Best of Hollywood

Chapter 186 Tom Cruise

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"Director Ryan, what do you think about Robert Downey Jr."

In April, Robert Downey Jr. did not escape the curse of the Downey family. He was arrested by the police for possessing heroin. Fortunately, the amount was not very large, and he was eventually released on parole.

Unfortunately, during his parole last month, he broke into a neighbor's house illegally and was arrested by the police again.

This time he was not as lucky as last time. Not only did he face legal sanctions, he was also ordered to undergo mandatory drug testing on time.

For a while, Robert Downey Jr. became a yin gentleman who was despised by others, and his career was ruined.

Facing the reporter's question, Ryan looked calm, spread his hands, and said, "Sorry, I don't know about it."

After finishing speaking, he didn't give the reporter any chance to continue asking questions, and continued directly: ""Terminator 3" is expected to be released in early December, and it will definitely surprise everyone..."

Ryan talked on and on without any mention of Robert Downey Jr.'s topic.

He didn't want to offend the Downey family for no reason, and Robert Downey Jr. was the future Iron Man.

Besides, his father, Robert Downey Sr., was a veteran screenwriter and director with a lot of connections in Hollywood.

"As far as I know, Sony Pictures' "Honey" and Disney's "101 Dalmatians" will be released in early December, and "Honey" is a movie starring Tom Cruise." A reporter from the media under the News Corporation asked.

"There are movies released every weekend during the Christmas period, "Terminator 3" and "Mr. Sweetheart" are just one of them, and I am very willing to cooperate with Tom Cruise." Ryan answered very officially.

As for whether the following media reporters are satisfied, it is out of his consideration.

From the end of November to the end of December, there are at most five or six weekends, and the number of films released by Hollywood studios during this period is almost incalculable.

Even counting the films with an investment of tens of millions of dollars, there are not less than a dozen films, so competition is unavoidable.

Still, Ryan isn't afraid to compete with any movie, including one starring Tom Cruise.

The production cost of "Terminator 3" was as high as 130 million U.S. dollars, and the publicity budget reached an unprecedented 40 million U.S. dollars.

With a $40 million publicity budget, it's Tom Cruise and the rest of December's release that needs to worry, not Ryan and Terminator 3.

After briefly answering a few questions, Ryan left one step ahead of time and gave the rest of the time to other crew members.

Through a long corridor, Ryan walked into a lounge and found a seat to sit down.


"Notify Twentieth Century Fox, I don't want to see any more irrelevant topics brought up by reporters in the upcoming promotion. Especially about Robert Downey Jr.." Ryan turned to Gail-Anne-Hey De said.

With the connection between Twentieth Century Fox and News Corporation, it is not difficult to do this, and the media that came here all cooperate with Twentieth Century Fox.

Gail-Anne-Hurd nodded and said, "I will notify the relevant personnel of 20th Century Fox to try to avoid similar things from happening."

"However, your answer just now is very good. It is best not to mention the matter of Robert Downey Jr. in front of reporters and media. This matter has nothing to do with us."

Things like Robert Downey Jr. are very common in Hollywood, including the "Terminator 3" crew, there are also some actors who smoke some big ma for a long time, but it has not been exposed by the media, and the trouble is not too big.

"Robert Downey Jr. did too much." Ryan shook his head, the curse of the Downey family really came true.

Robert Downey Jr., his father Robert Downey Jr. is a yin gentleman. Robert Downey Jr. once publicly told the media that he started smoking marijuana since he was eight years old, and he got his father's permission

And the matter in front of him is far from over, it is just the beginning. In the next few years, he will face prosecution for drugs, and even face imprisonment for several years.

So for a long time, Robert Downey Jr. would not have any communication with him or Orion Pictures.

"Okay, let's not talk about it." Ryan shifted the topic to the post-production of "Terminator 3".

At this moment Sofia Coppola came over with a phone, "It's Tom Cruise's call."

Ryan was a little surprised. He was not familiar with Tom Cruise. He called at this time because of the release of the movie.

He just picked up the phone, and Tom Cruise's voice came out immediately, "Sorry, Ryan, you should have heard that the release time of "Mr. Early in the month."

"So if it is convenient, can you disclose the specific release date of "Terminator 3"?"

For any director, any film, Tom Cruise would not have the slightest worry.

However, what he and "Mr. Sweetheart" are facing are not only Ryan Gosling and Arnold Schwarzenegger, but also a "Terminator" sequel film, which also includes an investment of 130 million U.S. dollars, plus a publicity budget of 40 million U.S. dollars .

You know, the investment cost of the entire film of "Mr. Sweetheart" is only 50 million US dollars, while the promotional budget of "Terminator 3" is as high as 40 million US dollars, an unattainable figure.

"The specific time has not been determined, but it should be in early December." Ryan thought for a while, and did not hide the release date of "Terminator 3". Anyway, he has already told the media, and the release date of the film cannot be concealed at all.

Tom Cruise didn't want to run into "Terminator 3," and Ryan didn't want to run into Tom Cruise's "Honey."

The North American box office of this film was as high as 119.6 million US dollars in the previous life, and the global box office was 273 million US dollars. It once again proved to everyone that Tom Cruise's box office appeal.

Early December!

Tom Cruise frowned. Sony Pictures tentatively set the release time for "Mr. Sweetheart", also in early December.

Looking at the entire history of North American film, it is not difficult to find that there are always many large-scale commercial films released together in early December and late November every year.

As for the reason is very simple.

The winter vacation of North American universities usually starts two weeks before Christmas and ends in early January.

In other words, the films released in early December can occupy the greatest advantage and attract students to the cinema.

"Thank you very much." Tom Cruise hung up the phone in a hurry without saying a few words, and his face became a little ugly.

Speaking of it, he was very depressed. "Mission: Impossible" starring in the summer film was almost facing Roland Emmerich's "Independence Day", so he had to temporarily change the film promotion plan and advance the release time by more than a month.

Facts have proved that this decision is very correct, "Independence Day" achieved box office results, although it can not surpass "Jurassic Park", it is still the second highest-grossing film of all time.

Right now, he is starring in "Mr. Sweetheart", and he will face "Terminator 3", a film directed by Ryan Gosling, which has a promotional budget of up to 40 million US dollars.

"Help me contact Sony Pictures, I need to revise the release date of "Mr. Sweetheart" and advance it to mid-November." Tom Cruise quickly made a decision to advance the release date of "Mr. Sweetheart".

Pat-Kinsley nodded and didn't say much, but his facial expression was slightly complicated.

Ryan Gosling, who was only a horror film director at the beginning, not only became a commercial mainstream director in a short period of time, but even Tom Cruise had to avoid competing with him.

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