Battle Soldier Leon

Chapter 5 Fighting

Leon's eyes were red, and his heart was full of murderous intent, not because the pirates on the spaceship wanted to kill him, but to regain his memory.

In his feeling, it seems that he is a person who is naturally used to killing, otherwise how could he be so proficient in using a dagger or a self-defense gun.

Especially when facing a group of enemies armed with various weapons, he only regarded them as a group of sheep.

Due to the alarm issued by the spaceship's brain, all the hatches on both sides of the passage were opened, and Leon cleaned every cabin for more killings.

Sensitive perception allows him to know where the hidden enemies are as long as he enters the cabin.

Even if an enemy shoots first, Leon will sense it in advance and make a counterattack.

"Boss, please, open the door!"

"Brothers inside, open the door quickly!"

"You can't throw us out like this!"

Crying, begging, and the sound of beating the isolation door echoed in the passage.

Accompanied by these sounds, there are occasional gunshots from places that cannot be seen on the other side of the passage.

Unlike the bursts of assault guns, submachine guns and other weapons, the sound of self-defense guns is short and relatively weak.

The pirates on the side of the isolation gate could clearly hear every exchange of fire, ending with the unique sound of self-defense guns, and the fighting frequency of self-defense guns was too fast.

Just relying on the self-defense gunshots, one can tell that the devil is approaching here quickly.

These pirates usually boast that they are not afraid of death, but when they really face an invincible enemy, especially when they are asked to wait for death, the fear and timidity in their hearts cannot be stopped.

The self-defense gunshots stopped, and the pirates looked towards the direction of the passage, hoping that the devil would die.

Perhaps it is really possible, no ordinary person can face so many armed pirates at the same time and win all the time, and the pirates did not dare to go back and check.

Leon was standing in front of the optical brain in a cabin. This cabin in area B was originally a room with status among pirates.

The optical brain does not mean that you can use it if you want to use it, and you need certain permissions to enable it.

I don't know if the pirates in this cabin received an alarm when they were using the optical brain, and they didn't turn off the optical brain when they left the cabin, which gave Leon a chance.

When he saw the light brain, Leon came to the light brain instinctively, and started typing on the light screen with his fingers.

He put the two self-defense guns aside, and the fingers of his hands almost turned into afterimages, and a series of codes appeared on the light curtain.

"Warning, the brain is under attack, warning, the brain is under attack!"

The voice of Zhinao sounded in Area A where Captain Manuel was, and the voice became slower and slower, as if the voice was being dragged out.

"Triangle, hurry up and help Zhinao!" Captain Manuel turned his head and ordered loudly to a pirate with triangular eyes.

Triangle is the technician on the spaceship. He is staring at the light curtain in front of him blankly at this moment. On the light curtain is a red and bold word, 'You have no right to visit! '.

This means that the other party canceled his authority as early as the attack.

Although Triangle has good skills, compared to ordinary pirates, it is an enemy that even the brain cannot deal with. What can he do?

Captain Manuel also found trouble at this time, and his authority to operate the spaceship was also cancelled, and the light curtain in front of him also read 'You do not have permission to access! '.

"Ready for battle!" cried Captain Manuel.

The heavy machine guns and assault guns that had been deployed long ago did not give the pirates in Area A a sense of security.

"It can't be them, haven't they disappeared long ago?" Captain Manuel thought of a possibility, but he immediately shook his head and rejected it.

Captain Manuel guessed Leon's identity from Leon's combat uniform and the special marks on his rank, but that identity was revoked a long time ago.

But Captain Manuel couldn't understand, apart from the legendary 'them', who else possessed such fighting power.

Captain Manuel can be sure that Leon is not a star warrior with extraordinary strength. If he is a star warrior, even if Leon is in a dormant state, he will treat him with courtesy.

Besides, Leon's fighting style is fundamentally different from Star Warrior's. Star Warrior relies on himself to fight, while Leon uses a self-defense gun.

Star warriors hardly know how to use this kind of firearms, and besides, pirates like them, if they encounter powerful star warriors, they don't need to fight at all. As long as the star warriors reveal their identities, they can only surrender.

"Who are they the boss is talking about?" The first mate at the side couldn't help asking when he heard Captain Manuel's words.

Just when Captain Manuel was about to speak, the sirens and flashing lights on the spaceship suddenly returned to normal.

Captain Manuel's face was extremely ugly. There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that the brain of the spaceship has been successfully invaded.

Sure enough, the isolation gate between Area A and Area B slowly rose.

"Victory! No need to die!" The remaining pirates in Area B, ignorantly thinking that the invaders had been wiped out, cheered in front of the isolation door that was about to be opened.

"Shoot!" Captain Manuel ordered in a deep voice.

Following his order, the heavy machine gun fired first, and the thousand rounds of bullets per second turned into a net woven by the god of death.

Some of the cheering pirates standing in the passage were hit by heavy machine gun bullets before they understood what happened.

Other pirates instinctively picked up their weapons and fired back inside.

It's just that as the rest of the assault guns in area A fired at the same time, this kind of resistance seemed weak.

Of the pirates in the passage, only one lucky pirate was not killed by this round of attacks because he was on the edge of the passage and covered by a vertical beam of the main structure.

But the pirate was also shot in the leg, and one leg was almost cut in two.

"Why? Boss, why did you kill us?" The pirate yelled frantically, yelling out the pain in his leg and the unwillingness in his heart.

"Throw a plasma grenade and give him a ride!" Captain Manuel ordered to the first mate.

The pirates can't be allowed to scream, the morale of the army can't be disturbed at this time, there are even more terrifying enemies waiting for them.

The first officer nodded, took the plasma grenade from the side, pulled out the safety and threw it out.

The destructive power of the plasma grenade is a fixed radius of three meters. This kind of grenade is extremely beneficial for small battlefields.

Especially in the battle inside the spaceship, the principle is to minimize the damage to the spaceship.

Because no matter who wins on both sides, the spaceship is needed to survive, otherwise, once the spaceship is destroyed, the consequence will be that they all fall into space.

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