Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 198: We also have girlfriends

"The genius of basketball madness is in Zuoxin ( to find the latest chapter!

Olsen, who got out of the car, was looking around, his mind was full of memories from five years ago. This dilapidated road should originally carry the night that he wanted to forget most in his life, but because of the existence of Zuo Li , but became his most unforgettable day.

She will never forget the figure that seemed to fall from the sky at that most desperate moment. This memory is so deep that every night in that year, when she dreamed back at midnight, what appeared in her mind was not darkness and panic, but the slightly immature picture of Zuo Li. face, so that what should have been a nightmare story turned into a sweet dream instead.

This seems incredible, but thinking about Zuo Li, it is so reasonable.

Especially after he chose to transfer to New York in order to have the opportunity to meet Zuo Li again, when he really stood by his side again, he would understand that this was really a very safe thing.

At that time, Olsen knew that he should really like this big boy who clearly has a young face, but his behavior is so mature and reassuring.

It's just this maturity that makes Olsen unable to express his emotions easily.

Zuo Li's eyes are very beautiful. Although she was born in a family of performers, it is the first time she has seen such beautiful eyes as Zuo Li.

It's not just big, Zuo Li's eyes seem to hide a long, long story, which makes Zuo Li look mature, confident, and full of direction.

Such a sense of direction made Olsen feel envious and at the same time more addicted, but it was precisely because of this sense of direction that Aomei dared not express her emotions.

Because Ao Mei knows that Zuo Li knows what he wants to do too well, and although his ideals have never been told to others, they may be far more than what people see.

So although in these years, everyone can see the difference between Olsen and Zuoli, whether it is breakfast in the morning or company in the evening, whether it is a meticulous notebook or cheering on the side of the court, Olsen has never concealed himself. Preference for the left.

Even her two older sisters have said sourly that Olsen treats Zuo Li better than both of them.

5 years flies by.

But the two still maintain a friendship, perhaps much better than the average friend, but a little bit closer to being a lover.

And the longer it takes, the more Olsen can't express it. In the past five years, Zuo Li's story is like a movie with a big male lead. The first time the two met was on the streets of Harlem, with worn out football uniforms and dirty clothes. Although Xi's sneakers couldn't hide Zuo Li's handsome face, he didn't expect him to get to where he is today in five years.

From high school to college to the NBA, Zuo Li completed the triple jump in less than five years, and he was the most successful and dazzling one. He entered the NBA with a halo and continued his legend. Now he has become a New York A basketball hero, Olson in New York is too aware of people's expectations and love for Zuo Li. Even in the Upper East Side where there are many rich women, Zuo Li is also the prince charming of many girls.

Since the relationship between the two classmates and friends was exposed, the number of inquiries about Zuo Li in the school exceeded the number of people who approached her. Even the aunt who lives on Fifth Avenue is helping others to inquire about Zuo Li's situation.

One of his best friends, Xue Fu, a wealthy girl in the Upper East Side, even said that even if Zuo Li was a player, he was barely enough to be her son-in-law.

However, Olsen knew that, in addition to being a player, Zuo Li was also the founder of an Internet company, and from the few words he had met with Richie Paul, Zuo Li's right-hand man, she could also understand that Zuo Li's Off-field careers have only just begun.

She didn't want to be a drag on Zuo Li.

That's why she can't say it easily.

It was also the reason why she guessed that Zuo Li didn't fall in love. In the United States, career is indeed more important sometimes.

Zuo Li, who was standing under the car, didn't know what Olsen was thinking, but it didn't matter anymore, because tonight, Zuo Li, who seemed to be reborn and found a new self, was no longer ready to wait any longer. What he used to think now seemed a little bit different. Childish, grasping the present is his only thought.

Therefore, his confession has already blurted out.

"...So, can I ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"What... what?!" Olsen stayed where he was, the wind in his ears seemed to dissipate, his eyes widened, his mouth opened unconsciously, revealing his white teeth.

"Sure enough, it's still too abrupt." Zuo Li scratched his hair in embarrassment, looked around, it was pitch black, except for the dim yellow street lights, there were only tattered trash cans and a desolate street behind.

It's not a good place to make a statement anyway.

"This, sorry, this is my first confession. I don't have much experience. I just think that maybe I shouldn't wait any longer. There are too many uncertainties in life. I just want to seize the moment."

"I used to think that I would give the best things in the world to my future girlfriend. I have been working hard for this. The reason why I have not confessed is not for whoring...cough cough, I just think you are the sweetheart of heaven. , I need to do more, and, don't you want to enter the entertainment industry, I thought I could set up a studio for you, this plan is still a little short, but it's actually very soon."

"But, I figured it out yesterday. These plans can tell you what we can do together, so why put this delicate girl aside."

Zuo Li said to himself, when he looked at Olsen again, Olsen had already burst into tears...

"This, don't cry, I think this place is not the same for us. After all, this is Harlem, and the front is the most prosperous place in New York. I just walked out, and if it doesn't fit, I can actually do it again in another place..."

"I do!"



Zuo Li looked at Ao Mei who fell into his arms in confusion.

"I said, I am willing!" Olsen stopped his tears, raised his head, and said solemnly: "No matter what you do, whether you have money or not, I am willing!"

"From the time I waved goodbye to you here, I knew that I couldn't live without you."

"I used to think that is not bad for you to be with you like this. After all, you don't seem to have any other interest in other girls. Fortunately, you didn't make me wait too long."

"Fu~ that's good, that's good." Zuo Li breathed a sigh of relief, full of joy, and his first confession in his past and present life was not too embarrassing after all.

And, starting today, my buddy also has a girlfriend!

"Come with me." Zuo Li slowly let go of Olsen, the girl's hair in his nose made him a little reluctant to part, but he didn't forget the last part of the night.

Open the trunk of the car, 99 bright red roses stay here quietly.

"Wow~!" Ao Mei sighed, red rose, her favorite flower, since when did it start?

Maybe it was the day I knew Zuo Li liked red...

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