Best of Hollywood

Chapter 173 Discussing

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Cindy Crawford didn't stay long, she got up to say goodbye and left the studio. She had to go to class later and took time to familiarize herself with the script.

She has already failed once, coupled with the disadvantages brought about by her age, it is difficult to have a second chance, and she will soon have the opportunity to appear in "The Sixth Sense". For her, it is no less than the last straw. Hold on tight, or leave Hollywood.

Ryan stayed in the studio for a while, and casually met with Nate-Shamma to discuss "The Sixth Sense".

"Long time no see Nate." Ryan warmly welcomed Nate-Shama to sit down.

Knight-Shamma did not say any polite words, and took out the script of "The Sixth Sense" very directly, and said: "I took the time to modify the plot, especially the role of Doctor Malcolm, I need to choose an actor with acting skills. "

He made no secret of his thoughts, saying: "Ordinary Hollywood actors find it difficult to bring out the charm of this role."

"There is also Johnson-Scarlett who plays the role of Dale. I hope she can join the crew in advance and spend at least one to two months to get familiar with the role and rehearse the plot."

Underage actors have always been synonymous with trouble, and Johnson-Scarlett was chosen by Ryan himself, and he had never even met Johnson-Scarlett himself.

Fortunately, Johansson-Scarlett is not a newcomer and has already starred in several films.

Knight-Shamma specially rented it back and watched each film one by one. Generally speaking, the acting skills are not bad.

Although it can't be said that the talent is extraordinary, but for an underage girl, it is already considered pretty good.

Ryan tapped his finger on the desk lightly, thought for a while, and said, "Write down the list of actors you want to recommend, and hand it over to Jon Fertimer, who will use Orion Pictures' Invite an audition in name."

"As for Johansson-Scarlett!"

"I need to notify her agent and seek advice from her parents about this matter, but I can't give you an answer for now."

"The Sixth Sense" project had just been established, and the producer hadn't even been finalized yet, so it was too early for Johansson-Scarlett to come over for rehearsals.

However, Ryan did not directly refuse, after all, Knight-Sharma is the director of this project.

"How's Tim Robbins?" Nate Sharma asked tentatively.

Tim Robbins!

Ryan frowned, he naturally knew who Tim Robbins was, and even watched "The Shawshank Redemption" starring him, but Tim Robbins had a small problem, the salary might not be cheap, and In terms of box office appeal, it seems to be a little bit worse.

Of course, his ideal candidate is Bruce Willis, and the salary is also not cheap.

If it weren't for the budget of "The Sixth Sense" as high as 35 million US dollars, Ryan would never consider any big-name stars.

"You can send him an audition invitation, and another audition invitation to Bruce Willis." He nodded, agreeing.

Bruce Willis!

"He's an action actor." Knight-Shammad immediately objected, "I don't think he's suitable for this movie."

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Bruce - Willis starred in many films, the most famous is the "Die Hard" series of films, played a strong man.

"Nate, this is just an audition invitation." Ryan stopped him from continuing.

As the owner of a film company, he needs to consider many things, not only the characters and acting skills in the script, but also a more important thing, which is the box office appeal.

Even the box office of the last film "Die Hard 3" was not so ideal.

But Bruce Willis still has the box-office appeal to support a film.

Although Tim Robbins is also well-known, he is obviously not as good as Bruce Willis in terms of box office appeal.

Moreover, Ryan did not say one more thing. Bruce Willis played the role of Dr. Malcolm in his previous life. From the perspective of box office and business, he was very good, so he didn't want to make changes.

Nat-Shamma opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

After filming the two films "Praying Angry" and "Whole Awake", he understood one thing. As an Indian and a newcomer director without any achievements, he needs to learn to abide by the rules of Hollywood studios .

Otherwise, they can only leave Hollywood sadly, or like "Fully Awake", even if they worked hard to film it, they can only sell the copyright to the distribution company at a low price, otherwise the film will not be released at all.

"Well, I respect your opinion." Nat-Shamma took a deep breath, "I have one more thing besides The Sixth Sense."

"When will "Fully Awakened" be released? I want to know a specific time, and at least give my family an explanation."

Speaking of this, Nate-Shama's tone became full of helplessness.

Back then, his family supported a large sum of money for the filming of "Totally Awake", but in the end they got back just a few hundred thousand dollars. If the copyright of "The Sixth Sense" hadn't been sold for 3 million dollars, he wouldn't have known what to do. face them.

So he needs to give his family an explanation, at least so that they can see the film released in North America.

For an Indian family, the emergence of a real Hollywood director is something to be proud of, and it is not even measurable by money.

This is the biggest charm of Hollywood. For example, after Charlize Theron became famous, she was directly called the national treasure of South Africa by the South African government.

And when Jackie Chan returned to Xiangjiang, he was definitely a big brother-level character, and he was paid by the minute for any guest appearance in a movie.

None of these can be measured in money.

"Nate, you don't have to worry."

"I can assure you that "Full Awakening" will never release offline video tapes directly, and it is not in the interests of Orion Pictures to do so." Ryan knew what he was worried about, and it was nothing more than fear that Orion Pictures would release offline directly Videotape, the film cannot be released in North America.

"I can even tell you clearly that when "The Sixth Sense" became a big hit, it was the time when "Full Awake" appeared in movie theaters." He didn't hide his intention, anyway, Orion Films had already bought the copyright of the film.

Nate-Shamma was shocked, and he couldn't believe it. Looking at Ryan, he never thought that Orion Pictures would come up with such an idea again.

It's not that "Totally Sober" will not be released, but I want to take advantage of the big sales of "The Sixth Sense" to take the opportunity to push "Totally Sober" to the theaters, thereby driving the film's box office.

Not only did he not feel disgusted by this, but he was full of motivation. As for whether it would affect his reputation, it was not in his consideration at all.

An unknown rookie director would care about word of mouth!

Early the next morning, Knight-Shamak formally signed a director agreement with Orion Films, with a salary of only US$100,000, which is pitifully small compared to the buyout fee of "The Sixth Sense".

For this reason, Knight-Shama had a big fight with the agent directly, and chose to terminate the contract with the agent and change to a new agent.

In Hollywood, an agent is always a server. It is difficult for an agent to stop what a client wants to do. At worst, just like Knight-Shamma, the agent will be fired directly.

As for the broker or brokerage company blocking him, it is almost impossible. Here is the perfect "Entertainment Act" in the United States, which basically put an end to such things.

Moreover, for Hollywood film companies, they don't care about any brokerage company. As long as there are enough interests, Hollywood film companies don't even care about the White House.

Although Orion Films didn't offer much in terms of remuneration, but in terms of other conditions, Ryan only read it briefly before agreeing, such as insurance, travel expenses, living allowances, and the right to cast and edit suggestions.

Regarding the editing rights, Knight-Shamma has no objection. There are only a handful of directors in Hollywood who can get the final editing rights. He knows that he will not be able to get the movie editing rights for a long time.

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