Bionic Era

Chapter 355 For the sake of dignity

Northern Eden.

Heavy machinery shuttles on the road.

Steel skeletons spread underground.

The city is growing methodically.

Open up the roads of every underground city and clean up the underground space.

"Those underground cities that are really uninhabitable are filled with soil dug out from other places or construction waste generated during construction."

"More than ten years ago, the androids in the north were still scattered. At that time, the leaders of several big android organizations gathered together and wanted to build a city belonging to the androids, so they found Constantine..."

"Later, Constantine found you again. With the reasonable work of you and tens of millions of bionics, Eden took shape very quickly. It has been growing for more than ten years, and has adopted many human children..."

Lu Wen took the A00 through the streets and alleys of this underground city.

They walked across the bridge.

Go through the tunnel.

Walk in the crowd against the current.

During this period of time, I not only visited Eden, but also visited other underground cities.

Those underground cities are reserved for future population expansion or to accept bionics from other cities, and can also be used as escape exits.

But A00 never recalled anything.

She just nodded now and then, thoughtfully.

The two sat on the railing of the flyover to rest, overlooking the bustling and busy Eden, with people coming and going and bright lights.

A00 gently dangled the two dangling calves, and lowered his head to fiddle with the pink plasticine in his hand.

These plasticines were bought when Lu Wen took her to the northern cities for a stroll. At that time, A00 was no different from a real little girl.

"No. 9, look...does this little clay figurine look like you?"

A00 showed her finished product to Lu Wen.

It was a pink, fist-sized plasticine Lu Wen.

It is pinched perfectly, lifelike, and the facial features are exactly the same, but the color is not quite right.

"Very similar."

Lu Wen nodded.

"Look, this big you can turn into two small you...wait for me."

After A00 finished speaking, he began to busy himself with the work in hand.

The plasticine Lu Wen was kneaded into a ball by her, and then separated into two balls, one big and one small.

Not long after, the two balls of plasticine turned into two pink Lu Wen.

"Look like?"


"Here, I'll give you the small one... leave the big one in the ground."

A00 handed the small one to Lu Wen, and kept the big one for himself.

Lu Wen frowned slightly, and accepted this little Lu Wen.

He sensed something unusual.

A00 has always called him Lu Wen.

And not...Number Nine.

Lu Wen inexplicably thought of his brothers.

No. 1 Wuya has a paranoid personality and is being researched by him and Dr. Jiang. No. 8 Huang Liang hibernates himself, and Lu Wen took out the chip.

Of the remaining six, No. 5 is a pampered child, and his combat effectiveness can be ignored.

Three intends to cooperate with him.

No. 4 has a violent personality and such a programming design. I don’t know how many people have been killed in the past few years. Today, he was crushed by Lu Wen’s foot. He is destined to be the opposite of Lu Wen.

The remaining No. 6 and No. 7 are hostile to him, No. 6 is confident and arrogant, No. 7 is a loser who has never succeeded.

We must find a way to get rid of these guys, and we cannot allow them to wreak havoc in the ground world.

Constantine suddenly sent him a message: "Lu Wen, Kerry City in the north contacted us just now, saying that the nine cities on the ground are going to hold a comprehensive meeting to discuss the fate of bionics, and it will be held after the meeting. referendum."

"Well, I already know the news." Lu Wen responded.

"How many bionics have been transferred from the nine cities?" Constantine asked.

"At present, only 47% of the urban bionics have been transferred to no-man's land. The time is too short to transfer more. If the evacuation is too obvious, they will be discovered."

In fact, in the past ten days, people have been posting continuously, asking if they have noticed that there are fewer and fewer bionic people on the street.

These posts were restricted by Lu Wen.

But it couldn't be hidden for long after all.

Maybe it won't be too long before it's revealed.

Recently, thanks to Lu Wen's brothers doing things all over the world, provoking relations between cities, and attracting the attention of most urban residents, Lu Wen has the opportunity to transfer more bionics.

"The remaining 53% of the bionics can only wait until the end of the meeting. I want to see what they can negotiate." Lu Wen said.

"Can you now hack into the residents' personal communication devices and quietly investigate their attitudes towards androids?"

"let me try……"

Lu Wen casually found the chat records of millions of residents about bionics.

The results obtained were far from ideal.

If we really look at these chat records, there may be less than 20% who support the bionics.

Most of the people hope to execute the unfinished destruction order and send those unwanted homeless androids on the street to be destroyed.

"Recently, the two companies have not been doing very well..."

Many people have made refund requests to both companies.

There are also mental losses, financial losses, etc... It seems that all these damages and losses are caused by the two companies.

A large number of low-level employees of these two companies are now facing a crisis of layoffs. If they are voluntarily laid off, they will have to pay part of the expenses.

During this period, the top executives of the two companies met every day and joined forces to seek a way out.

They have put de-bionic humanization on the agenda.


In Mowu City, everyone was still discussing the meeting schedule when they were suddenly interrupted by a vicious accident.

homicide case.

This kind of case is quite common, almost all those who have been in the executive board for a period of time will handle it.

If it is an ordinary person who dies, it is even more common now.

But it is not ordinary people who die.

"An old couple in Cree City, who used to be a certain term of Cree City City Councilor, came to live in Mowu City after retirement because they didn't like the climate in Cree City. They have lived in our city for nearly 20 years. Over the past few years, we have witnessed many ups and downs in our city..."

This old couple has supported many children in Mowu City with their retirement wages over the years.

Many news media have interviewed them.

The two old people live a simple and simple life, and have always been committed to the peace and friendship of the two cities.

When the people of Mowu City and the people of Cree City were arguing over the digging of the pipeline, the two also used the southern and northern languages ​​to persuade them on their personal social accounts.

[Early this morning, the heads of the two old men were hung in the square in front of the Ninth District Council Building...]

[The scene is extremely bloody, it is currently blocked]

[Mowu City officials have not yet given any explanation]


The media will always watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

Various reports appeared one after another.

The thing is sure to blow up.

"This is the only guard in the central square of your ninth district? It's okay to get a silver cross last time. This time, two heads were hung on it."

"This square is originally used by the residents, so does it still need to be guarded?"

"Besides, the security guards have also been withdrawn in the past few days, and they have been replaced by people from the army to patrol. I really want to blame them. Why don't you ask the people in the headquarters?"

"Stop arguing, time is urgent, come up with any countermeasures first."


Since the android riot, these guys in Mowu City have been arguing from time to time.

It may be that there are too many things.

It's all a little sad.

The whole world is at a historical turning point. Many public officials are not ready to take on this historical responsibility. In terms of actual ability, they are far behind the predecessors who ended the war 80 years ago.

"Has the murderer been caught?"

"So fast?"

"He showed up on his own initiative, and should I put it..."

"It feels like there is something wrong with my brain, and I keep saying that I am good to Mowushi..."

Lu Wen was not surprised by the quick arrest of the murderer.

He saw everything on the monitor.

At this time, the surveillance video and all the materials were sent to the General Directorate of the Ninth District Executive Bureau.

"The murderer sneaked into the house of the two old people in the early hours of this morning, killed the two old people in their sleep, and cut off their heads. At around eight o'clock this morning, when there was a lot of traffic, they hung two black cloth bags in the center On the statue in the square..."

"Afterwards, the murderer went to a rice noodle shop not far away to have breakfast, and then returned to the square. At this time, the heads of the two old men were found..."

Many people surrounded the scene.

There were media reporters and ordinary residents, and the adults covered their children's eyes one after another.

"The killer pushed his way into the crowd and shouted that he did it."

Suddenly, the whole crowd dispersed.

The onlookers showed fear and retreated far away.

The android riot caused many criminals to escape, and they have not been fully captured until now. They are worried that the murderer may be one of the escaped prisoners.

But the killer just said loudly that he meant no harm.

He just couldn't understand those people in Baker City.

"He said he did it to preserve the dignity of the city of Mou."

"What brain circuit is this?"

"Check this person's disease records, I feel that he may have certain mental problems."

Not long.

The result came out.

Really mentally ill.

Just not serious.

【Delusionary Disorder】

The clinical features are persistent, systemic delusions.

"Many people have had this disease, and it was not well known before. It's just that a 'persecution delusion' has become popular in the past few years, so more and more people know about this disease, but the murderer is a bit strange... "

Most of these symptoms, victimization, jealousy, suspicion, etc., usually act on the individual.

But the murderer... works on the city.

Lu Wen has the most comprehensive information in his hand.

"The first time I got sick was when I was very young. The murderer was less than ten years old at the time. He said all day that a monster was going to attack Mowu City, and ran into the street at night, yelling for everyone to evacuate."

The imagination of children is understandable.

At that time, the parents thought it was because they had watched too many monster movies, so they ignored it.

This disease record was added later when the doctor inquired.

"The second time was at the primary school graduation ceremony. The principal was speaking, and he suddenly rushed to the podium. At that time, the principal thought that the child was going to say something sentimental about parting."

However, he just yelled that aliens were about to attack Mowu City, and told all the children and parents attending the graduation ceremony to evacuate immediately.

It was just a burst of laughter.

The witty principal quickly came to his senses and explained with a smile that the child was afraid that everyone would be too sad when they parted, so he came up to enliven the atmosphere.

After the graduation ceremony, the head teacher approached the parents and consulted for a long time, but nothing happened in the end.

What really made the murderer's parents realize that something was wrong was the meeting in junior high school.

"He has been spreading rumors in the class and even the entire grade, and handed out handwritten leaflets, saying that Baker City, another city in the south, is making a big plan against Mowu City, indicating that a full-scale war will soon be launched in that city."

The leaflets stated information warfare, rocket coverage, air supremacy, steel torrents, and other means...

A junior high school student actually knows about information warfare.

Lu Wen had to sigh with emotion.

Mental patients are not only happy, but also very focused.

"In the early years, I was obsessed with the delusion that Mowu City was damaged, but in the past few years, through drug treatment and artificial enlightenment, there is no problem."

The murderer lived like a normal person for a few years before that.

But today it suddenly fell ill again.

There must be some kind of trigger.

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