After He Hongjun left, Father Lu said to Feng Qingxue: "This person is ambitious and capable, and he is definitely not a thing in the pool."

"Dad, you can even see this? Where did you see it?" Feng Qingxue was curious. Isn't He Hongjun just an ordinary young man who passed by to visit relatives and was in a very poor condition? Both appearance and temperament are ordinary.

Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng were both very young. They looked at Father Lu with question marks in their eyes, "Yes, how did you tell?"

Father Lu smiled and said: "After the death of his parents, he was not tolerated by his brother and sister-in-law. He left home decisively instead of staying in front of his brother and sister-in-law. This shows that this person is extremely decisive and courageous. People who leave their hometown are humble, and many people would rather freeze and starve to death at home. He is unwilling to go out to find a way out. He did not choose to wait for death, which shows that he is very courageous. Moreover, he chose to live in Shanghai as a childless aunt, which shows that he is very smart and ambitious. Where is Shanghai to settle? The benefits brought by it are too many. He is willing to provide for his aunt to live in her old age in exchange for a place to live, which shows that he understands the exchange of equal value and understands how to grasp the weakness of people's hearts. "

Feng Qingxue was thoughtful, and Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng also nodded. They all understood that Father Lu was teaching them how to recognize people.

"Yes, he is very smart. I remembered what he said. He said that when begging for food, he always picks people whose houses and yards look good because the chance of getting food is high." Guan Cheng suddenly said.

Lu Tianjun continued: "It's really not simple!"

“There are thousands of kinds of people in the world. When you meet them for the first time, you don’t know who is good and who is evil. You don’t know whether the person you save will value love and justice or repay kindness with enmity, whether he will become a prosperous person or continue to be in decline, so you have to be careful when dealing with people. ”

Having said this, Father Lu took the enamel vat handed over by Guan Cheng and took a sip of hot water.

"It is better to form a good relationship than to form a grudge. If you save a kind and righteous person, he will remember your kindness no matter whether he is prosperous or not in the future. Although a ruthless and righteous person may not be willing to do so after he is prosperous. If you mention your poor past, you treat him like a normal person instead of ridiculing him. Even if he doesn't repay kindness, he won't repay kindness with hatred. The cycle of cause and effect, if there is a cause, there will be a result. If you sow good deeds, you will bear good results. You can’t guarantee that you will be prosperous today, and you can’t guarantee that others will be miserable today. Life is unpredictable, and things will change from thirty years to the east and thirty years to the west.”

After Lu Tianjun heard this, he asked, "Do bad people also need to be saved?"

"Unless he dies on the spot, there is no way he can stand up." Father Lu said in a low voice, "It is better to offend a gentleman than a villain. Do you think this sentence was born for no reason? No. This is the summary of the sages of the past. Real knowledge and insight. If you offend a gentleman, you will not bring trouble to yourself. A gentleman is magnanimous and does not care about trivial matters. The villain is different. Most villains are narrow-minded and will retaliate. Once they turn around, they will be dealt with first. There are no exceptions for those who offend themselves.”

Feng Qingxue strongly agrees with this, "So we must be kind to others everywhere, because none of us can predict what will happen in the future. Of course, when doing good, you must do it according to your ability and pay attention to propriety while ensuring your own safety."

Father Lu nodded, "No matter whether the Red Army is good or bad, saving him today will be beneficial to us."

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