Bionic Era

Chapter 336 Arrow

ice crystals.

Violent wanton.

As if from a distant kingdom of God.

Pure white swept the world.

It wasn't snow, but the strong wind and the storm lifted the hard snow and ice from the ground.

The air in that area is dry, with little rainfall throughout the year.

In the further south, there is less precipitation, so it is not an exaggeration to call it an ice desert, but it is not the target of the bionics, it is too cold, the machine can't handle it, and there is a limit to the temperature of the body surface.

It was hard for Lu Wen to imagine a group of bionics wrapped in cotton coats.

The android leading the expedition projected his memory.

Many android leaders sat around and watched.

on screen.

A few bionics walked comfortably on the snow.

The snow layer on the ground is not soft, but firm.

In this kind of weather, human beings need to wear thick jackets and bring enough supplies, and they need to rest and conserve energy after walking for a while.

But bionics don't have so many scruples.

"At this time, we have already inspected the area marked out for us by No. 9, and we are on our way back."

He said the expedition was perfect.

The ruins of an underground city suitable for bionics to live in have been found.

It only takes some time to transform and it can become a second Eden.

"But on the way back, we suddenly saw this creature."

A blurry figure covered in snow flashed past at the end of the horizon.

a very short time.

It took less than two seconds in total.

"Play back, pause for a moment, stop at that screen." Lu Wen said.

"no problem."

Video playback.

Everyone's eyes widened this time.

The screen freezes.

But still very vague.

Although the eyes of the bionic person are both sophisticated cameras, which are far superior to those of humans, both the photographer and the subject are moving.

There was another blizzard.

So the frozen picture is just a vague creature in the shape of a human.

"The memories of the other brothers are also like this, and they can be played back. We were very close at the time."


Lu Wen frowned, and began to analyze in his mind.

Judging by the distance in the video.

That creature should be between 1.5-1.8 in height.

Walking upright, humanoid, the white on the body looks like hair.

If it is really a human, this is much more terrifying than the white disease.

"Later we chased after it, but there was only a crack in the ice around it. We suspected that the creature jumped into the crack."

Several people did not follow.

They're not stupid either. It's very likely that they won't be able to climb up this kind of unknown terrain.

It is often reported in various cities that a certain scientist accidentally fell into a crack and died while investigating in the extreme south or the extreme north.

"What do you guys think?" Lu Wen looked at everyone.

"If we want to live in that place, we must figure out the creatures there, otherwise we will be very passive."

"It's very dangerous. We need to send a group of stronger fighters over there."



Three o'clock in the afternoon.

West City has arrived.

The city was as reported.

Dilapidated, dilapidated.

Tall buildings collapsed.

The bungalow was shot into a sieve.

The palace hall of the king collapsed, and the treasures and cultural relics inside were looted.

The current West City is no longer as prosperous as it used to be with a population of hundreds of millions.

It doesn't look much better than those ruined cities in no man's land.

The shops on both sides of the street were either closed, smashed or robbed, and there were traces of burning flames. The top executives of large companies are still taking refuge in Versailles, and mobs still haunt the corners of the city.

A large number of people have not yet returned, hiding in no man's land or underground.

Bodies are still being cleared from the streets.

Aid supplies from various cities are also continuously being transported by air.

The hatch opens.

The rotten atmosphere of the city poured into the cabin, causing many people to frown.

In July, summer is hot.

More rainstorms.

The smell of rotting corpses seemed to permeate every inch of the city along the rain, taking root and sprouting in invisible dark corners, and blooming bloody flowers.

It is hard to imagine how the inhabitants of the city are used to it.

"There are less than 20 million residents in West now, maybe that's the reason." An old councilor sighed.

Fortunately, Mowu City did not become like this.

In fact, after the bionic riots, Mou City may have become the most powerful city.

Quite a lot of people were greeted at the airport.

There is West's royal family, the current Prime Minister and Mayor, and various Senate ministers.

It was a fairly formal meeting between the two sides.

Everyone in the entourage has been arranged.

Next came the communication, chatting, and greetings that Wei Boan disliked the most.

In his view, this is pointless and a waste of time.

He often told Lu Wen that he was always envious of bionics.

Because the bionics greet each other very directly, they just say what they need to say.

Five p.m.

After completing various procedures, everyone can finally go to the scene of the explosion.

Seeing it with your own eyes is very different from looking at pictures.

The explosion warehouse has been cordoned off.

"These are bomb fragments collected at the scene."

The person in charge on West's side gently placed some shrapnel in front of everyone.

Some other evidences were also brought up together.

The person in charge of the military enterprise here in Mowu City put on gloves, poured a fragment out of the evidence bag, observed it carefully for a moment, and then said: "This is indeed a product made by our company, there will be no fakes."



The accompanying bomb experts also quickly came to a conclusion and agreed with the statement of the military industry.

What follows is a more detailed discussion.

Get to know each other.

The accompanying publicist also worked with West.

The news of Wei Boan's visit was released, and a few pictures of everyone smiling and shaking hands were thrown out to show the friendly exchanges between the two cities.

Temporarily stabilize the mood of the people.

Lu Wen was still observing the scene of the explosion in the warehouse, when a middle-aged man's voice sounded through the earphones he was wearing.

"Have you seen the princesses of this generation of the royal family? I heard that several of them are very beautiful, with blond hair and blue eyes, clear facial features, and a good figure."

Duan Tiannan has never left West City these days.

During the week when the android rioted, he hid underground with Hongye.

There are all kinds of food and drink.

Life is quite comfortable.

Come out and kill some androids when your hands itch, or blow the heads of some thugs.

Capable people can really get along anywhere, unless the environment is really bad to a certain extent.

"You are so old, why do you think about other people's princess all day long?" Lu Wen sent a series of messages.

"At the beginning, I almost took a princess with me, who would have known that Xia Tian would suddenly appear..."

"You've said that many times."

"But I just can't get over it."

"Look at your beer belly in the mirror, even if there is a princess, are you sure you still have the same charm as before?"


Duan Tiannan was speechless.

After all, he couldn't escape the greasy middle age.

Speaking of which, his age is actually about the same as Wei Boan's, they belong to the same generation.

But Wei Boan has been exercising all these years, running on the front line every day, and now he is still a mature, stable, muscular and handsome man, even if he drinks alcohol, he is basically white.

And Duan Tiannan drank beer in that small place in the slum for ten years.

The nagging of the middle-aged man disappeared.

Lu Wen could finally take a serious look at the scene.

"There is monitoring, and there are no dead ends in the monitoring. According to the submitted information, there are personnel taking turns guarding the place 24 hours a day, so that no one else can get in."

"Judging from the surveillance footage, the bomb should have been hidden long ago. It might have been in transit, or it might have been in Mowu City."


Lu Wen didn't analyze for too long.

It didn't take long for him to stop, because he knew that the investigation team was doomed to be in vain.

There was an explosion without a head or tail, and the exact source of the bomb could not be found.

He has watched the monitoring of the entire transportation process, and found no problems, and no one sneakily stuffed a bomb into it.

"The only purpose of coming this time is probably to appease the people of the two cities."

But the scolding between the two sides has already begun, and it is difficult to calm down.

Official appearances are of little use.

There is a language barrier between the two cities.

Cultural barriers.

They actually spat each other with the translator for two whole days. It can only be said that the combat effectiveness of the people is really strong.

time flies.

Night fell.

The royal family of West entertained Wei Boan and his party with the highest standard that can be achieved so far.

As a team member, Lu Wen received a grand reception.

But he didn't want to waste time on eating, so he found an excuse to go out.

The night wind blows outside.

Fortunately, he has no sense of smell, so he can't smell those smells in the air.

There are no people at night in West City,

This city has experienced so much that the people are already afraid of the dark night.

From time to time there were several gunshots.

That's the remaining mob revolting.

Under the encirclement and suppression by the coalition forces in various cities, the rioters have not lived a good life for a few days, and most of them have already put down their weapons.

"call out--!"

Very small sound.

Cut through the night sky.

The patrolling soldiers heard the sound, but they found nothing.

Lu Wen saw it.

It was a black arrow, one with the night, and the arrow flashed deadly menacingly, heading straight for his face.

His expression remained unchanged, he stood on the spot, grabbed the arrow that was as fast as lightning with a casual grab.

The arrow was two fists away from his face.

The sudden attack startled the surrounding soldiers.

They are all young. They came out of emergency training during this period of time. They have almost no actual combat experience. They have not even experienced drills, so they took up weapons to defend their home and country.

What flashed through their minds a second ago was not how to be on guard, but: what time is this, and there are still people using arrows?

But they reacted in the next second.

"Protect the VIP!"

A soldier shouted.

"No, just let me handle it."

Lu Wen said something lightly.

He casually dropped the black arrow feather, and then chased it out.

Night vision mode is on.

draw the gun.

open insurance.

The bullet is loaded.

In front of the palace, far away, on a piece of ruins and wreckage, a man in black combat uniform with a longbow on his back smiled at Lu Wen and waved.

If nothing else.

This will be another dark night chase, attracting attention from all directions, and then a bunch of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

But this time something went wrong.

Because Lu Wen is too lazy to talk nonsense.

So he raised his hand and shot.


The gunshots startled a group of black crows that were devouring the flesh, and the silence shattered.

The spinning bullet hit the man in the knee.

Blue blood splashed out immediately.


The smile froze on the man's face.

He half-kneeled on the ruins, and before he could continue speaking, he fired another shot.

This time he lost his other leg.

"Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?"

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