Aztec Eternals

Chapter 234 The Scarlet Road

"Qin Cong Can City. This great royal capital has stood for more than ten generations, but it has never fallen. But now."

Pu Apu stood blankly by the city gate, like a pottery sculpture with no expression, his heart was at a loss.

He watched the large groups of Mexica warriors, lined up neatly, entering through the open city gate. There were layers of dark green figures, boiling with bold killing intent, like an unstoppable torrent. In this deep night, thousands of "torrents" hold high the dazzling torches, as if they want to burn everything in front of them!

The bright flames were so striking that they reddened the southern sky. The ear-piercing bone whistle sounded in the city in an instant, and the militia camp not far away also became noisy.

The Mexica warriors surged forward and soon encountered spontaneous resistance from the militia. And under the swing of the baton, this resistance was so weak that it was quickly submerged by the relentless tide. The shrill howling continued to resound in the street ahead, accompanied by the sound of weapons clashing, leaving bright red marks on the ground. At this moment, this magnificent and quiet capital suddenly woke up like a dying white deer, and burst out its final mourning!

"It's all because of me."

A strange feeling rose in the heart of the gray soil warrior. As if suddenly, I was no longer just a weed in the war, but became so tall, so important, able to decide everything, like the holy cocoa.

"Nekari, who is the internal response!"

A loud shout woke up Puap suddenly, and also shattered his short-lived illusion, reducing him to the dust of the times again.

The gray-soil warrior heard the reputation, and saw not far away, a young warrior with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, carrying a longbow on his back, holding a baton in his hand, and rushing in quickly from the city gate. Then, Captain Mexica in front of him saluted respectfully and pointed in his direction. The young warrior suddenly turned around, revealing a pair of cold eyes, and walked with awe-inspiring power. This appearance looks somewhat familiar.

"You, hurry up! Take us to the Palace of Winds!"

With murderous eyes in his eyes, Toltek looked at Puap contemptuously, grabbed the other side's skirt, and shouted loudly.

"Lead the way ahead! I, the black wolf Toltek, will make the first contribution! Haha, the marshal is mine, the king is mine, and Tarasco's chief is also mine!"

Hearing this unforgettable voice, the old militiaman next to him lowered his head in fear, and the nightmare outside the city came to mind. This is the "Black Wolf Warrior" who once fought! Fear also appeared in Puap's eyes. He answered yes in a low voice, and led the brothers silently to lead the way. Toltek shouted loudly, and a thousand Mexica vanguard followed closely behind, holding up their torches.

Chin Cong Can City has a long history and a vast area. It is also well-ordered and hierarchical, imprinting the traces of a slavery society. From the solid bluestone city wall to the most central "House of Wind" Yakata, the capital can be clearly divided into four areas of different levels.

The outermost layer is the civilian area covering more than 60% of the area. At this time, there are more than 50,000 villagers, city dwellers and slaves living there. This is the bottom layer of the royal capital, where the main force of the conscripted militia and Tekos barbarians are also stationed.

The roads in the civilian areas are complicated, but Puap is familiar with the roads, and there is no need to think about it when walking. He has lived in the capital for thirty years, and spent most of his time hanging out in this area. The road here is only a few people wide, and both sides are full of low and dense huts. Looking around, the large thatched huts are almost completely dark, without a trace of light, only the suppressed cries of children are heard occasionally, followed by terrified adults cursing.

Toltek raised his shield vigilantly and observed the surrounding environment. The torches of the march never stopped, moving forward all the way. The further you go towards the center of the city, the wider the road becomes. In the large and simple civilian communities, some tall stone houses began to appear, and bonfires were lit between the houses.

Puap knew that it was the residence of commoner warrior families and small merchants in the capital, and now also stationed large groups of scattered barbarians and militiamen. As the war progressed, the Terkos became more rebellious. In order to control the large number of tribesmen, the chief tried to appease them with both kindness and force, and at the same time dispersed them with the tribe as a unit, and arranged militiamen stationed nearby, barely maintaining the balance of the capital.

"There are two garrisons ahead, one with 200 militiamen and the other with 500 barbarians."

The gray soil warrior reminded carefully. Toltek glanced at it, nodded casually, without stopping.

Soon, hundreds of conscripted militiamen appeared on the side of the street. They watched the Mexica Legion coming in from the brigade, waved their spears in a panic, and wanted to set up a gun formation.

With a roar of a tiger, Toltek rushed directly into it with dozens of personal guards! He wielded his baton ferociously, beheading the chaotic militia easily, and let out a terrifying roar from time to time. But after dozens of breaths, the militiamen were defeated by the fierce impact! They threw away their weapons, turned around and fled, crowding each other amid horrified shouts, and then were overtaken by powerful warriors, and fell to the ground one after another like thatch.

Amidst the gradually weakening screams, Chivako looked calm and walked forward with bare feet. Blood covered the narrow road and soaked the insteps of his feet, which felt warm and slippery. So, he stopped and looked down slowly.

Under the flickering light of the fire, there were dying militiamen of the capital city and the cold corpses of villagers everywhere, and the road under his feet had turned bright red. The old militiaman paused for a moment, tightened his spear again, and continued to move forward.

Not far from the militia station, is a spacious compound. At this time, the compound was in a state of confusion, obviously disturbed by the fierce fighting. Led by a tribal leader, dozens of Terkos tribesmen rushed out of the yard with disheveled hair, facing the oncoming Mexica Legion head-on!

Toltec roared again. He clenched his blood-dripping stick tightly, and rushed forward ferociously, smashing the nearest enemy to death one after another.

The tribal leader's eyes widened, looking at the elite warriors filling the streets, and the dark green leather armor on the warriors, he opened his mouth wide in horror. Then, when he saw the unstoppable black wolf approaching quickly, he jerked violently, turned around and ran away, shouting urgently.

"Surrender! Surrender! The obedient people of the volcano, are willing to surrender to the mighty chief of the East!"

"Black wolf warriors, they are willing to surrender!"

Hearing the Tekos shout, Puap hurriedly chased after Toltek, shouting to translate.

Toltek stopped, frowning slightly. He looked at the tribal leader, who had fled into the courtyard, and there were hundreds of tribal militiamen beside him.

"Separate 20 people, guard the door, and hand them over to the reinforcements behind. Other warriors, keep going!"

The vanguard legion moved forward again, more and more warriors lined up, and the buildings on both sides were no longer dark. There are some squares interspersed between the buildings, and a fortress-like mansion farther away.

Puap pursed his lips. This is the high-level warrior and craftsman area, and it is also where his family lives. The square between the buildings can not only hold weekday gatherings, but also often carry out community trade. The fortress-like mansion is the official artisan center, where thousands of lifelong artisans are firmly supervised. They obey the orders of the royal family and produce a large number of weapons and equipment, which is an important source of the defenders' combat power!

After several battles, the samurai in the capital suffered serious losses, and none survived. As a result, this area was the emptiest, and the Vanguard Legion passed through almost without encountering decent resistance. Toltek glanced at the huge artisan center from a distance, smacked his lips regretfully, and continued to kill.

Soon, the main road of Qingshi appeared at the feet of everyone, and many fires flickered not far away. A group of Tarasco warriors rushed over, and before they could form a spear formation, they were killed by brave black wolves. Toltek launched an attack swiftly, killing the leader of the warrior captain with a few hits, he was as brave as a beast! The vanguard warriors in the rear rushed up immediately, and after a burst of miserable howls, the main road was stained red with blood.

Chihuaco clenched the spear in his hand and followed the footsteps of the Mexica vanguard across the bloody battlefield. The red footprints stretch forward, and the vision on both sides suddenly widens. The old militiaman carefully looked at the unfamiliar situation along the way with his thoughts in mind, and couldn't help but marvel at him.

"This, this is the place where the great nobleman lives! Huh? There are stones everywhere, and you can't even see the top of the thatch."

This place is already a big aristocratic area in the center of the city, and civilians are not allowed to enter on weekdays, even ordinary civilian warriors. Under the light of the fire, the old militiamen looked around. There were solid white stone houses in the distance, beautiful well gardens in the near, and tall pines, cypresses and fragrant trees on both sides.

The nobles in the city have been alarmed by the accident. They quickly summoned the nearby private soldiers and guards, and the garden and the house soon saw figures swaying and flickering with cold light. There are more than a thousand noble private troops in this area, and they are in the hands of dozens of nobles, big and small. Under the suppression of the chief, the nobles had no chance to gather at all. Faced with sudden changes at this time, they can only stick to their own house, fighting each other nervously.

Toltek jumped and easily dodged the oncoming bronze spear. Then, he slammed forward with a side attack, beheading the Tarasco nobleman who was rushing forward. The guards on both sides staggered their blades, slashed and slashed, and a noble private army blocking the way was wiped out. Hei Lang looked around, looked at the noble private army on the defensive further away, waved his hands forward, and took the lead in the assault!

There is no need for guidance at this point. The vanguard army followed the obvious main road, ignoring the scattered enemies nearby, and quickly rushed to a 30-meter-high palace. Brilliant lights lit up and down the palace, bringing light that lasted all night, and the exquisite attic stood in the sky, like the residence of the descendants of the gods in the world. This is the last palace and temple area, the Haus of Winds in Tarasco!

Hei Lang looked up and frowned deeply. The brick and stone foundation in front is several meters long, and the tall steps go up one by one, supporting a majestic and solid wooden and stone palace. The wooden pavilions above the palace are stacked, surrounded by many solid stone buildings. Hundreds of Tarasco warriors were pouring from the palace, many clad in hummingbird leather. Armed with shields and spears, these loyal family warriors form an array on the elevated ground. Then, someone took out the longbow!


A merciless rain of arrows came, accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of the wind, and shot into the leather armor with a "puff". A scream suddenly sounded around Toltek, and a dozen Mexica warriors turned over and fell down in an instant. Hei Lang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he rolled sideways nimbly, then hid in the surrounding houses. He leaned against the wall and observed carefully, only to see hundreds of elite archers squatting on the top of the stone building and shooting arrows!

"Damn it, how did the enemy gather so quickly?! The front line raised their shields to charge, and the back line scattered to shoot! Separate two teams of warriors to outflank them from both sides!"

Toltek waved a small flag and shouted orders. Then, he took off the longbow from his back, and just aiming slightly, it was like an arrow!


"Ah!" An archer let out a short scream, fell from the top of the stone building, and then hit the ground with a "bang", the sound stopped abruptly.

"Xuuuuuuuuup!" The Tarasco warriors in front of the palace also started to shoot arrows together. More arrows rained from high places, with a crossing angle, knocking down dozens of vanguards in front. A moment later, the warriors in the rear also shot back a shower of arrows. A dozen figures instantly fell from the high attic, bursting into clusters of glaring red.

Soon, more than three hundred pioneer warriors rushed up the stone steps holding their shields. They roared and swung their batons, and strangled with the blocking Tarasco gun array, falling alternately from time to time. At this moment, in front of the majestic Palace of Winds, arrows rained fiercely, weapons clashed fiercely, and the breath of death was everywhere!

Behind the Mexica warriors, Huitu Puap bent down and carefully hid beside a house. He looked at the fierce fighting in the palace, and his heart was full of complexities.

As the Chief's most valued confidant, he has been to the Palace of Winds many times, and he has a thorough understanding of the situation here. Of course he knew that the main force of loyal warriors were gathered here, ready to suppress the nobles in the city at any time. He also knew that there were elite archers arranged in the stone buildings on both sides, and there was an emergency passage in the palace wall at the back. He knew better that Hummingbird's chief minister was in the highest attic, and the heir to the royal family was beside the chief!

Puapu buried all these important information in his heart. He didn't want to tell the Black Wolf Warrior, nor did he tell anyone else, except

In the howling rain of arrows, the old militiaman Chihuaco carefully held up his shield, and cautiously groped along the shadow of the wall. Behind him are a dozen trusted militiamen, all wearing hummingbird leather armor and holding sharp copper spears.

"Master, are you ready? As I said before. It's time to go."


Pu Apu exhaled heavily, and then took a deep breath of the sweet and fishy wind. At this moment, there was a strange light in his eyes, like a wolf transformed from a dog.

"Let's go. Lord God bless you"

"Okay. Lord God bless you."

Chivaco had a grin on his old face and his feet were bright red. His muffled prayers flew through the air, as dark as night.

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