"Stop him!"

Sairantia ordered instinctively.


Hundreds of law enforcement officers rushed forward to stop Fang Mo.

With Fang Mo's casual punch, a huge shock wave was blasted, easily blowing thousands of law enforcement officers into the air.

"Just because you want to block me!"

The high-level members of the Star Spirit Society were furious: "It's too much to bully! He's not the God of Creation yet! Just bullying people like this, if he really is the God of Creation, then we still have to destroy our Star Spirit Society."

The pope sighed faintly: "That's all! That's right! If he is really the God of Creation, our Protoss God Society may not survive for long. Let him go crazy and make him mess up. Even if the entire universe is destroyed, it seems that it is not an ending. "

"Pope!" The bishops and high-level officials looked at the Pope eagerly, "My lord Pope, do we really have no better way?"

The Pope was helpless: "Is there any other way, should we kill Fang Mo? How dare you!"

Everyone is silent.

Indeed, no one dared to kill.

Regardless of whether Fang Mo is the Creator God or not, he seems to be the most likely candidate now.

If Fang Mo was killed, he would definitely be punished by the five star spirits.

In theory, it is impossible to be killed as a creator god.

That is also in theory. It is said that in the second universe, an unknown number of so-called "creation gods" were born, and in the end, not all of them died, only the last one remained.

And even the last one, who was almost dying, figured out a way to create a reincarnation in the third universe to continue life.

After Fang Mo blasted thousands of law enforcement officers into the air, the members of the Protoss Society did not dare to stop Fang Mo.

that's all.

Fang Mo swaggered and walked into the control center of the Machinery Guild headquarters.

At this time, the entire control center was empty.

All had been sent out to fight and died.

With Yana's help, Fang Mo cracked the mechanism and the mechanical door all the way to the final control center.

The control center consists of tens of thousands of screens.

Through the screen, Fang Mo could even see the huge black stone with a height of 100 meters and a square shape behind the screen.

Through Yana's data model, Fang Mo can see that the huge black stone releases countless black information flow lines, controls countless mechanical equipment, and manages the lifeline of the mechanical guild.


Da da da da da da!

Fang Mo saw that the countless black lines of information were all broken.

Only the last line from the control center remains.

Tens of thousands of fast screens light up at the same time, and tens of thousands of white 3D human faces without facial features appear.

"Fang Mo! Do you know why you, a mere player, can reach the top of the universe so quickly!"

God AI doesn't seem to be as chaotic as before. It seems that he has figured out how to crack the Ruin Particles?

Or simply don't want to?

Fang Mo shrugged, looking very casual: "Probably because I'm handsome."

"Hahaha! You are really shameless. You actually know that you are able to come to this day because of the necklace on your neck! Do you want to know the origin of the necklace on your neck!"

Not to mention, Fang Mo is really interested. This may be related to the reason why Fang Mo traveled from the earth to this universe.

And how Fang Mo will return to his own world in the future.

Fang Mo knew that the more he cared, the more the other party would hide it, so Fang Mo pretended to be indifferent: "Isn't it just an ancient artifact, is it necessary to know the origin!"

"Hahaha! An ancient artifact! You really underestimate it!" God AI laughed, as if Fang Mo was sitting on a treasure but didn't understand how to appreciate it.

Fang Mo snorted coldly: "You like to talk or not! Anyway, I'm going to smash this place to pieces soon, and then you won't have a chance to talk!"

God AI: "Don't use aggressive methods, you are useless to me as an AI! But I should really tell you that the necklace on your neck has the same root as mine. We were originally one, but when the chaotic universe exploded, it will I am separated from it, as for why it chose you, I am also very curious, what is it about you that is worthy of its choice!"

"Nonsense!" Fang Mo thought it was a big secret. From the top of the material, Mo can see that the three-body necklace and God Black Stone are products of the same era at first glance. It is estimated that God Black Stone himself does not know how he was born. , so asking about it is useless.

Fang Mohong said: "God! You don't need to delay! I know you are secretly running the program and activating the karma cannon!"

The faceless 3D human faces on the tens of thousands of screens were so surprised that their five senses were shocked: "Oh! Not bad! Your AI is called Yana, it is indeed capable, yes, when I was talking to you, I The karma cannon has been activated, and now even the arrival of the five great star spirits cannot stop me, hahaha! If you want to destroy me, then I will let the entire universe be buried with me! No, no, no! Even I will not die, when The entire universe collapses into a particle and returns to the original state of chaos. Maybe, your necklace and I can merge again, everything will start again, and I will give birth to a new will! That's right! I am immortal, hahaha!"

Fang Mo calmly said: "God, why are you so confident that you can destroy the universe? How did you lose the bet last time? Did you forget so quickly! Since I can crack you once, can't I crack you a second time! !"

God AI is confident: "Impossible! Although I don't know how you cracked it the first time, is it completely different this time from the last one? This time it was fired with a causal cannon, which affected the entire universe. I have deduced it many times. , even if you really have a way to decipher the ruin particles, you will not be able to decipher the cause and effect because of insufficient computing power, and you can only watch me be destroyed!"

Yana responded in Fang Mo's mind: "It's right. Although I have mastered the method to crack the ruin particles, the computing power this time really can't keep up."

Fang Mo's face suddenly changed: "What? What?! Yana! Hey!! Didn't you say that you can crack it? I swaggered in, and now you tell me that the computing power is not enough! My God! Yana , my darling, don’t be kidding me!”

Yana said seriously: "I'm not joking, I really don't have enough computing power!"

Seeing Fang Mo's disastrous expression, the God AI laughed wildly in triumph: "Haha, what? Only now did I realize that the computing power is not enough! It's too late! Everything is too late! Let the whole universe see my karma cannon!!"


The entire mechanical planet actually split into two halves.

Then a superstar cannon with a diameter of more than 1.392*10? kilometers rises from the inside of the planet.

When players from all over the universe saw this cannon rising, their first reaction was.

It's over!

The universe is over!

The universe is going to be destroyed!

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