Aztec Eternals

Chapter 788: The army attacks to the adobe village!

The wolf flag is fluttering, and the bronze armor is clanging. In just a few days, nearly ten thousand troops were dispatched. Hei Lang personally led this elite army from Hewan Village to the north for more than 20 miles, and rushed straight to the adobe village in the southeast of Jinwan City!

"Witness of the Lord God! There are two thousand throwing guards, one thousand bronze armors! One thousand bombardment artillery battalions, ten sun eagle cannons and ten Thor mortars! Three thousand good shooting Guajili troops, of which There are 500 bronze armors, plus 3,000 Totonac tribal troops carrying ladders and responsible for the siege. With 9,000 elite troops in hand, defeating the Totonac coalition army is as easy as squeezing a turkey to death with bare hands! "

The black wolf Toltek climbed up the hills along the way with high spirits. He carried the commander-in-chief himself, looking around at the nine thousand army, his eyes were full of confidence. His eyes were piercing, and he looked from the back to the front, first skipping the three thousand soldiers, and then staying in the artillery battalion.

"Thirty-pound guns! Like thunder!"

Hei Lang showed admiration on his face, and his thoughts drifted away. Even though several days had passed, he still couldn't forget the shock when he first saw the Thunder God mortar bombardment! Afterwards, he moved his eyes forward and looked at the armored guards of the Huizhong Army, and he knew that these were sharp soldiers who killed people like hemp and had firm beliefs.

"The lord god bears witness! Your Highness' imperial guards are tyrannical and brave, but they are devout and fearless. The dog-born warriors I brought out with my own hands are not far behind!"

Thinking of this, Hei Lang straightened his back and looked at the three thousand pioneer Guajili warriors. These dog-born warriors all carried big bows on their backs and copper axes on their waists, with a look of indifference that was used to fighting. Their formation was a little loose, with scouts running scattered at the front. At this moment, the scouts of the Legion were running and hunting, fighting with the scouts who were spying on the Totonac.

Feathered arrows shuttled, and spears roared. Several teams of scouts from both sides fought for a while, and the Totonaks left more than 20 dead bodies and wounded, and retreated in a hurry. The scouts of the Kingdom immediately moved forward, tortured several people, and brought back certain news again.

"The lord god bears witness! It is the Legion of Hidden Snake City who guards the third adobe village, with 7,000 warriors and militias! Battleship!"

"Okay! Chief of Hidden Snake City, praise the snake!"

Hearing this, Black Wolf Toltek was refreshed, and he was delighted when he heard the battle. Kua She, the leader of the various tribes in East Totonac, and the great chieftain of Hidden Snake City, personally sits in the adobe village. There is no doubt that the warriors stationed in the village must be the elite of the Eastern tribes.

"Bless the lord! Speed ​​up the march! I, the black wolf Toltek, must capture this venerable prey!"

The 9,000-strong army continued to march north along the wide and flat river bank that was easy to march. The scouts on the land of the Totonac were completely suppressed and flinched. But their warships came upstream along the adobe river, spying on the Kingdom Legion.

From time to time, a few warships speeded up and approached, and then a few archers stood up and shot a few arrows from a distance! These sporadic bone arrows were shot from fast-moving warships, without the slightest aim, just to slow down the march of the army. And if the archers on land fought back, it would be very difficult to hit the boat, and most of them would just waste precious arrows in vain.

"Ignore it! The brigade continues to move forward! Set up camp in front of the adobe village!"

The black wolf Toltek squinted his eyes, looking at the harassing Totonak boats on the big river, with killing intent surging in his heart. After a year of fighting, the Totonacs have clearly realized their weakness in large-scale battles. The battles of the various ministries of the coalition forces are also more and more inclined to small-scale raids and fights in jungle terrain. In other words, these jungle tribes are gradually adapting, learning how to fight the kingdom. If this expedition to the east did not go all out to completely conquer them, then the price the kingdom would have to pay for the next fight would be greater and greater!

"The Lord God testifies! I won't give you time to grow! You don't have time either!"

Black Wolf Toltek murmured to himself, his eyes became sharper. He recruited the red-haired personal guard Uta, and gave a few orders. Soon, hundreds of elite red-haired hunters were wearing armor to cover the marching group. They used their excellent archery skills to shoot the approaching boat sailors, driving the Totonak sailors to a distance of one or two hundred meters.

The scouts from both sides entangled repeatedly until the sun set to the west. In the sight of the black wolf Toltek, three army villages along the river, one big and two small, finally appeared. A banner with a feathered snake wrapped around trees hangs high on the wall of the main village, symbolizing the blood of the descendants of the gods, and it is the banner of the god of Hidden Snake City.

"Bless the Lord God! The adobe village is finally here!"

Hei Lang personally led thousands of dog-born vanguards, from south to north, half a circle around the village to observe the situation of the three army villages. The area of ​​the adobe main village is not small, and there are 5,000 defenders stationed there. The south and west sides of the main village are adobe rivers, and the east side is close to the sea. Only the north is wide and flat, and two small villages with a population of 1,000 people have been set up on the northwest side of the river and the northeast side of the sea. The three villages present an upside-down "pin" character, supporting each other. But to attack the main village, one had to break through at least one small village first.

"Haha! The defense of the Totonacs looks decent! It's a pity that they don't have enough strong bows, and they don't have the strength to fight in the field. It's useless to divide the defense like this!"

Hei Lang watched for a moment, then smiled faintly. With murderous intent in his eyes, he looked at the banner on the wall of the main village, and then stared at several Totonac chiefs, headmen and priests with feathers and long crowns on the top of the city silently for a while. Then, the black wolf stretched out his finger, pressed it to the heart, made a gesture of offering sacrifices to the noble chiefs on the wall, and left with a big smile.

"Set up camp! Watch out for five miles around!"

Nine thousand troops hustle and bustle and set up camp on the north side of the adobe village. Jinwan City is located on the north side of the camp, and the adobe village is located on the south side, so both sides have to send out samurai brigades for night watch and defense.

The black wolf lay down with his clothes on and slept all night with his leather armor on, but he didn't wait for the night attack of the Totonaks. But at dawn on the second day, he turned over and sat up, summoned all the generals in the army, and gave orders sharply.

"Bless the Lord God! Prepare breakfast! After three quarters of an hour, all must be eaten! Two hours later, the army will officially attack the village! These two small villages must be pulled out today!"

Hearing the order, Artillery Battalion Commander Tupa showed joy. He looked at the new heavy artillery in the battalion, his heart itched, and he wanted to direct the shooting himself.

"Captain Black Wolf, when will our artillery battalion be dispatched?"

"Artillery Battalion Heavy Artillery"

Hei Lang pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"We are attacking the small village today. The walls of the village are low, and the artillery battalion is not moving! So as not to scare away the chief of the hidden snake city because he praises the snake! He has a boatman in his hand. If he leaves the team and escapes, we can chase him down." not on."

Having said this, he turned his head again, looked at the two guard battalion commanders in Tekos costumes, and gave serious orders.

"Bozuo Shimao, throwing guns Atta! You two, each bring a throwing vanguard from a thousand-man battalion, prepare a magic ball, and attack two small villages! I will arrange two Guakili archer battalions to cover your archery ;There are also two Totonac conscript battalions, paving the way for your attack!"

"Lord God bless! Victory belongs to the kingdom!"

"The Lord God bless! We fight for God!"

The two Battalion Terkos commanders showed pious faces and answered their prayers loudly. Then, without looking back, they went to the camp to mobilize. Soon, devout and fanatical prayers sounded in the throwing vanguard camp!

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