Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 514 Literary Female Soldier 4

Everyone has a love for beauty, both men and women.

Just like men discuss beauties, women gather together to discuss whose children are the most handsome and whose children are the most capable. The female soldiers who were indifferent before joined the conversation one after another.

"Many people have two blushes on their cheeks, but he doesn't. Do you think it's that person? Shoulder badges, school grade."

"Yes, yes, I have seen it, I have also seen it. I know who you are talking about. I have noticed it a long time ago. He is tough and elegant at the same time. He is majestic when giving orders. He sits in the audience and watches the performance. Shi's appearance and behavior are all perfect, and he looks like a man with both civil and military skills. He has a lot of ink in his belly, much better than Guo Huai. "

"How can Guo Huai's looks compare to his? No one else is taller, no more handsome, and his temperament is quite different."

"That is, besides having a good background, there is nothing else about Guo Huai that compares to the handsome officer below the stage."

While they were whispering to each other, Chen Chen saw Bai Xue's cheeks getting redder and redder, and suddenly understood in his heart. He was about to tease her, but he was afraid that it would be bad for others to hear the news, so he changed the topic abruptly, "I don't know. If you go back and ask the soldiers in the army, you will be able to find out who he is." Handsome and tough men like him are rare in the army.

Yang Fengying, who had not joined them in chatting, sneered, "I said you all should just calm down and don't think about where you are now. You are here to condolences the border guards, not to observe the appearance of the military general. Is he handsome?" What's wrong with you guys? At such an age, with such a military rank, and with such looks, unless he is evil, he must have a wife and children at home. No matter how nice he is, what are you talking about? A woman's husband, the father of other children, can you replace her if you find out clearly? Even if you have this plan, people may not buy it! Don't think that all men in the world are the same and can't move when they see a beauty. Move your feet! Let me tell you, life style is very important!”

After saying something, everyone immediately shut up and looked at Bai Xue in unison.

Yang Fengying and Bai Xue have always been at odds.

Baixue is an accomplished singer and dancer, while Yang Fengying has studied Peking Opera since she was a child and is a descendant of the Mei School. The two have equal status in the art troupe, but Yang Fengying is far less good-looking than Bai Xue, so the attention she receives is naturally different.

Bai Xue's face turned green and white, and he said in a cold voice: "It's none of your business if we talk about our lives! Yang Fengying, don't think that just because you are a descendant of the Mei sect, you can do whatever you want!"

Yang Fengying said unceremoniously: "You can do whatever you want, I will give it to you, Bai Xue, don't rely on your beauty to think that all men in the world should fall under your pomegranate skirt. The world is very big, and there are people who are more beautiful than you." Fanji, don’t think that just because a few senior cadres promoted you to the most beautiful position in the art troupe, you are really the most beautiful person in the world! In this world, beauty is not a blessing, but a curse. You’d better listen to me. Go in, or you will regret it!"

The next show was Yang Fengying's turn. After she finished speaking, she straightened out her clothes, walked to the entrance of the stage, and with a clear voice, stepped onto the stage and won countless applause.

The rehearsal was a success, but Chen Chen and other female soldiers went outside the training ground during their break the next day and did not see the handsome officer.

After asking around, I found out that he had gone to the station to pick up his wife and children.

. . What does PK recommendation mean? But I still ask for votes and subscriptions. This is the eleventh chapter. If possible, I will update it a little bit tonight to make the list.

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