his eyes turned cold.

With a solemn face again, he took the longbow from the attendant, put on the obsidian arrow, and pointed it at Tikalo's chest. The samurai on the left and right also raised their sharp sticks and aimed at the merchant's vitals. The Mayan businessman froze instantly like a frog stared at by a snake, motionless. The boundary between life and death was blurred in an instant, and his back was sweating profusely.

"Sacrifice precious fruits. Let the Lord God decide your fate!"

Shulot aimed for a moment, then lowered his bow. He picked a fist-sized cactus fruit from the merchant's gift, thought about his bow skills, and then replaced it with a pineapple the size of a human head. Then, he motioned to the guards to place the pineapple on top of the merchant's head.

The Mayan merchant's head is long and slender, with a rounded slant, and the pineapple cannot be placed securely.

The boy's heart froze, and he shouted solemnly.

"Hold it with your hands! Hold it steady! If it falls, it will destroy the sacrificial ceremony, and it will be a death penalty!"

Ticaro supported the pineapple with both hands and put his head on it. Three points form the triangle of fate. Under fate, he trembled and wanted to cry but had no tears.

Xiulot was extremely majestic. He raised his bow again, gesticulating and aiming for half a day. After checking the size of the target, he took a few steps forward and gestured again for a while. The sweat of the Mayan merchant had already soaked his clothes, dripping from the corners of his clothes onto the altar, soaking up the blood of the sacrifice.

Shulot once again looked at the target not far away, which was normally distributed. The Mayan businessman had been watching the young man, but at this time he also turned his eyes and aimed at the humanoid target beside him. Then, his legs shook violently, and he prayed frantically to the Feathered Serpent God in his heart.

Shulot tried again, and finally coughed lightly.

"Hey, Berthard. I want to communicate with the gods and pray for the attention of the gods, and the sacrifice ceremony will be handed over to you. It depends on the choice of fate! Shoot more accurately."

The last sentence, the boy lowered his voice, only two people could hear it.

The corners of Berthard's mouth curled up slightly. He nodded quietly, half-drawn his longbow, and aimed carefully. After thinking about the past experience, he moved up slightly.

Ticaro was shaking like chaff, his legs went limp. Beads of sweat flowed from his forehead, slid across his cheeks and neck, carrying the rich aroma of pineapple, as if bewitching his soul.

Time is as long as a century. Then, the bow trembled with a "buzz", and an arrow shot with a "swish", and then with a "bang", the pineapple exploded and the juice splashed everywhere.

The Mayan merchant trembled with fear. The impact of the bow and arrow pushed him back, and his weak legs could no longer stand firmly. He fell backwards suddenly, his hands still did not dare to let go, the pineapple juice flowed down his slender forehead, slipped past his breath-holding nose, and fell into his parched mouth.

Ticaro tasted it subconsciously. Pineapple juice is sweet and sour. It is the taste of fate and the beauty of the rest of life. He looked at Shulot again, with an unconcealable fear on his face.

Xiulot carefully observed the merchant's expression. He nodded secretly, and finally broke through his defenses, casting the shadow of the king.

So the boy smiled and walked forward. He pulled up the old acquaintance from the ground, and comforted him gently.

"Tikalo, the gods have made a choice. Your guilt of deception is forgiven, and now you are my guest!"

The Mayan merchant was covered in cold sweat. His emotions have not yet calmed down, but Nuonuo is speechless.

Afterwards, Shulot sent someone to bring brand new clothes for the businessman to change into. Pull him again, enter the main hall and sit opposite each other.

The warriors put away their weapons and guarded inside and outside the hall. The attendants brought cocoa drinks, tequila liqueur, honey sweet water, and delicious snacks.

"Come on, Ticaro. Drink this cup to the brim, thank the Lord God for your protection! Fate has brought us together!" Shulot drank the cocoa in one gulp. This is his favorite taste, hot cocoa with honey.

As a merchant, Ticaro could only drink tequila. He looked at the smiling young man with complicated and changing emotions. The once ignorant young priest has grown into a life-threatening and sharp-edged figure.

He thought about it silently for a moment, secretly blaming himself. Affected by the memory of the past, with contempt for the young man, he lost the caution to face the venerable. But the person sitting opposite was no longer a child, but the heir to a powerful empire.

When Ticaro thought of this, the memories of the past were completely blurred and disappeared in his mind. Only an arrow piercing the heart is left, like the irresistible power of a king.

The Mayan merchant moved his lips, and finally just bowed in salute.

"Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you Lord God for your protection!"

Xiuluo nodded and smiled slightly. He stared at the businessman solemnly.

"Tikalo, what are you asking for this time? But it doesn't matter."

The merchant opened his mouth, paused for a moment, and then sighed.

"Honorable Your Highness. I came here this time to propose business law to you, but now I dare not speak again."

"Very good. Let's talk about something else."

Hearing the businessman's honesty, Xiulot was quite satisfied. Immediately, with a serious expression, he asked in a deep voice.

"Where did your bronze tomahawk come from? Could there be more?"

Ticaro's face froze, subconsciously trying to fool him. He raised his head and saw the young man's expression. The experience just now resurfaced, and his body trembled slightly. The businessman paused, but still revealed his secret.

"The bronze battle-axes came from the loose southern city-state of the Tarascos. The Lake Patzcuaro area was the center of the Tarascos' dominance, and the copper mines there were tightly controlled. However, starting from the capital in the lake, along the Balthus The river goes all the way west, passing through the territory of the Juntar people, and going deep into the Wetamo Mountains in the south of the Tarasco people. There are still a large number of open-pit spotted copper mines.

Wetamobang is south of the Balthas River. The copper mines have been mined in secret by impoverished mountain tribes. They would make bronze vessels and sell them through foreign merchants in exchange for various expensive luxuries. The sixty bronze battleaxes I have brought are from the southernmost tribes. It was the furthest from the capital of the Tarascos, Qin Trongcan, and the tribe was the most daring, even daring to forge bronze weapons for sale.

I've been there once to meet with tribal leaders. There are still many spotted copper mines in the mountains, but the bronze weapons are gone. After all, the mountain tribes in the south have a limited number of people. Mining and casting are extremely labor-intensive tasks, and their scale has never been large. Probably because of this, the capital Qin Congcan turned a blind eye to the border mountainous area. "

Xiulot thought carefully. Wetamo mountains, copper mines. Well, who mentioned it to me? He looked at Bertard who was guarding him.

Bertard nodded seriously.

"I've been there. There are colorful and gilded ores everywhere in the mountains. But the terrain in the mountains is steep, there are many trees, and the mountain people are extremely agile and flexible. They are not suitable for conquest by large armies."

Shulot pondered for a moment. This kind of thing is most convenient for businessmen to do. He looked at Ticaro, solemn and majestic.

"Tikalo, I need more copper mines. Are you willing to go to Wetamobang to buy copper mines for me? The alliance has no shortage of artisans, and you need as much pure copper ore as you can get. The price is right, bronze weapons and bronze utensils I want all of them too. I will increase the price by 20% and give it to you with goods from the Alliance.

If you are willing to serve the alliance, the alliance will list you as a secret military businessman, provide you with various benefits and conveniences, and ensure your safety in the alliance. I will also provide you with elite warriors and sturdy boats.

I promise in the name of the patron saint, as long as you collect enough copper mines and intelligence, you can become a military nobleman of the alliance! And once you make great achievements, you can become a hereditary nobleman of the alliance and pass it on from generation to generation in the fief! "

Hearing this, Ticaro raised his head abruptly. His eyes flickered, and a strong desire jumped in his heart. As a big businessman with no worries about food and clothing, his greatest wish is to obtain a fiefdom, truly become a member of the ruling class, and get rid of the fate of life and death in the hands of others!

He subconsciously touched his wise head, feeling the smooth feel and the sacred curvature. His agitated mood slowly calmed down. In the mighty Mexica Union, he is nothing more than a rootless alien who sees no other divine kind. Even if you really have a fief here, how can you integrate into the ruling class? As long as there is a little turmoil, it will be the first to overturn.

Tikalo's thoughts fluctuated, and he struggled alternately between reason and emotion. After a while, he sighed faintly.

"Your Highness. The wise sea turtle should belong to the boundless salt water outside the Yucatan jungle. How can he survive in the freshwater lakes of the Mexican plateau under the kisses of countless crocodiles?"

Hearing the merchant's rejection, Xiulot was slightly surprised. He looked at Ti Kalo carefully again, feeling the wisdom of the other party in his heart, but there was killing intent in his eyes.

Ti Kalo shuddered and fully recovered his sanity. He bowed his head respectfully again.

"Your Highness, I am happy to serve you. After the New Year, I will set off to buy copper mines in Wetamobang for you at a reasonable price. As for military information, my servant can't control his mouth. He will return After the capital city in the lake, tell the great venerable."

Xiulot's face remained unchanged, and he shook his head slightly. This one-sided service relationship was not what he had hoped for. Without solid common interests, it is impossible to truly subdue the businessman in front of him, and it is impossible for the other party to do their best to complete the task of the alliance.

He pondered for a moment again, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Tikalo, you are a wise man. I have ambitions in the world. As long as you are truly loyal to me, I will promise you a satisfactory future. Remember that you are from Tutulxiu, a rich land rich in cotton?

So you want to go back to Yucatan and become a Mayan noble lord? Sooner or later the warriors of Mexica would set foot on the shores of Yucatan. With the support of tens of thousands of Mexica legions, you will become the noble Kalomut, like the Jaguar Claw of the mythical king! "

Ticaro's eyes flickered again. Desire is throbbing violently in the chest, and the glory of the family in the past is recorded in the inherited verses, chanting in the mind over and over again. He looked at Xiulot's solemn face again, feeling the sincerity of the young man, and the murderous intent hidden behind the sincerity.

After a long time, the Mayan merchant finally lowered his sacred head. He closed his eyes, sighed in his heart, threw himself on the ground to the young man, and paid homage.

"I am willing to serve you, my king."

Ticaro took off the silver feather crown on his head, revealing his complete slender head, performing an ancient noble etiquette.

"I swear by the Feathered Serpent God Kukulkan, I, Tikalo of the Holy Kokom family, will be your feather and help you soar through the sky!"

Looking at the prostrate and kneeling businessman in front of him, Xiulot smiled slightly. In the smile, there is the youthful innocence and the calmness of the king.

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