Before she could finish her sentence, Aunt Feng rushed over and slapped her twice!

Second Uncle Feng's family has a lot of laborers, but his newborn grandson cannot work. He earns more work points in normal times, and more food is distributed at the end of the year. In addition, the family is very hard-working, cutting firewood, digging wild vegetables, and constantly hoarding With food for the winter, their living standards have always been higher than those of ordinary people, so they naturally grow strong.

Second Aunt Feng was originally the kind of person with big shoulders and a round waist. She has been eating well recently and has become more energetic.

After she slapped her twice, Zhao Guihua's face turned purple and swollen, and the slap marks were very obvious.

Second Aunt Feng immediately pressed her under her, pulled her hair, and said viciously: "Zhao Guihua, if you dare to spit out dirty words with your foul mouth, I will tear you apart!"

Zhao Guihua was much thinner than Aunt Feng. She was at a disadvantage before she could react. She hurriedly protected her face and head, trying to pull back her hair. "Let me go! Let me go quickly!" she screamed loudly. She called her husband's name, but unfortunately he was not at home. She called her sister-in-law Li Guohong, but Li Guohong was still nowhere to be seen. She was clearly still in the house just now.

Aunt Feng sneered, what didn't she understand?

Zhao Guihua and Li Guohong, the sisters-in-law, have always been in trouble, but it was Li Guohong who came up with the idea. No matter what happened, as long as it was not a good thing, Li Guohong would hide behind and wave the flag and shout, while Zhao Guihua would rush forward, and vice versa when something good happened.

Everyone in the Caohu Brigade said that Li Guohong was naive and cunning, and many people felt ashamed to be associated with him.

Second Aunt Feng rode on Zhao Guihua and did not let go, "Xiaoxue gave me something as a gift, and I was happy to receive it and eat it happily. Who is as cruel as you two families? Don't show off! You guys treat Xiaoxue Why didn't you two think that you were brothers and sisters-in-law when you ran out of the house? Why didn't you think that you were brothers and sisters-in-law when Xiaoxue went out to beg for food? Why didn't you think of you as brothers and sisters-in-law when Xiaoxue went out to take care of her? Where are the people? Oh, now that Xiaoxue is out, life is getting better, and you don’t have to spend a penny to do anything. Why do you think so beautifully about it? "

Zhao Guihua only cared about her head and face, and had nothing to say.

Women quarreling and swearing was a common occurrence in their production brigade. Some people were used to it and avoided it early. Those who liked to watch the excitement stood not far away, craning their necks to look here.

Second Aunt Feng was not afraid of people making jokes, and said in a sharp voice: "You are a married woman, when did you raise Xiaoxue? You said that Xiaoxue is the daughter you raised, and you are not afraid of ruining your tongue! Your parents-in-law are still alive, they said In this case, I have nothing to say as an aunt, what the hell do you think I am if I hear you two say something bad about Xiaoxue again, it won’t be like today’s two slaps!

She got up angrily, kicked Zhao Guihua before she could get up, turned around and went back to her home, without even looking at Li Guohong who rushed out of the house and helped Zhao Guihua while asking her for her welfare.

"I just called you, why didn't you come out?" Zhao Guihua shook off Li Guohong's hand and asked.

Li Guohong smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law. I was just here to beat Dani while she was stealing something to eat. We can't condone petty theft, so I didn't hear my sister-in-law calling me. Next time, sister-in-law, please speak louder. I'll definitely hear you." Be the first to rush out!”

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