Battle Frenzy

Vol 5 Chapter 41: 0钧1 hair

But now obviously not considering the reason, Wang Zhong only judged the tread of the ground, and he can estimate the horror speed of this beast, at least 70 meters per hour, not slipping. And taking a step on the careful path, this is definitely a speed that Scarlett and Barron are completely incomparable. ≥ 8 and listen to the scale of the animal boom that is getting closer and closer, do not have to consider what is the mutant beast, absolutely not human can be blocked.

On the left side is the cliff on the right side of the mountain wall. Fortunately, there are some irregularities on the mountain wall, and there are some horizontal vine plants.

"Climb first! Grab the vine!" Wang Zhongzhong was in a hurry. Unfortunately, there were too few vines on the mountain wall, and the view was visible. There was only one vine tail from the ground four or five meters. Others can see at least ten meters above the ground, and it is simply not enough. Even if it is four or five meters away, Scarlett is almost impossible.

"You can't go up! You should go first, no matter me!" Heyman was a little anxious, and the sound of the animal's tide came very quickly. At the beginning, he could only feel the vibration of the ground in a few miles, but now he can clearly hear it. That rushing voice!

Her strength is the weakest in the team, everyone let her go first, but she jumped twice and did not reach the place, full height of four or five meters, she is just a power, not good at physical strength, and the whole mountain wall There is also a thin layer of frost, slippery hands, nowhere to climb the edge of force, let alone her, such a height, even Mirami and Scarlett can not go up.

"Can, believe in yourself!" Wang shouted: "Baron!"

"Tread on my hand!" Barron hearted, and the first time he ran to the vine under the mountain wall, his hands squatting in the lower abdomen, Heyman hurriedly stepped on, and Barron’s hands only gently slammed up, the sea Man squatted like a rocket and grabbed the vine directly.

"Climb up! Mirami keeps up!"

"Hurry up!"

"Follow up!"

It’s a lot easier to have Barron’s help. Everyone’s movements are also very fast. It seems that they still can’t keep up with the speed of the beasts. When there are Wang Zhong, Glei and Barron left, the horrible beast tide has Break through the layers of fog, close to your eyes!

I saw that it was a large group of large-angled rhinoceros. The mountain roads of six or seven meters wide could only accommodate two side by side at most, and the large red crystals on their foreheads were extremely conspicuous.

Although it is a herbivorous mutant animal, the temper of the horned rhinoceros is quite violent. After adulthood, it is almost stable to reach the level of the fourth-order mutant animal. The strength is infinite, and the horns on the top of the head are as hard as the dystocia. Diamonds, thick rhino skin can be compared with armor, the horrible momentum is comparable to the rail train! And because of its gregarious nature, even in this banned area is a very strong ethnic group, and there are few natural enemies.

At this time, there are hundreds of different horned rhinoceros rushing like a ghost-like horror, rushing to the ground, approaching the corners of some mountain roads, due to the ice skating of the ground or the narrowing of the mountain road, many different angle horns Under the squeezing of the companions, they were squeezed out of the cliff next to them, and the screams of horror and despair, coupled with the rumbling sound of the rumbling, seemed to shake the entire mountain of the iceberg!

Such an impact, even as a reloaded balun, is also scalp tingling.

"Wang Zhongge!"


"Balun is coming up!" Everyone on the mountain wall shouted anxiously, but even in the horror of this horrible beast, even the voice was covered.

Wang Zhong and Glei obviously did not need Barron to help, he quickly jumped up, this height is a bit reluctant for his reloading, and the heart is a little nervous, the first time did not even reach that vine.

At this time, an unusually tall, abnormal-angled rhinoceros in the front row has been rushed up with a thunderous sound. The huge body is like an armored rail.

Finished! Barron was a little desperate, and fell into such a beast. It was the possibility that the momentum made him feel impossible and survived, but suddenly he saw a black shadow in front of him, followed by another Only hand grabbed his collar and sent it up, Gry's voice: "Scratch the vine!"

The power of this embarrassment is extremely incomparable. The body of Barron's two hundred kilograms feels like the clouds of the clouds rise straight up. He grabs the vine on the mountain wall and he looks down.

I saw Grae, who had just pulled the collar and sent himself up, and the shadow that was in front of him was suddenly Wang Xue’s senior. He held the heavy shield pulled from the balun and leaned against it. The mountain wall made a cover.


The terrible **** rhinoceros slammed the horrible power on the diagonal shield. The hard and incomparable alloy shield was indented into a large piece in an instant, and the remaining force wiped the mountain wall and flew countless gravels!

Wang Zhong is also a fourth-order mutant beast that bites his teeth and is brute force. This impact is really terrible. He is not a frontal confrontation. He only uses the shield to make a diagonal unloading cover. I can feel the numbness of my arms and half of my body in an instant. If it is changed to a slightly weaker body, I am afraid that it will become a meat sauce directly under the collision.

The horned rhinoceros leader who was slightly deflected in the opposite direction seemed to be a bit embarrassed. I didn’t expect this smooth mountain wall to suddenly protrude out of such a small piece, the foot slipped, and the horrible power suddenly ran alongside it. The opposite-angled rhinoceros squeezed to the side, and the lower hoof was stepped on.

Oh la la!


The **** rhinoceros made a scream of horror, and the two front hooves kept swaying, still unable to stop falling, and fell to the cliff next to it, smashing the entire front of the beast.

Wang Zhong was also eager to take advantage of this moment, throwing the shield to the top of the balun, followed by a jump, followed by Grae and climbed the vine.

Everyone went up the mountain wall. At this time, I was a little relieved. I was attached to the mountain wall with my vines attached. I didn’t dare to climb too high. After all, this mountain wall was too high. At the top, the safest way is to wait until the beast has passed and then jump.

At this time, look at the beasts in the lower part of the beast. The chaos caused by the falling of a few different angles of the rhinoceros was soon stepped on by the beasts that were rushing behind, more exotic rhinoceros Rushing out of the fog, fortunately, these big guys only care about escape, and they don’t pay attention to it or don’t care about the people on the mountain wall. So many different angles? Where is it? What are they escaping?

But this is obviously just the beginning. After hundreds of amazingly angled rhinoceros, the following are the dragons and dragons of the team. These huge guys are bigger than the horned rhinoceros. It’s a little slower, but the impact of running is not the same as that of the horned rhinoceros. Even in particular, the height of six or seven meters makes them almost threaten Wang Zhong and others on the mountain wall. Everyone climbed a little bit up a little, and under the thick limbs of these giant Thunder Dragons, there are countless kinds of mutant beasts interspersed among them, just like the whole beasts of Beichuan. A variety of things, everything!

Huge, thin, carnivorous, herbivorous, hunters or hunters... At this point, their faces are all filled with an expression, that is fear! Fighting hard to run forward, squeezing forward, big trampled small, small squeezed smaller, each one is like being chased by death behind him!

"Is there any horrible mutant beast to prey on them?"

(The second is sent, and ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!) (To be continued.)

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