In the destroyer fleet.

Everyone is calm as usual.

"Is this the fleet of Earthlings?"

General Deathblade, one of the five generals of Obsidian, curled his lips in disdain.

Everyone knew that their master had already set their sights on this small planet in the solar system.

But so many years have passed, but they have never really acted. Although they don't understand, they can guess that the master has some fears about the earth after all.

I thought it would be a fierce battle next time.

However, it ended too quickly.

The fleet of the earth is as fragile as some ridiculously large toys.

Thanos sat on the main seat and didn't speak.

He is well aware of the power of the earth.

What he is afraid of is only a few people.

Now the Ancient One and Odin are dead.

While there are still some powerful beings on Earth, his goal is the Infinity Stones.

As long as he has no idea of ​​ruling the earth, those existences will not be his enemies.

After he got the Infinity Stones, those strong men who made him afraid, it was too late to regret it.

Sitting on the throne, Thanos looks a little lazy.

He couldn't arouse any interest in the previous battle.

Not much time, Thanos said:

"How much longer?"

Dark Ye Proxima Centauri immediately said:

"We will be approaching Earth in three minutes."

Hearing this, Thanos sat up straight, with excitement in his eyes.

Three minutes.

His dream has finally come true.

Just when everyone was waiting to enter the earth, someone suddenly screamed:

"Discover a high-risk energy source!"

"A high-risk energy source is approaching us, it's an enemy attack, an enemy attack!"

Hearing this voice, everyone tensed up.

It can be called a high-risk energy source, and what is attacking now has nothing to do with the broken copper and iron on the earth before.

The next moment, rumbling...

A series of explosions appeared, and the flames spread in the universe.

Even their flagship was affected by the shock.

Finally, the spaceship stabilized.

The fleet commander couldn't believe it.

"We, we lost 17 ships!"

Although they still have a lot of spaceships, there are at least a thousand fighters on the 17 spaceships.

They were dead before they got close to the earth.

Thanos frowned.

He doesn't care about the deaths of those men, but he cares about this strange attack.

Earth, does this level of technology exist?

"Accelerate forward, open the energy shield, I can't wait."

As Thanos' words fell, everyone's expressions became serious.

The next moment, the fleet began to accelerate.

"The opponent started to speed up."

Through holographic virtual projection, they can see clearly.

At the same time, Noah clicked on the location of the moon.

On the moon fortress, the tails of countless plasma worms began to store energy.

"let's start."

With that said, Noah clicked a few times on the holographic virtual projection.


As a war fortress built by Noah, although it has only been a few years.

But after Noah's transformation, the moon at this time is completely a sea of ​​machinery and biology.

Endless zerg creatures crawling across the moon.

With Noah's few clicks, the Moon Fortress began to change.

Dozens of cutting-edge launchers rose from the moon, reaching a height of nearly 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a large number of laser cannons also revealed their hideous features.

next moment,

All weapons start firing.

At the same time, the plasma worms on the surface of the moon also completed their second charge.

With the launch of countless beams of energy, Thanos' fleet once again sounded the alarm.

But this time, because of the opening of the shield, no one is worried.


A soundless explosion appeared in the universe.

Thanos watched as his eyes were engulfed in flames, his expression unchanged.

"Master, our energy shield has lost 37% of its energy."

The commander's words made Thanos frown.

37% of their energy is lost in one attack, that is to say, it only takes three attacks before they become a living target.

And looking at their distance from the earth, as well as the frequency of attacks, it is obvious that they need to withstand more than three rounds of attacks.

"Send the vanguard out to deal with that satellite."

Soon, a spaceship formation broke away from the cluster, and then began to accelerate.

This is a formation of assault series spaceships.

The speed is naturally much faster than the main fleet.

The second round of attacks came soon.

As the first vanguard formation, it has withstood a lot of attacks.

Moreover, the spaceship they were on, as a mobile spaceship, although it was extremely fast, it also gave up a certain amount of defense.

For a moment, sparks spread across the universe.

Seeing this scene, even Thanos frowned.

Although he has a lot of troops, he has suffered such a large loss before approaching the earth, which is unacceptable to him.

Fortunately, although the vanguard has lost a lot, it still has combat power.

Looking at the pioneer spacecraft that urgently needed to approach, Thanos continued indifferently:

"Send another fleet to clear the obstacles."

Saying that, Thanos glanced around.

"Dark Night Proxima Centauri, you go."

Proxima Centauri, who was standing behind Thanos, nodded and turned to leave.

On Earth, Noah and others also saw their actions clearly.

"Thanos has divided his forces."

Peter Parker was a little nervous.

The previous results of the Moon Fortress did give him a lot of hope.

But can Moon Fortress stop the enemy?

Not only Peter Parker, but others also hope that the moon fortress can keep the enemy outside the earth.

But Noah knew that if Thanos was so easy to deal with, he wouldn't be the overlord of the universe.

The real battle will inevitably still take place on Earth.

And Earth, is ready for battle.

The armies of all parties are ready to attack the enemy at any time.

The real war will only start when the Thanos fleet lands.

Now, it's just an appetizer.

However, Noah is also looking forward to it. He doesn't know how much advantage the Moon Fortress can bring him.

At this time, the vanguard of Thanos has reached the outer layer of the moon.

Numerous energy attacks caused heavy losses to the vanguard.

Before landing, those fighters of Thanos couldn't wait to jump out of the spaceship.

The gravity of the moon is not high, so it is a living target on the spaceship, but jumping off the spaceship, the target is much smaller, which can give them more chances of survival.

But that's all.

Noah has never improved the harsh environment of the moon.

Zerg has top-level adaptability.

Improving the environment can only give the enemy room to adapt.

Naturally, it is impossible for a war fortress to have no corresponding defensive measures.

The environment of the moon is the first defense of the moon.

Countless vanguard soldiers were directly hit by the attacks of plasma worms and anti-aircraft guns in the air.

But more fighters managed to evade direct attacks.

In the harsh environment of the moon, some soldiers were blown out of the surface of the moon.

At this time, leaving the lunar surface, the only result is death.

At this moment, there are still a few people who have successfully landed.

The members of the vanguard who landed were all excited.

They survived, and since they survived, it was their turn to bring death to the enemy.

"Kill those Earthlings!"

A squad leader roared loudly, there were several people beside him, but none of them were soldiers of his squad.

If nothing else happened, his team members should all be dead.

But that doesn't matter, here, he is the biggest.

Several other soldiers also screamed.

Glancing overhead, everyone ran towards the nearest blue light emission.

On the way, they also met other people.

This made their team continuously grow larger, and soon twenty or thirty people had gathered.

The larger the number, the more confident they are about the next battle.

Suddenly, they noticed a huge worm in front of them, and the tail of the worm was accumulating a faint blue light.

Then, a stream of plasma was launched from the tail of the big bug.

In just a few seconds, a spaceship was hit and fell in flames.

It turned out that these bugs attacked people.

After they realized it, it was the first time they knew that there was this kind of life in the universe.

But as predators, they don't care about that.


With the squad leader's roar, everyone started to charge.

But right here, beside the captain, a scream suddenly came out.

He looked back and saw a ferocious monster nearly two meters tall standing there. On the monster's forelegs, one of his companions was pierced through the chest, hanging in the air like a candied haws.

The shrill screams continued, but they had lost their previous excitement.

Because there is more than one such monster, and they don't know when they have been surrounded by these terrible monsters.

"Attack, attack!"

The squad leader roared, and at the same time the weapon in his hand kept firing.

Those terrible monsters were slaughtering his companions, but at the same time many monsters were hit by bullets.

But he could clearly see that even though those monsters were shot, they were still killing and had no intention of stopping at all.

This monster has extremely tenacious vitality!

His brain just wanted to understand this, and the next moment, a guard's forelimb had passed through his head.

In an instant, the team of twenty or thirty people was completely wiped out.

Solved this team.

The guards did not stop, but quickly dispersed.

They are the best hunters when it comes to enemies. They are the scariest hounds when they have no enemies.

Finally, the troops who rushed to support also arrived.

Dark Night Proxima Centauri was driving a small spaceship. As soon as it approached, it found that the vanguard was almost completely wiped out.

This made her look a little ugly.

The next moment, another round of attacks.

Countless blue plasma, coupled with the attack of anti-aircraft guns, caused many spaceships to be penetrated by the plasma attack.


Proxima Centauri immediately issued the most correct order.

Soon, a large number of fighters, as well as powerful monsters from various planets jumped out of the spaceship.

The sky is full of countless fireworks, but the ground is the most tragic killing.

Descended to the moon.

Dark Ye Proxima Centauri, didn't want to rush towards a plasma worm position.

On the way, dozens of guards suddenly appeared.

Seeing these monsters, even Proxima Centauri was slightly startled.

One can tell at a glance that these monsters are definitely real killing weapons, and they are completely lives born for war.

"Is there such a race born for killing in the universe?"

Dark Ye Proxima Centauri was filled with fear.

I just don't know if this is a species unique to the solar system or it was artificially created.

The guards looked at Proxima Centauri and attacked at the same time.

Sharp limbs, strong strength, and tenacious vitality are the reasons for their rampage.

But now, Proxima An Ye was waving the sharp gun in his hand, and with every shot, a guard died.

She is one of the five obsidian generals under Thanos.

She is even more powerful than the black dwarf that invaded the earth.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of guards were all killed.

Dark Ye Proxima Centauri rushed to the plasma worm position without any hesitation.

Seeing these plasma worms that can launch plasma attacks, the fear in Proxima Centauri's heart became more and more serious.

This kind of terrible life should not appear in the universe.

Without any hesitation, the sharp gun flashed, and the entire plasma insect formation was pierced.

However, her behavior also attracted a large number of Zerg.

A dense crowd of guards surrounded Proxima Centauri.

When Dark Ye Proxima was killing, he suddenly found that his surroundings had been surrounded by countless bugs at some point.

Countless Zerg roared.

The terrifying roar made many nearby intruders instinctively stay away.

Then, all the guards looked at Proxima Centauri at the same time.

The next moment, the army began to charge.

A wave of Zerg rushed towards Proxima Centauri.

Zerg, no special arms.

Guards are the most basic killing unit.

Because they don't need special strengthening units, the form of guards is the most perfect form of killing.

And their advantage has always been only one.

That is to use endless numbers to overwhelm the enemy.

Proxima Centauri was killing crazily, and the Zerg corpses on the ground even piled up into a hill.

The high-intensity fighting made Proxima Centauri panting.

She was already feeling tired.

But the number of monsters around has not decreased in the slightest.

And the gunshots that could be heard just now have disappeared.

I don't know if they were just driven away by these monsters, or if they all died.

But she knew that at this moment, she was alone and helpless!

The flagship of the Thanos fleet, Thanos looks at the moon.

Of course he couldn't see the specific situation of Proxima Centauri Dark Night.

"Why hasn't the attack weakened yet?"

He is very dissatisfied.

It's been such a long time.

If he chose to ignore the attack there, the fleet would have reached the surface of the earth by now.

General Death Blade said:

"Master, there should be the main defense force set up by the earthlings.

It's normal to take a little longer. "

Dark Ye Proxima Centauri is his wife, so he naturally needs to maintain it.

But he didn't know that at this time, Proxima Centauri had already fallen into a bitter battle.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​insects around.

Even a strong man like Proxima Centauri has begun to despair.

She thought that she would die, but she never thought that she would die in battle under such circumstances.

However, she had no choice.

Finally, after she stabbed dozens of guards to death.

A guard's foreleg pierced her left arm.

It's like a signal.

In just ten seconds, Proxima Centauri was pierced through the heart by a guard.

Proxima Centauri, one of the five generals of Obsidian, died in the unknown place of the moon.


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