Battle Soldier Leon

Chapter IX Inspection

According to safety regulations, both the escape capsule and Leon must enter the inspection room of the Rand, and undergo multiple inspection waves to confirm safety.

This inspection room can detect known and unknown dangerous substances in space. As long as the dangerous substances exceed a certain index, they will be discovered, and hidden creatures can also be found. This is for the safety of the spacecraft.

There have been many cases of being invaded by dangerous substances and creatures in space in history, coupled with the unfamiliar space environment, Anselm, as the captain, has to be careful, which is related to the safety of everyone on the Rand .

"No dangerous substances found, no human life found, no weapons!"

Zhinao Eva sent the inspection results, which also made Captain Anselm feel relieved.

"Medical Officer Albin, check Mr. Leon's body in detail!" Captain Anselm ordered to Medical Officer Albin after hearing the report from Claire's combat commander. After thinking for a while, he said: "Mr. Claire Combat Commander is responsible."

In Captain Anselm's mind, Leon was very dangerous. Although he killed all the pirates on the ship to protect himself, this method was too terrifying.

Only when the battle commander Clare monitors Leon throughout the entire process can the safety of the Rand be guaranteed.

Leon was taken directly to the medical room by Claire's combat commander, where Medical Officer Albin had been waiting.

"Mr. Leon, I need a medical-grade scan of your whole body. As far as I know, you have amnesia, and the scan results may be beneficial to your amnesia!" Medical Officer Albin said to Leon with a smile.

"How do I need to cooperate?" Leon asked very cooperatively when he heard that it was effective in treating amnesia.

"Just lie flat on the treatment table!" Medical Officer Albin pointed to the treatment table.

Leon didn't hesitate, he immediately lay down on the treatment table.

The Claire combat commander on the side was a little surprised. She thought Leon's amnesia was fake, but judging from Leon's performance at this time, it didn't look like it was fake.

At this moment, Medical Officer Albin was already operating the equipment on the treatment table, and various scanning waves swept across Leon's body.

When Leon felt the scanning waves sweep across his chest, he couldn't help feeling nervous. He didn't know if this medical-grade scanning device would detect something peculiar in his heart.

His body can recover in a short period of time, the biggest effect is not the energy provided by those fast food nutrition bars, but the warm energy emitted by the heart at a fixed time every day.

But obviously Leon's worry was unnecessary, the scanning wave swept across his chest and found nothing special.

This also reassured him a lot. If he was found to have a peculiar heart, he was worried that he would become a research product.

You must know that there are the terrifying Lucian star warriors and the giant wolf Alpha on the Rand. Although Leon trusts his fighting instincts, he clearly knows in his heart that he will definitely not be the Lucien star warrior and the giant wolf Alpha. Opponents with extraordinary existences like Wolf Alpha.

"Mr. Leon, your brain wave is a little disordered, which may be the reason for your amnesia, but judging from various signs, your brain wave disorder is gradually improving, and I believe it will not take long for your memory to recover. "Medical officer Albin looked at the results of the examination and said to Leon with a smile.

"Medical Officer Albin, I don't know how long it will take for the memory to recover?" Leon asked.

He doesn't like the current muddle-headed state very much. With no memory, he acts on instinct. In this state, he is worried that he will do something uncontrollable.

"The brain is the most complicated organ. It is impossible to give an accurate time by relying on these devices, but based on my experience, it is about two months to half a year." Medical Officer Albin replied with a smile.

"Thank you!" Leon thanked, he also had a bottom line in his heart, even if the military could not reveal his true identity, he would recover on his own after a while,

This is good news.

"I'll prescribe some medicine for you, which is good for stabilizing your brainwaves!" Medical Officer Albin said while operating on the light curtain.

Leon took the drugs and checked into a separate cabin with a bathroom, and his handcuffs were replaced with a tracker strapped to his wrist.

Except for the bathroom, the rest of the places are under surveillance, which was also informed by Claire's battle commander in advance.

Leon came to the bathroom, took off his combat uniform and underwear, and saw his body in the mirror.

During the five days when the pirate spacecraft sent out a distress signal and waited for rescue, he also underwent five baptisms of heart-warming energy, which allowed his body to fully recover.

Presented in the mirror at this time, his body is like a sensitive cheetah, full of speed and explosive power.

There is no scar on the surface of his body, which makes him a little strange, like the fighting instinct he possesses, which requires a lot of high-intensity training, and maybe he has gone through a life-and-death battle, how can there be no scars on his body.

Could it be that I am a perfectionist, constantly doing skin beauty in order to not have any scars on my body?

Shaking his head and putting aside these thoughts, he washed his body with water and put on a set of spare crew clothes.

He also put all his clothes into the washing machine. These clothes are still one of the very important identifications for him.

After taking a shower, Leon felt a little drowsy. This was due to the sleep-promoting ingredients in the medicine given by Medical Officer Albin. He had taken the medicine as soon as he came back, and the medicine took effect at this time.

Being in a safe environment, he also fell on the bed with confidence, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Commander Claire took a set meal from the cafeteria and prepared it for Leon.

Unlike the pirate spacecraft with harsh conditions, there are not many staff members on the Rand, and the benefits on the spacecraft are also very good.

The staff of the Rand can eat cultivated food every meal, instead of instant nutrition bars that can only satisfy hunger.

The combat commander Claire is very kind. Captain Anselm asked her to take charge of Leon's affairs. She just wanted to do her best and not let Leon go hungry.

Leon couldn't leave the cabin, and she didn't want to dispose of Leon's three meals a day with nutrition bars, which she considered inhumane.

"Eva, open the door!" Commander Claire came to the hatch and said to the top of the hatch.

Leon is under the constant surveillance of Brain Eva, this cabin is a special cabin, and only Brain Eva can open it.

The hatch opened, and Commander Claire walked into the cabin, and saw Leon who was already asleep. Under the light in the cabin, Leon's clean face revealed a strange temperament.

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