Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 51 Rushing into the Concentration Camp (3000 clicks plus more)

The German soldiers standing on the fence of the concentration camp saw two bright beams of light shining from the wilderness in the distance, and they were immediately alert. If someone would come to their sensitive area, they would definitely give it to them beforehand. Order.

The vehicle that suddenly appeared was definitely not on his side, so they all aimed their guns in the direction where the beam of light was coming.

But although they were alert, it was too late. Bruce was driving the Batmobile under him, and the speed was almost flying, and even the motorcycle tires rubbing against the gravel on the ground gave off a pungent rubber smell.

The stones splashed out, like a shotgun shooting in all directions. And Bruce's speed is also beyond all the vehicles of this era, even the plane does not necessarily catch up with this runaway motorcycle.

So the German soldier just raised the gun in his hand, and when he was aiming, the figure resembling a violent wind had already rushed to the front.

As soon as the front of the car was pulled, Bruce flew directly on top of the bat motorcycle. The inertia brought about by the speed caused him to directly strain the muscles of both arms before pulling the front of the motorcycle.

But just from such a small angle, Bruce and the whole motorcycle directly jumped up and flew over the two-foot-high concentration camp gate.

The high-voltage power grid on the gate was directly penetrated by the motorcycle, sparkling with dazzling sparks, making a crackling sound.

With sparks splashing on the power grid, there were bursts of harsh sirens in the concentration camp. The soldiers who had rested in the concentration camp, and the prisoners who were imprisoned here were all awakened!

"What's going on?" The top commander of the concentration camp, who was awakened from a deep sleep, this senior activist rushed out while putting on his shirt and holding a continuous semi-automatic rifle in his hand.

"An enemy attacked!" The signal soldier quickly informed what had happened at the gate.

"How many enemies are there? Has rushed in?" The tall, sturdy white man, with a poked moustache, deliberately imitated the current top leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler.

"This, there is only one person!"

"Trash!" Picked up the rifle, put the pistol on his waist, and rushed directly towards the gate! Since there is only one person, let him come back and forth!

But at this time, Bruce had already begun a bloody feast. The Batmobile is not only a means of transportation, otherwise Bruce's own speed is sufficient, and it is much lighter and faster.

The reason for riding this car is because it is a small arsenal, or a mobile fort! Some prohibited weapons are loaded on the Bat Motorbike.

For example, at the moment, the front of the bat motorcycle cracked directly, and the bat wings as the fender split from it, exposing the muzzle of the black hole below.

There are three heavy machine guns on each side, not a rotating super machine gun like Gatling, just ordinary machine guns with drums. At this moment, fire tongues were launched!

The deafening gunshots constantly reminded me at the gate of the concentration camp, six tongues of flame expelled countless bullets, covering the 180-degree area in front of the front of the car at this moment.

The bullets poured down without any gaps! With a rate of fire of 3,000 rounds per minute, everything in the front is destined to be torn to pieces by the metal storm formed by bullets.

After rushing in, Bruce had mastered all the movements of the concentration camp. At this time, his front was facing the dormitory where the German military was living.

This time was when countless soldiers rushed out of the dormitory, and they were greeted by Bruce's intertwined death net! The bullet penetrated the body, bringing out a bunch of enchanting blood flowers.

The flowers formed by the withering of life are really gorgeous. Bruce didn't move at all at this point. The face under the mask was like a layer of immortal ice. Only the crazy flames flashing in his eyes made him even more manic.

The tongue of fire engulfed the entire dormitory, and the concrete dormitory exploded and shot out bullet holes under the bombardment of bullets.

The roar of the machine gun, accompanied by the tragic wailing, lasted for a full two minutes, the bullets in the Bruce motorcycle were all empty, and the machine gun stopped!

However, Bruce activated another mechanism, and at the corner of the bat motorcycle, a bullet flew out of the corner, directly piercing the two soldiers who had emerged after the gunfire ended.

"Since you don't take other people's lives seriously, then your lives are worthless!" Bruce said in a low voice. After putting on this mask, he was used to lowering his voice, making it appear deeper and deeper. It is forced!

At first it was really to be handsome, but then it became a habit.

"Who are you, a member of the Allied Forces?" At this time, the military commander came here, and while talking, he opened the insurance and was ready to shoot at any time.

"Who am I? The one who killed you!" Bruce didn't mind being pointed at by countless guns. After answering, he directly pressed the red button on the motorcycle's head.

Suddenly, two grenades with long tail flames flew out from the position where they hit the corner just now, and blasted towards the dormitory in front.

"Lie down!" The German army fell down, but Bruce flew down directly from the locomotive and rushed towards the soldiers in front of him.

He wore a pair of gloves on his hand, but there were specific openings at the tips of the fingers of the gloves. At the moment ten long nails came out directly from these openings.

The nails have a snow-white color, like handicrafts carved from ivory. But in the next instant it became the claws of the death God who was urging.

Bruce didn't have the slightest sympathy for these soldiers. Before he entered the concentration camp, the horror in the deep pit outside turned him into iron stone.

Because countless corpses were in the deep pit, and I don’t know how many lives died in it, he seemed to see those dead souls crying, no wonder the weather here is always gloomy!

So he directly clasped a German soldier's neck, and then squeezed the soldier's throat with his five fingers. Then, with a flick, the broken throat bones in the palm of his hand were like bullets blessed by his powerful force and flew towards another soldier in front of him.

The broken throat bone directly penetrated the soldier's chest and took the other's life.

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