Feng Qingxue has not lived with Wen Ruyu for a long time, but she knows very well Wen Ruyu's character of cherishing calligraphy and paintings by famous ancient and modern artists. It is true that even mountains of gold and silver cannot compare to his favorite painting.

Therefore, when Wen Ruyu asked her daughter to bring her four ancient paintings, Feng Qingxue was a little unbelievable.

Fubao also held his face, looking at the paintings that were unfolded at the same time with great care, and said in an almost admiring tone: "Grandpa Wen is really too generous, Mom! Such a painting, such a unique painting, has been damaged. As for the paintings that are really extinct, Grandpa Wen will give them to you, and he will give them four in a row!"

Only then did Feng Qingxue notice other things besides ancient paintings, including several scrolls of Gu embroidery, an inkstone, a set of jade ornaments with the twelve zodiac signs, and a pen holder with a red sandalwood openwork carving of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest.

"They are all good things!" Lu Jiang said as he walked into the hall, picking up the towel hanging on the clothes rack and wiping his sweat.

It was only mid-May and he was already sweating profusely.

Feng Qingxue poured him an enamel jar of warm water, "What are you doing here? You're covered in stinky sweat."

According to common sense, with his status, he no longer needs to take the lead in training. Instead, he spends more time sitting in the office and handling work.

Lu Jiang finished drinking the water and said, "The car broke down and we were still a little far away from the compound, so I trotted back."

"That's really hard work. Sit down, take a rest, and appreciate the painting the teacher gave me." Feng Qingxue proudly moved the painting to her husband, "Look, look, just like your daughter said , are all unique.”

Lu Jiang smiled, "Congratulations on making another fortune."

"That's not the case!" Feng Qingxue finished speaking and then sighed, "Let's forget about getting rich. No matter how valuable these paintings and calligraphy are in the future, we can't really sell them."

Unique traditional culture is a treasure that cannot be compared with money.

Among the gifts Feng Qingxue gave out in this life were gold, silver and jewelry, as well as imperial green jade that would increase in value three thousand times in the future, but there were no cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings, not a single one.

After listening to her words, Lu Jiang nodded and said: "Although it cannot be summed up by the word "get rich", these things are indeed a fortune."

Cultural wealth is also wealth.

"What you said is quite interesting. Yes, it is indeed a fortune, a rare fortune. I have to thank the teacher in person tomorrow. He is so kind to me." Feng Qingxue carefully rolled up the scroll and delivered it in person. On the third floor, I put it into a blue and white porcelain painting vat filled with more than twenty scrolls, and did not forget to look at it for a moment.

Lu Jiang followed him up to the third floor, took out an jade bracelet from his left and right trouser pockets and handed it to her, "According to what you said, this will also be a small fortune in the future. If you can't make Teacher Wen's fortune, you can't make this fortune." good."

Feng Qingxue's eyes turned to his face, "Where did it come from?"

Although it is not full color, nor is it a glass type, a large section is very green, and a small section is transparent with green flowers floating in it. It is a sweet and sunny green tone. The base of the ice type is very delicate and compact, with no obvious graininess, and the water head is very good. Well, it is slightly uneven when held in the hand, which is one of the signs of manual polishing.

Feng Qingxue has not received jade for a long time, so this pair of round bracelets made of the same material are not the best, and she likes them very much.

Lu Jiang sighed, "It's a long story."

"Then keep your story short."

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