Bionic Era

Chapter 362 Almost

The parliamentary projection system does not carve out a separate line for Eden.

Eden came in using the line from the northern city of Coors.

This is proven again.

The two northern cities have always known the location of Eden, and they are in contact with each other.

Many people present had twinkling eyes and calm expressions. Looking at the seats in the north, they didn't know what they were thinking.

"Eden is connected."

There has always been only nine parliamentary projections.

The tenth party appeared today.

The North holds three seats.

But the people projected by Eden are actually very few, twenty or thirty, some of them are human beings, some of them are bionics.

"It's Constantine, this old guy, and it really is the Eden he took the lead in building."

"This old guy's ancestors are related to the northern royal family. Every generation is not peaceful. When it comes to his generation, it is even more..."


Discuss in a low voice.

Many congressmen here have stated in public that one day they will eradicate Eden, a city of bionics.

That way they can get the support of the anti-android community.

Many people may have said that just to get support at first, and they didn't have much like or dislike towards bionics.

But human beings are easily influenced by the surrounding environment after all.

If you shout too many slogans against bionics, one day you will start to really have negative emotions towards bionics.

"Eden finally dares to really meet people. I have been a mouse in the ground for too long, do you want to come out to see the sunshine?" A discordant voice sounded from the south of the projection.

It was a councilman from Baker City who spoke.

The MP looked unfriendly.

Lu Wen found out that this congressman had a relative who was fatally injured during the bionic riot in Baker City and is still in a coma.

He was still in the seat of Baker City, and saw the bionic congressman who had communicated with him, the fifth generation of Xinhong, Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji sat in a very marginal position.

It was an awkward position, and the projection system was almost out of scan.

He is different from Lu Wen.

Lu Wen was too lazy to get involved in this aspect, so he sat at the back and took care of Xia Chuluo.

But Zhang Ji was excluded. In his words, he was like a walking monster, mingling in human society, suffering from arrogance and prejudice all the time.

After the bionic riot, this prejudice reached the extreme.

North seat over there.

Constantine was not annoyed by the words of the Baker city councilor.

Although he was old, he was well-dressed, with a warm smile on his mouth, and a gentlemanly demeanor, and he responded gently: "I think in the eyes of the floating city back then, everyone here is a gopher."

Start the group directly.

One sentence blocked those congressmen who were not friendly to bionics.

When the floating city was still there, all the cities on the ground could only silently endure the arrogance of that city.

No one dared to take down that city, mainly because he didn't want to tear his face, and he was also worried about the hundreds of thousands of flying robots in the floating city.

Except for the west, other cities will definitely win. After all, the floating city has only a small population, and floating in the sky is a fatal weakness.

But no matter which city it is to fight, it will suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, the education that many councilors have received since childhood has given them the understanding that the Floating Void City is the center of the world.


On the east side, a respectable old member of parliament coughed twice.

These two coughs broke the embarrassing situation.

Regarding Constantine's statement, they really couldn't think of any rebuttal point of view.

Let’s say it respects the Floating Void City, but some cities once lent all their troops to the old guys in the Floating Void City to call them...

"Let's talk about business first, time is limited."

Certain contradictions cannot be reconciled, so they can only be ignored temporarily.

But even when talking about business, the smell of gunpowder at the scene was a bit strong.

"The android riots have caused considerable damage to our nine cities. Just as we were seriously dealing with internal conflicts in the cities, someone suddenly broke out and evacuated the androids." A Baker city councilor said.

"Except for the A00, there should be no other supercomputer in this world that can control so many bionics at the same time." Another Western congressman added.

"Since A00 was restarted, Eden has not given a reply. Whether she was directly formatted and completely erased all data, or it is still the same as before the restart, I would like to ask Eden to explain."

Facing the questioning of everyone, Constantine remained unhurried, and his smile never changed.

He smiled and said, "I don't think there is anything to explain."

"What do you mean by that?" someone asked coldly.

"I don't think you guys are going to talk seriously today, why don't we continue on another day?" Constantine smiled lightly, standing with his hands behind his back, and there was no emotion in his cloudy eyes.

Lu Wen didn't expect that the old man was so tough.

Facing hundreds of councilors from human cities, they did not show any intention of compromise.

It's no wonder that he was able to forcibly build the world's first bionic city in more than ten years against the trend of the times.

It is the only one so far.

Lu Wen here has Constantine's information, from childhood to adulthood, complete and clear.

This old man was indeed an aristocrat and was related to the royal family, but in the later revolution, his family was overthrown, the wealth accumulated for hundreds of years was robbed, and the clan members died and scattered.

But later, the few remaining members of their family found a chance in the desperate situation, and rose again, occupying a strong place in the history catalog.

Then it was overthrown, and then rose again...

Along with trade and bloodshed, strife and war, the roar of steam engines and internal combustion engines has been experienced, and the collapse of immortal empires has also been witnessed.

Repeatedly, until today.

However, those who once robbed their family wealth, most of the descendants are poor and destitute. They are not as rich as the third generation and have never been prosperous.

The wealth that was robbed back then is now back in the hands of Constantine, allowing him to build such a huge underground city, and the pace of expansion has not stopped until now.

The old man and the family behind him are considered legends.

So many MPs here know him.

"Can you stop arguing, it's meaningless to continue arguing like this, it's just a waste of time."

The person in charge at the city of Coors in the north spoke.

It acts as a mediator.

"Old man, why don't you say a few words first?" The man looked at Constantine.

"Okay, I'll go first."

Constantine nodded with a smile and greeted the person in charge.

Then he turned his head to look at the councilors of all human cities.

"Regarding the evacuation of the androids, I think many people think that A00 did it, but you seem to have overlooked something."

His voice was clear, neither salty nor weak.

"Omit what?" someone asked.

"The third principle of bionics." Constantine said with a light smile, "If the high-level principles are not violated, the bionics must first protect the superior bionics, and then protect their own existence."

Everyone present looked at each other when they heard the words.

Everyone is here today to discuss matters. No one thought that Constantine would suddenly talk about the principle of bionics.

A small number of people quickly understood what was going on.

They held their chins, thoughtful.

Constantine went on to say: "When the destruction command was first executed, due to the combined effect of the internal principle, the zeroth principle, the first principle, and the second principle, the vast majority of bionics were unable to disobey the command, successfully awakened and got rid of the fusing measures. exception."

Accompanied by Constantine's narration.

Many people recalled the scene of countless bionics going to the suburban factory to die on the evening when the destruction order was issued.

"But now that the destruction order is terminated, most of the bionics are in a state of wandering, and the third principle in their bodies is at work. Under the threat of the possibility of the second execution of the destruction order, they have the willingness to stay away from human society, so the bionics in urban areas today Fewer and fewer, it’s not one person in control, it’s a collective act.”

Lu Wen really wanted to give the old man some applause at this time.

How could he explain the bionic principle in this way?

This principle has been twisted to no end.

But most of the people present had to believe it.

The bionic human principle, or the robot principle, was formulated by human beings.

However, most of the things formulated by human beings have certain defects, and there is no perfect creation.

Back then, the old mayor of Central City was able to drive back the army of hundreds of thousands of robots in Floating Void City with a single sentence, because he took advantage of the loophole that violated the principle.

However, ordinary people do not have the courage and determination of the old mayor.

But there are still members present who are still reluctant.

A resolute anti-bionic human councilor from Mowu City asked: "Neither Bilan nor Xinhong has come to such a conclusion. They are the design and production companies of bionic human beings. Why do you think so?"

Constantine smiled lightly.

"I am the founder of Eden, and no one understands bionics better than me."

that's all.

Constantine's crooked reasoning was accepted by most of the members.

In fact, there were several representatives of Bilan and Xinhong present.

But they remained silent and did not speak.

Regardless of whether Constantine's words are right or wrong, as long as they are good to the bionics, they will not refute them.

this time.

The more conclusions that are beneficial to the bionics, the better, and the two companies are now going to do everything possible to tide over the difficulties.

Then came the matter of the referendum.

"The vote must be conducted, anonymously, so that the final result can be slightly revised."


Until about four o'clock in the afternoon, these old conspirators were still debating.

Regarding the fate of bionics.

And Xia Chuluo had already woken up.

She wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth.

"I'm hungry, go out to eat."


The two just walked out of the meeting.

The whole scene is under Lu Wen's surveillance, and you can watch the playback at any time.

Outside the parliament building.

Next to the square, there is a rice noodle shop.

The business of this rice noodle shop has not been very good in the past two days. The murderer who killed the Kerry couple once ate here.

If it is on weekdays, if this store makes good use of public opinion, it may become a check-in place for Internet celebrities.

but now……

It's almost cold.

There were also a group of media reporters who came to interview yesterday, but today the heat has dropped, and there was no one there.

Lu Wen and Xia Chuluo became the rare guests today.

The boss also recognizes that these two are well-known figures, so they use a lot of materials.

Lu Wen looked at the red oil on the surface of the bowl, a little lost in thought.

"Jiang Xiaonian likes to eat noodles. He said that he was poor when he was a child, and he would never forget the taste after eating it once."

"Why did you suddenly think of him?"

"I just feel that many of the people I've seen so far have had unfortunate childhood experiences." Lu Wen said calmly, "My brothers are actually right. Yin Long gave me the best arrangement."

"You can choose not to have that arrangement, and from the beginning, you have another path."

The other way here refers to cooperating with Li Meng at that time.

The sky over Mowu City today.

The clouds are not thick.

The August sunlight barely penetrated and shone pale on the dilapidated buildings.

During the conversation between the two.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the store, and there was someone more at the door.

The shadow of the man was pulled into the store by the sunlight.

It's number three.

Judging by his appearance, he has something to do with Lu Wen.

"Miss Xia is here too." He chuckled softly, "I've heard of Miss Xia's name more than once. I've seen your biography, and you are a strange woman."

Xia Chuluo didn't deny it, she really said something lightly.

"This is a chaotic world."

"But in troubled times, there will not be a few Miss Xia like this."

Greetings are on point.

Bionics don't like greetings and greetings from humans, they always talk about things.

Number Three turned to look at Lu Wen, and said seriously, "Number Nine, Number Five are gone."

"Dead?" Lu Wen put down his chopsticks and looked up at him.

"Almost dead."

"Androids don't die so easily."

Number three sat down and looked around the store, and also ordered a bowl of noodles.

He then sat down at a table across from the two of them.

He looked hesitant, hesitant to speak, as if he was organizing his sentences.

Lu Wen asked, "Almost dead... How much worse?"


Good night, fellow readers!

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