Shizi Emipire Capital

Since it's the middle of the night, the usually busy streets are now relatively quiet. Except for those noisy drunkards that's still enjoying their time in a tavern or brothel.

Lights from lanterns hanging at the front of each shops helps brighten the streets. For safety purposes or just to help those that have businesses that required moving around at night.

Three individuals, advanced carefully but swiftly through the street's dark corners, trying to avoid being seen by anyone.

One of the shadows, assisting the other one to move, since the blood lost was too much for the other to even lift his head.

The blood lost was from the hand that was cut, wound is wrapped with a black cloth.

His face is so pale, if not for his eyes still open, one will think that he is already dead.

The third shadow, did his best to move swiftly, forcing his last remaining energy until arrived to safety.

After finding the Li Smith Shop on the most remote area of the capital, one of the shadows, pulled a hidden rope outside the shop. "Click" the short sound indicates the door is open.

"Yin Wang Shu!" Yin Bai immediately shouted after getting in the smith shop, "Quickly! Help Yin Gu!" Putting down the injured man to check his still bleeding hand. Yin Gu is surely not dead yet because of poison but probably soon, because of too much blood lose.

It did not take long when a woman, plump with an average height came running towards them, with her, a box wrapped in a cloth, where her tools for medicine are placed.

She is too much in a hurry that one might think she will trip soon if accidentally stepped on her long black robes that reaches the end of her feet.

After her are other men from the Liqi Clan. They are Yin Bai's considered family.

"What happened?!" one of them shouted with worry. The rest of the brothers fused on them and checked Yin Gu and Yin Chen.

Yin Chen, slumped to the nearest sit, feeling lightheaded, too drained of all the event that happened that night, unable to speak. Specifically, he is also not sure if can speak about it. He subconsciously touch his abdomen, trying to know if the snake is awake or not.

His attempt to try knowing what will happen or what's happening inside his body, is already torture enough. He wants to close his eyes to rest but having a hard time to do so.

Who can rest properly if you are aware that there is a moving beast inside your stomach anyway?

"Young master how are you? Where are the rest?" one of them asked after seeing their brothers. One is hurt and lost a hand. The other one is too exhausted to speak. Then the other four, nowhere to be seen.

Yin Bai smiled bitterly at them, then shake his head. He placed his hand on his mouth to cover it, as a gesture that means he cannot speak.

The gesture made those who seen it, look questioningly, but unable to voice it.

Getting a piece of paper and charcoal, 'Act normal. We are being monitored.' Initially they do not want to go to the business house of the Liqi clan in the capital, but they cannot trust anyone else.

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