Feng Qingxue heard Yuejin's intention, but she didn't refuse.

She eats well in private and her milk supply has always been abundant. Now that Xibao has started to take complementary food and milk powder, she usually sucks out the excess milk with a breast pump and stores it in a space. Anyway, she will not take the initiative to breastfeed other children.

No matter how careful other people's children are, they can't be as clean and cute as her Xibao.

"That's it..." Feng Qingxue pulled Yuejin's mother who was relieved and whispered: "Auntie, something has happened to me. I came here yesterday. If you dislike it, there is half a can of leftover milk powder from Xibao at home. "She poured the milk powder into the malted milk jar.

The milk powder she gives her son is imported and high-end.

There's no way, it's not that she doesn't support domestic products, it's that she can't trust them.

She said this because she remembered that some people thought that the milk produced during menstruation during breastfeeding was dirty milk.

In fact, there is no such statement in medicine, and the quality and quantity of milk after menstruation are basically not affected.

"What do I dislike? How many people can still have milk after more than half a year of giving birth? Those who have milk are lucky and good wives! Only with good body and bones and good food can you have good milk." Yuejin mother didn't care at all. , but continued to smile and said: "What's going on is that I can have a baby. While Lu Jiang is at home, try to add another big fat boy to the Lu family!"

"One Xibao is enough to give me a headache." He was very skinny within eight months. Lu Jiang held him high at home every day, changed and washed his diapers, and he was finally liberated.

Second child? The second child is a matter of fate.

She had just gotten her period, and Lu Jiang only had about ten days left at home, so he might not be able to win the prize.

While the mother-in-law and her husband were talking, they arrived at Zhang's house. Half of the chicken was already stewed, and the aroma filled the courtyard.

Wang Jiao was so greedy that she drooled. She lay on the crack of the window that was not tightly sealed and sniffed. The puppy Dandan was so hungry that he grunted in his swaddling clothes. His energy and energy were not as good as that of Xibao, who was also so big and thin. Small and dark.

Wang Jiao also thought it was black, and said to her cousin who was holding the dog's egg while breastfeeding, "I think it should be called Hei Dan."

Against Jingfeng Qingxue's snow-white skin, the dog's balls were terribly black.

Feng Qingxue fed the dog eggs and made burps skillfully. After he fell asleep, she placed him next to Wang Jiao's pillow and covered him with a quilt.

When I put the quilt on, I was hit by the smell of oil.

Feng Qingxue took a closer look and saw that the edges of Wang Jiao's dowry quilt were oily and black and full of stains, which were the areas where the quilt was close to her neck and chin when she slept. This showed that this quilt had never been removed or washed at all.

"Cousin, if you are too lazy to take off the quilt, just sew a layer of cloth on the head of the quilt. If it gets dirty, take off the cloth and wash it."

"Xiaoxue, you are so smart!" Wang Jiao's eyes lit up, "I'll ask my mother-in-law to sew it up tomorrow so it looks clean. I'm in confinement, and my mother told me that doing needlework during confinement can easily hurt my eyes. ”

Feng Qingxue was speechless after hearing this.

Wang Jiao didn't take it seriously and held her hand, "Xiaoxue, you must tell my mother-in-law and Yuejin that I have to eat well to have milk."

You must eat well to have milk, but I can't say this in front of you, Feng Qingxue thought to herself.

Wang Jiao's condition is called greedy for milk in the countryside, and it is relatively common. The three daily meals must be a combination of meat and vegetables to satisfy the mother's appetite, and the milk will naturally come down.

"Okay, you have a good confinement period and I will come see you when I have time." Feng Qingxue stood up and said goodbye to Yuejin's mother who had just come in.

Yuejin's mother hurriedly persuaded her to stay: "Your brother-in-law has stewed the old hen. You can stay and drink some soup and eat some meat before going back." You can't let people come over to feed your grandson in person, and your family doesn't show any sign of it.

"Leave it to my cousin. My cousin needs some supplements during confinement, so don't be polite to me." Feng Qingxue naturally declined, "If my cousin's milk is not enough, I will feed the dog eggs tomorrow." , or express the milk and go to my house to bring it back and heat it up for the dog to eat. I’m sorry if there’s really no milk.”

. . My sisters gave birth to babies one after another. One of them started to gush with milk after drinking a bowl of egg tea, while the other had no milk after a meal. So the former regained her figure after confinement, while the latter gained dozens of pounds while breastfeeding. She laughed and cried. !

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