Bionic Era

Chapter 106 He is Number Nine

Everyone in the executive bureau thought they could see a situation where both sides would suffer.

It could have been.

Until the man sitting on the street eating smoothies stood up.

Under such circumstances, dare to stand up so clearly.

Either it's stupid, or it's really powerful.

People in the executive bureau were more inclined to the former, until they heard the man say two short words.


Just two words, neither salty nor bland.

A very common, very common word.

Pierced through the hail of bullets and echoed in the streets.

The guys from the slums looked at each other, as if something deep in their memory had been awakened.

That memory is not that long ago.

It seems that the person left yesterday, and before he left, he asked everyone to name his daughter, and said that he would definitely come back.

Then never came back.

The last time they saw that man was on the TV news.

The content of the news is a car accident, a couple.

What that man left to the slums, apart from peace, were those two words in his room.

Later, no matter what newcomers who just joined, they would go to that room to pay homage, and everyone could see the two "orders" hanging high.

"It's a mess, and everyone forgets order."

Lu Wen didn't deliberately amplify his voice.

But the street is very quiet.

Because they saw Lu Wen stretch out his five fingers, interweaving the projection of the word "order" in the air. These two words come from the small bungalow where Xia Zheng once lived.

These bionics understand that Lu Wen is also a bionic.

And he didn't have a bracelet on his hand, so he was a bionic person who broke through the circuit breaker and escaped after awakening.

My own people!

We are friends all over the world.

"My friend, do you know those guys on the opposite side?" A bionic man hid in a bunker made of ruins and asked loudly.

There is no internet here, and ordinary bionics can only communicate by roaring.

Where there is internet, you can chat online without opening your mouth, but I heard that there are tech-savvy guys in the executive bureau who check online every day.

Lu Wen's previous body was implanted with a certain program by Brother Cockroach, which seemed to allow short-distance chatting.

He still doesn't know where his previous body was taken by Xia Chuluo.

"Brother, have you met our boss before?"

Representatives from the slums also spoke.

The word order has been integrated into their bones.

This time it was really chaotic and disorderly, and violated Xia Tianzheng's explanation before leaving, but it was mainly because time was waiting for no one, and there was no time to discuss it carefully, so they hurried here overnight.

"It's pointless to waste time on these issues."

Lu Wen walked on the broad street.

The most common thing in the ruins is dust, one step at a time.

This street was a battleground where two forces were fighting a minute ago, but now it is eerily quiet.

"See there?"

Lu Wen pointed to the many vehicles of the executive bureau in the distance.

"Those people received instructions to maintain the scene, protect innocent people and escort the civilian wounded, not to rob the so-called treasure, so they will not join your battle."

Everyone in the executive bureau who was watching the play was stunned.

They really didn't expect such a spoiler to appear suddenly, breaking the good show in front of them.

"They're just watching you, watching you kill each other, and whoever wins is a potential victory for them."

Lu Wen received the projection.

His voice echoed in the deserted, empty streets.

"My friends, are you willing to let things go to this point?" Lu Wen asked the bionic organization on one side.

"I don't want to, but those guys on the other side opened fire when they disagreed, and we have no choice but to fight back." Someone from the bionic organization responded.

"Yes, we prefer a quiet life."

Lu Wen gave them a step, so many bionics began to respond to him.

He turned to look at the slums on the other side.

"In the past few years when Xia Tian was here, I specially emphasized order. Look at your current appearance. The people from the executive bureau are over there. They are your biggest enemies. You don't need to check to know that there are many people who came here. They are all on the wanted list of the Executive Bureau."

"But our slums are short of money. If we have money, we can slowly transform some places." Someone responded.

This is also treating Lu Wen as one of our own, and we can say both words.

"Are you sure it is to transform the slums, not to buy more weapons?" Lu Wen's voice was very flat, but those people were speechless.

Because of the word "order", they couldn't refute it.

What the slums looked like when Xia Tian was leaving, it is still the same now, without any progress.

"Both will lose, and the winners will only be those who watch the show."

As Lu Wen spoke, he walked towards the museum at the end of the long street.

"If you only have this kind of brains, the bionic organization can only hide in the no-man's land forever. It will not be successful, and the slums will only become poorer and poorer. Generations of people live in that hopeless place."

There is no leader!

very important reason.

During Xia Tian, ​​the slums are getting better and better, because he is tough enough to suppress all discordant voices, and even he has been gone for more than ten years, and the people in the slums still abide by the rules he set.

But that's all.

The slums haven't improved since he left.

"How old are you this year?"

"Ten...eighteen years old."

"How big is it?!"

The thin boy lowered his head, not daring to meet Lu Wen's eyes.

Lu Wen took out the guy on the third floor with one shot before, without looking back, relaxed and comfortable.

That strength and decisiveness made the boy a little afraid.

Even young adults in their twenties and thirties are mostly thin, supported by a skeleton, and they all look ridiculous with guns.

Children in urban areas grow up with electronics and quality education.

The children in the slums can only grow up with guns and loneliness.

Wu Yu opened the car door, stepped down, and looked at Lu Wen's figure in the distance.

"It looks familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

He took out his mobile phone and slowly flipped through the wanted information in the thirteenth district.

After searching for a while, I couldn't find it.

Wu Yu didn't think it should be. Based on his memory, as long as he met once, he could record it.

He frowned, thinking carefully where he had seen it before.

District Six?

Last night, the colleagues in the sixth district had all their equipment confiscated by No. 9, and their electronic equipment was smashed, so it was impossible to record No. 9's appearance at all.

But later, after those guys returned to the executive bureau, based on their impressions, they recruited a senior painter to describe the appearance of No. 9, and passed a copy to each district.

Wu Yu also had a quick glance.

It's just an ordinary Blue E27 service model.

It's just that the hairstyle has been changed, and the skin has some minor adjustments.

"Number Nine! He's Number Nine!"

Wu Yu's voice made everyone react.

The mood of watching the play is completely gone.

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