Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 380 Killing Pigs and Fishing 4

In the past few days since Lu Jiang came back, Feng Qingxue had secretly fed him several meals of braised pork in the space.

Otherwise, how could he grow flesh so quickly?

Dreaming is faster!

Lu Jiang obviously also remembered his wife's kindness to him, and secretly grinned at her.

The taste of braised pork is really unforgettable, but my wife doesn’t eat much because she thinks it’s too fatty.

Father Lu didn't know the secret between his son and his daughter-in-law. He nodded when he was satisfied with his daughter-in-law's answer, "The pig must be killed first, A Jiang. Don't forget to help, gentlemen."

"I know, Dad." Lu Jiang finally had an intuitive understanding of how much the Wang family loved their daughter. This was more than just pain, it was like being pampered and obeyed, okay? Fortunately, meat and fish are collective, and more than one Wang Jiao benefited.

To put it bluntly, everyone gets such benefits purely because of Wang Jiao's favor.

If you were in another production brigade, you would definitely kill a pig, eat a big pot of food for all the fellow villagers, and sell the rest to the supply and marketing cooperative, which not only supports national construction, but also generates income for the production brigade.

Fortunately, the three pigs and the reservoir belong to the Wanglou brigade, so the three pigs face the fate of being slaughtered amidst everyone's cheers.

Zhang Yuejin was still the master of killing pigs, and other strong laborers helped.

Of the three pigs, not a single one was left alive, all were killed.

The pig's screams made Xibao clap his hands with joy. He wanted to put his head in front of the pig's head to watch the fun. Feng Qingxue finally hugged him and said, "Don't make trouble, stinky boy, or I'll spank you!"

Different from the tit-for-tat confrontation with Lu Jiang, after hearing her mother's words, Xibao let out a sigh and suddenly became depressed.

Feng Qingxue couldn't help but kiss him a few times, "Xibao, be obedient. Mom will make you some minced meat later."

As soon as he heard the word "eat", Xibao's eyes lit up and his mouth watered.

Jin Cuihua, who was standing next to Feng Qingxue, saw this and laughed happily, "Xiaoxue, your Xibao's reaction is so funny. How can he be so cute? He can actually understand what you say."

Just as he was talking, the pigs had been killed over there.

Zhang Yuejin was an expert at killing pigs. He cut the various parts of the pigs and placed them neatly on the chopping board. Based on the accountant's calculations, he distributed them door to door based on the head.

However, Zhang Yuejin ordered two pairs of pig trotters.

Compared with pig's trotters, which have only a layer of skin and are full of big bones, pork is obviously more popular with everyone. In addition, everyone knows that there is a breastfeeding mother in his family, and they have no objection to it.

He asked for two pairs of pig's trotters, and his share of meat would definitely be much less.

Zhang Yuejin called Lu Jiang to come and get the meat. According to the population of the Lu family, not counting Lu Jiang who joined the army and Lu's father, who was a single household, there were eight people in total including Song Gang and Lu Xibao. They cut a meat of two kilograms and four taels. The heavy pork belly was also given an uncleaned pork bone, which Zhang Yuejin chopped off with the back of a machete.

In other words, everyone can get three taels of meat.

Zhang Yuejin is well versed in the art of dividing meat. Lu Jiang had told him earlier that he wanted pork belly, so he did this. He gave others pork suet, pork belly, lean pork ribs, pig sesame and put them together in proportion. Everyone was happy. No. Any advice.

As soon as the meat was divided here, the people there urged Wang Zhengguo to order the nets to be cast for fishing.

"Captain, Party Secretary, take advantage of the good weather and the ice in the reservoir has melted, and quickly lower the net."

"That's right, if you take advantage of the victory and pursue it, you will definitely gain a lot."

"Cast the net this afternoon and close it tomorrow morning. I'm sure you'll catch a lot of lively fish."

. . Please collect, leave a message, vote, PK. I don’t know what PK recommendation is, but it’s correct to ask for it anyway! In addition, it will be released on the shelves either on the 10th or the 13th, and there will be an update of 50,000 words that day, so everyone should get involved! ! !

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