Best of Hollywood

Chapter 459 Hulk

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At the end of the next weekend, as a commercial popcorn movie, the box office trend of "Spider-Man" inevitably fell sharply, and the single-day box office directly fell below 10 million US dollars.

It earned $6.72 million at the box office on Monday, $5.59 million on Tuesday, $5.02 million on Wednesday, and $4.85 million on Thursday.

After four working days, it earned a total of 22.18 million US dollars at the box office.

As a commercial popcorn movie, this result is quite good.

The only regret is that it is much worse than the box office trend of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers".

By the third weekend, the box office of "Spider-Man" began to rise sharply again, with a box office of 14.28 million US dollars in just one day on Friday.

This is not the first weekend, but the third weekend. "Spider-Man" has been released for half a month, and it can still earn 14.28 million US dollars at the box office on Friday.

Surprising enough.

However, on Saturday, the single-day box office not only rose again, but also directly reached more than 20 million US dollars, with a single-day box office of 24.31 million US dollars.

Even on Sunday, the box office reached more than 10 million US dollars, with a single-day box office of 15.87 million US dollars.

A total of US$54.46 million box office was earned in the three days of the weekend, plus US$22.18 million in the four weekdays.

After a week, "Spider-Man" once again earned a box office of 76.64 million US dollars, and the accumulated box office in North America reached 31.1 billion US dollars.

There is no doubt that "Spider-Man" has won the North American box office champion this year, surpassing the North American box office performance of "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", it is only a matter of time.

With the arrival of the fourth week of the film's release, the North American box office market has finally ushered in a film that Ryan is familiar with.

An action blockbuster from Warner Bros. starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts, with a budget of $85 million.

This film is called "Ocean's Eleven", which is adapted from the 1960 work of the same name. It tells the story of the super-thief Danny Orson, who in order to regain his wife Tess, summons eleven experts overnight to rob the casino of his rival. story.

This is an action movie aimed at young people,

There is a great overlap with the audience of "Spider-Man".

What's more, the cast of this film is very luxurious, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Julia Roberts are all Hollywood heavyweight star actors.

Far better than the cast of Spider-Man.

The production cost of this film was as high as 85 million U.S. dollars. It opened on December 7 with a scale of 3,075 movie theaters, and earned a box office of 38 million U.S. dollars in three days in the first weekend.

In contrast, "Spider-Man", which entered its fourth weekend of release, inevitably has slightly worse box office figures.

But after three days, it still earned a box office of 32.08 million US dollars.

So far, the North American box office of the film has accumulated as high as 36.2 billion U.S. dollars, breaking through to 400 million U.S. dollars at the box office is just around the corner.

According to the estimates of Orion Films, even if new films are released one after another in the North American box office market, "Spider-Man" may still hit the box office mark of 500 million US dollars.

Of course, the popular release period of "Spider-Man" is gradually passing, and it can only rely on time to slowly accumulate box office, and it also has to face the impact of other film releases.

For example: "A Beautiful Mind" released on December 13, Orion Films owns half of the film's investment and overseas distribution rights. .

"Vanilla Sky" jointly produced by Paramount and DreamWorks will be released on December 14. The film stars Ryan's old acquaintances, Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz.

In addition, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", a collaboration between Orion Pictures and Warner Bros., will be released on December 19.

The release of these films will more or less affect the box office trend of "Spider-Man".

At the same time, the film has gradually entered the overseas box office market. Although "Spider-Man" overseas is not as popular as in North America, the overall box office trend is still very strong. In just three weeks after its release, the accumulated overseas box office has reached 2.9 billion US dollars.

When the fourth week of "Spider-Man" was released, the global box office had reached 65.3 billion US dollars.

Not to mention that the release of the film has not yet ended, with only a global box office of 65.3 billion US dollars, Orion Films can almost recover all investment costs, including a publicity budget of 75 million US dollars.

On the evening of December 12, at the premiere of "A Beautiful Mind", Ryan deliberately took time to attend.

"Stephen, long time no see."

Walking into the hall, Ryan greeted Stephen Spielberg and asked deliberately, "Where's Jeffrey!"

"I also want to talk to him about the sequel filming plan of "Shrek."

"He has some things to deal with, so he didn't come over." Stephen Spielberg's tone showed a trace of helplessness.

The box office hit of "Shrek" made the contradictions within DreamWorks more acute.

As the head of DreamWorks Animation Studio, Jeffrey Katzenberg has intentionally separated from DreamWorks and separated DreamWorks Animation Studio.

This is definitely not good news for DreamWorks, which is not in a good situation.

The two chatted casually, and Stephen Spielberg went to greet the others.

At this time, a very tall young woman came over, "Hello, Mr. Gosling!"

"Hello, Miss Jennifer." Ryan knew Jennifer-Connelly, and she starred in "The Frightening Times", which was very amazing.

Facing Ryan, Jennifer-Connelly's attitude was very enthusiastic, "I heard that Universal Pictures plans to cooperate with Marvel Pictures to make a movie about the Hulk?"

This is the cooperation intention proposed by Universal Pictures.

However, Ryan did not agree to cooperate in the filming, but only agreed to authorize the copyright of the Hulk to Universal Pictures for shooting.

This is not a long-term authorization, it is only a shooting authorization for a film.

Regardless of whether this Hulk film is successful or not, it will not have any impact on Marvel Pictures. Anyway, Orion Pictures and Marvel Pictures will not prepare to shoot the Avengers plan in a short time.

Even, the box office data of this film can be used to test the acceptance of the Hulk role in the North American box office market.

At the same time, you can also get a considerable amount of licensing fees and share in the box office, peripheral copyrights, and merchandise.

"Universal Pictures intends to make a film about the Hulk, not in cooperation with Marvel Pictures." Ryan corrected.

At the same time, he suddenly thought that the Jennifer-Connelly in front of him seemed to be the heroine in the previous life "Hulk".

From the perspective of the box office, the original "Hulk" is considered a blockbuster movie, with an investment of up to 13.7 billion US dollars, but only a global box office of 24.5 billion US dollars.

Among them, the North American box office is 13.2 billion U.S. dollars, and the overseas box office is 11.3 billion U.S. dollars.

It is impossible to recover the investment cost from the box office.

Of course, on the whole, this film did not lose much money, and the losses to Universal Pictures were limited.

On the contrary, as the director of the film, Ang Lee directly withdrew from the crew of mainstream Hollywood commercial films.

Anyone can see that the main reason for the failure of this film is the directing style of the film director Ang Lee.

He is not suitable for directing large-scale commercial films, he is more suitable for shooting some low-cost literary films.

Ryan decided to authorize the copyright of the Hulk to Universal Pictures for shooting, and Ang Lee was among them.

Now Ang Lee is focused on directing mainstream Hollywood commercial films, and he has no interest in "Brokeback Mountain", which has an investment budget of only 14 million US dollars. His agent even opened his mouth and offered a sky-high salary.

Seeing this, Ryan simply canceled the shooting plan of "Brokeback Mountain", and waited until Universal Pictures' "Hulk" was released.

Time entered mid-December, and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" was released successfully.

In the first weekend, it earned a box office of 88.35 million US dollars in three days, and the North American box office exceeded 100 million US dollars in five days, becoming the second film in the North American box office market this year to exceed 100 million US dollars in a week.

To that end, Orion Pictures and Warner Bros. have staged a massive premiere.

By the beginning of February, the North American box office of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" reached 24.5 billion US dollars, and the overseas box office exceeded 5.5 billion US dollars.

"Spider-Man", which was released a month earlier, had a North American box office of US$4.6 billion, and the global box office officially exceeded the US$900 million mark, and there are still sporadic overseas markets that have not been released, such as the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

There is no spring release on the other side of the Pacific, so Ryan put "Spider-Man" in February and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" in July.

The summer holidays on the other side of the Pacific Ocean are very different from those in North America. The time does not start from May, but from July when the students go on vacation.

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean in 2002, there was no such thing as a movie protection month.

However, it is estimated that in at most two years, the film protection month policy will be formulated on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Restricting the release of Hollywood films from the end of June, while films that have already been released can continue to be shown

In this way, there is a workaround. Hollywood movies can choose to be released in mid-June, and they can enjoy half of the summer release time.

Generally speaking, the number of days a Hollywood film is shown on the other side of the Pacific Ocean is only about 30 days, unless the film's box office is frighteningly high, you can apply for an extension of the show time.

Of course, most films do not enjoy this treatment, and even if they apply, it is useless.

The release time of "Spider-Man" happened to be on the first day of the new year, with at least half a month's holiday.

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