"Smelly girl, why didn't you tell me you were going to give birth?"

Wang Fengqiao cursed her niece and quickly helped her into the house with Miao Fengqin. Aunt Xu brought the hot water into the house.

Because they have all given birth, Wang Fengqiao and Miao Fengqin have delivered babies for their own daughters-in-law, so they have certain experience.

Feng Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief and forced a smile: "It just started to hurt, and the birth canal probably hasn't been opened yet. I had planned to ask Gangzi to find you and come back to help, but you guys came here."

She won't play with her own life!

After more than half a year of practice, she has the skills and experience to deliver babies, but delivering her own baby? Never experienced it.

Wang Fengqiao rolled her eyes at her, "Lie down quickly. I'll finish cooking the noodles and beat two eggs for you. You'll have the energy to cook later!"

"His sister-in-law, go quickly, I'll watch Xiaoxue here." Miao Fengqin said.

Feng Qingxue handed her the key to the cupboard and reminded her: "Guancheng knows where the noodles and eggs are. Auntie, don't cook plain noodles for me. I want to eat scallion noodles with poached eggs!"

"How long has it been since you are still so picky!"

Having said that, Wang Fengqiao still opened the cupboard with Guancheng's help.

The cupboard was full of food. Even though Wang Fengqiao knew that her niece was living a good life, she was also shocked by the situation in the cupboard. Needless to say, all kinds of whole grains and noodles were available in every house, which surprised her. There are three baskets full of eggs under the cupboard, as well as lard, brown sugar, white noodles, dried noodles, red dates, longans, millet and other nutritious foods. "They are really well prepared!"

Guancheng explained: "Many of them were sent by my uncle from the army, and some were sent by his comrades."

"Not bad!"

Wang Fengqiao took out a handful of noodles and four eggs, and made a large bowl of lard and scallion noodles according to Feng Qingxue's request. The white and tender poached eggs lay under the noodles and brought them into the room.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to have a baby. With this belief, Feng Qingxue ate all the noodles and eggs, and also finished the soup.

"Everything Auntie used to deliver the baby is in the medicine box!" Guan Cheng shouted outside the door.

Feng Qingxue was in labor, and he had no intention of going to school. While heating hot water in the kitchen for later use, he asked Gangzi to find Lu's father. Lu's father didn't come after so long. Maybe Lu Tianjun didn't meet him on the way. Although Father Lu cannot enter the delivery room, he should wait at home for his only daughter-in-law to give birth. How can work points be as important as his own family?

Before Gangzi even went out, Father Lu rushed over sweating profusely.

"Acheng, is your aunt about to give birth?" Father Lu heard that Miao Fengqin and Wang Fengqiao went to his home, and even Aunt Xu went there, so he knew that his daughter-in-law must be giving birth.

Guan Cheng nodded, "Yes, Grandpa, it will be good if you come back."

Father Lu was worried and happy at the same time, wandering around in the kitchen, which made Guancheng feel dizzy.

"Grandpa, should we make some millet porridge? I heard my aunt say before that it is best to drink some brown sugar millet porridge after giving birth."

"Stay, stay! You have studied medicine with your aunt, and we will do whatever you say is good for us to eat!" Father Lu hurriedly squatted in front of the stove to watch the fire. Guancheng scooped up millet, poured it into a casserole, and placed it next to the stove. Cook in a separate pot cavity over low heat.

The pot cavity was built after the New Year, in preparation for Feng Qingxue's delivery.

Before the pot of porridge was cooked, I saw Aunt Xu walking quickly, "Hurry up and get some hot water for me, Qingxue is about to get pregnant!"

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