Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 357 Winning the Championship 【Subscription】

"The aura of the lava turtle is lacking, and Liu Yu is using his talent..."

"The mutant fire crow launched a counterattack? The magic pupil!! The fire-breathing ape..."

"The sky is falling, the lava turtle..."

"Red-eyed pterosaur..."

"This... Ah! Ah!—"

Zhang Yu, who was in charge of the on-site commentary, wanted to use his extremely fast speech to explain the game in real time at first, but in the blink of an eye, three battlefields had been opened up on the battlefield.

Zhang Yu couldn't grasp the situation of the rabbit ups and downs at all, so that in the end he couldn't help but screamed unconsciously.

Countless spectators have already blocked the sound of the commentary, and their bodies can't help but stand up and lean forward, as if they can get closer to the battlefield and see the game more clearly.

Chen Hai and Xie Yan stood up holding each other's hands excitedly, their hearts lifted high.

They stared at the battlefield, hoping that Chen Wen would not be injured in this battle.

However, what no one expected was that Chen Wen's offensive was so swift and violent.

As strong as Liu Yu, he was eliminated in an instant.


With a muffled sound, Liu Yu fell heavily on the ground of the opposing battlefield like a meteorite. The huge impact force immediately knocked the ground out of a deep pit, and the already dry ground was immediately shaken into thick dust and smoke.

"Liu Yu loses his combat ability and is eliminated!"

"Chen Wensheng!"

On the battlefield, the crimson aura seemed to have gathered into a cloud of fire.

In mid-air, the red-eyed pterosaur has turned into a scorching sun with a diameter of more than 20 meters, and its whole body exudes terrifying heat and light.

Above the ground, the fire-breathing ape was like a small volcano, with raging flames on its body, exuding this terrifying aura.

The two powerful rare beasts didn't have any scars at all, but their beast masters had already been smashed into the deep pit, and their life and death were unknown.


A ray of blue light descended from the sky, turning into a water polo full of vitality and lifting Liu Yu out of the deep pit.

At the same time, the banner representing Liu Yu collapsed on the sidelines.

"This... Liu Yu is eliminated!"

"Why was he eliminated?"

Zhang Yu's expression was dull, full of disbelief.

He didn't expect that Liu Yu would be eliminated in just one round.

Even now, he couldn't believe it when he heard the referee's announcement and saw Liu Yu being wrapped in a water polo.

I thought I was wrong.

How could Liu Yu lose? !

At least it shouldn't be so easy to lose!

The live commentary was unbelievable, even more so for the audience on and off the field.

Liu Yu's supporters had dull eyes, and Chen Wen's supporters also had dull eyes.

No one expected that the finals would end so abruptly and so quickly.

For a moment, the inside and outside of Fengchao fell into silence, an unprecedented silence.


" this a win? Wenwen won?"

Xie Yan was dumbfounded, and kept asking Chen Hai's hand.

She didn't expect the victory to come so quickly and so easily.

Chen Hai didn't react for a while, and waited until Xie Yan shook for a long time before slowly returning to his senses.

He hugged Xie Yan tightly, affirming again and again: "Win! Wenwen won!"

While speaking, a big smile appeared on his face, and his relief and pride were beyond words.


Zhao Zhen watched the game with a very peaceful mind.

However, seeing the result of the game, he still dropped his jaw in shock.

After all, that was Liu Yu!

In terms of pet beast combat power, Liu Yu's red-eyed pterosaur and fire-breathing ape both advanced to rare, ranking first among all contestants.

In terms of self-protection ability, Liu Yugui is still alive, and he seems to have a shared talent. He has mastered a lot of fire attribute skills, and he is also among the best among all the contestants.

No matter how you look at it, Liu Yu is a popular candidate for the championship. shouldn't be defeated by Chen Wen in just one round, right?

He pointed at Chen Wen on the battlefield, and asked Lin Zhiguo beside him in disbelief: "Chen Wen won?"

Lin Zhiguo's face was very dark, and he felt heartbroken when he heard this. He gritted his teeth and replied, "I won! I won! You won, okay!"

A year ago, he never imagined that Chen Wen had such potential that he would be able to eliminate Wei Xu, Dongfang Jue and Liu Yu in his freshman year, beheading the three geniuses of Beijing University.

To be honest, he regrets it very much now.

He regretted that in the face of Sichuan University's price gouging, he did not persuade the leaders of Beijing University to follow up.

If Chen Wen had been specially recruited last year, this year's singles final might have been a civil war at Beijing University, and the double crown was just around the corner.


Everything is beyond regret.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen was immersed in the surprise and joy of Chen Wen's victory over Liu Yu, not as much as Lin Zhiguo thought.

Hearing what Lin Zhiguo said, he wondered, "What did I win? Chen Wen won, okay?"

While speaking, he had already turned his head to look at the battle, and then applauded Chen Wen vigorously.


As the audience shouted and applauded one after another, there was gradually a tide of applause and cheers in Phoenix Nest.

Rumble! ——

Hearing the applause like a wave afraid of hitting a rock, Zhang Yu quickly recovered, and impassionedly talked about his figure to every corner of the arena and even the live broadcast room.

"Only wrong names, no wrong nicknames!"

"Just like his nickname, Chen Wen is a beast master who keeps creating miracles!"

"It took him one year to win the national championship in the high school group, and another year to win the national championship in the university group!"

"Two years ago, he hadn't awakened the talent of beast mastering, and now he has already stood on the top podium of the national competition twice."

"Winning one of Qianlong and Phoenix is ​​a genius in the world. Chen Wen is not the first player to win the Fengchu Cup and Wolong Cup in succession, but he is definitely the fastest player to win two championship cups."

"There is no doubt that he is the number one of the younger generation in my narrow eyes!"

The surroundings of the stage were buzzing, water mist rose up, the spotlights changed colors to illuminate a dreamy rainbow, and the golden ribbons fell like raindrops.


The water polo burst and Liu Yu walked out of it.

Stretching out his hand to touch the golden ribbon floating in the air, he had a lost expression on his face.

Before the game, he thought about making history by himself.

Now he has indeed made history, but only as a background board.

Forced to suppress a little smile, Liu Yu said to Chen Wen, "Congratulations!"


Chen Wen was stunned for a moment, and said seriously: "You are really strong, but it's a pity that you met me."

He is not pretending, but really thinks so.

After defeating Dongfang Jue in the semi-finals, Chen Wen thought that he was almost certain to win the singles championship.

This is also the reason why he dared to talk nonsense to He Tao and the others before the match.

Liu Yu is strong, but he also has shortcomings, and he exposed all his cards before the final.

In the battle with Su Xing, Liu Yu exposed that his beast's attack could not cause damage to the beast that mastered Tudun, and also exposed his second talent sharing.

In the battle with Liu Yu, he revealed that he can hide in the lava turtle.

The former allowed Chen Wen to evade the powerful attacks of Liu Yu's three beasts without any effort, while the latter allowed Chen Wen to formulate a plan specifically for him.

The lava turtle has a strong attack and solid defense, but it moves very slowly.

Faced with such a fixed target, Dashewan has never performed a giant swallowing sky in the National Competition, which has a miraculous effect.

In order to defeat the enemy with one blow, he also waited for a large amount of spiritual energy from the lava turtle, and exerted a lot of control on it to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

It can be said that Liu Yu was in his calculations from the beginning to the end in the final, and he was not wronged at all when he lost.

Of course, the most important thing is that he himself is very strong.

Although he has a shared talent, Liu Yu's own combat power is average, and at most he can burst into elite-level combat power in an instant, and he needs to be protected in this battle.

However, he has seven talents and masters many unique and profound skills. In the field of debate, perhaps only the red-eyed pterosaur is better than him.

Under the special competition system of the singles competition, it is not surprising that he avoided reality and focused on Liu Yu, winning the final victory.

Liu Yu smiled wryly when he heard the words, and turned directly to the battlefield.

At this moment, he felt as if his whole body was falling apart, but his steps were still steady, and his body remained straight.

After seeing off Liu Yu, Chen Wen turned to face the 100,000 spectators, accepting the cheers of the audience alone.

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