Bionic Era

Chapter 374 Alarm

Number Two let out a slow breath.

Wisps of white smoke dissipated in the air.

The bionic man has the function of smoking.

But most will not take the initiative.

unless ordered by the employer.

"How are you thinking?" He looked at Lu Wen.

"Is that how you accept your fate?"

Lu Wen didn't answer, but just asked a rhetorical question.

"Otherwise what else?"

Number two took a deep puff with the cigarette butt in his mouth, then frowned and showed an ugly smile.

Perhaps a little helpless, and a little embarrassing.

He looked into the distance, rubbed the center of his brows with the other hand, and said, "Not everyone is like you, you are the pride of heaven, you have choices, you can fight, you have everything, but..."

"But I have no choice, I can only listen to him, do things for him, and trick you..."

He scratched his forehead with the hand holding the cigarette, and leaned against the back of the bench, staring at the lake in the distance.

"To be honest, I have resigned myself to my fate for eight years after starting the machine. After dealing with all the opponents, I just want to find a beautiful bionic person and live with her in peace until the end of the world. But in such a short period of one or two months Time, so many things happened all of a sudden, alas... uncomfortable."

"These little tricks you have used are actually useless," Lu Wen said.

"Of course I know."

Number two stifled the cigarette in his hand, very hard.

He withdrew his distant gaze and turned to look at Lu Wen.

"I'm just a little thug with a little bit of intrigue. Compared to the city agency, I'm really small, but the man gave me this task, so I had to do it..."

Number two knows that every city is composed of countless huge networks of interests.

His power is very weak, like an ant.

Even if he has the ability to kill most of the top executives and plant them on other cities, it is impossible to cause a war between the two cities.

At most, it is condemnation, severance of diplomatic relations and so on.

Those in power are a group of elites, old schemers, so naturally they won't be fooled by his little trick.

The mood of the people is not easy to provoke.

The current residents are all literate. They are no longer as ignorant as they were in ancient times. Everyone has small calculations in their hearts. Even if they talk fragrantly on the Internet and wave their keyboards, in daily life, they should keep a low profile...

"What about you? When do you plan to meet with me to see the truth?" Number Two asked.

"time is not up yet."


Thirteenth District.

Executive Directorate.

Xia Chuluo sat at a desk near the door, with her long legs resting on the table.

Beside her is a large stack of documents about escaped prisoners.

Looking up, you can see the big screen hanging high in the hall.

One by one red tasks are constantly skipping on the screen.

Every executive is in a hurry.

Many people formed teams of twos and threes to deal with some difficult prisoners.

Fatty Jiang walked through the gate carrying a bionic body with a blossoming head, and came to Xia Chuluo's side.

"Miss Xia, just now upstairs on the opposite side, this guy is holding a sniper rifle and is about to attack you. Fortunately, we discovered it in advance."

"Well, Lu Wen told me."

"Ah... Miss Xia, next time you encounter this kind of trouble, you must tell us first. We also discovered it by accident this time."

"Next time."

This body belongs to number four.

He died before leaving the teacher.

The last time he was thrown from the fifteenth floor by Lu Wen, this time he was headshot by a sniper from Xia Chuluo's team a kilometer away.

With number four's violent temper, after going back and waking up, he should be even more violent.

"By the way." Xia Chuluo suddenly looked up at Fatty Jiang, "You should know that you are still on the wanted list in Mowu City, right?"

"Ah? Aren't I the only one wanted in Floating Void City?" Fatty Jiang looked around guiltily.

So many executives walking around him.

Some pressure.

He originally thought that after the floating city was gone, everything would be fine.

"Did you hack into the air defense system of Mowu City more than three years ago?"

"'s been more than three years..." Fatty Jiang scratched his head in embarrassment, "At that time, I just wanted to practice my hands, so I won't dare next time."

"Actually, you should be lucky that the bionics in the executive bureau are all on standby, otherwise you will be recognized the moment you walk in the door."

"Miss Xia, this..."

"It will be canceled for you in a few days, and you need to go through some procedures."

"Then I'll trouble you." Fatty Jiang chuckled twice, trying to make himself appear simple and honest.

"Stop doing such things in the future. If you have nothing to do, go to Kerry City in the north and look for Christina. If you can catch her, chase her. You're almost thirty."

"You're still young, men stand at thirty..."


The time came to noon.

No. 2 drove away from the urban area of ​​Mowu City.

The chat with Lu Wen didn't have any substantive content.

The content of the conversation between the two is actually nonsense.

As for the meaning of seeing this side.

It takes some tacit understanding to manifest.

There are many bases for them, and the nearest one is in the suburbs of Mowu City. They each do their own thing and try to complete the task assigned by that person.

Some missions are to tie up some people to create panic, and some missions are to sow discord between cities, mainly targeting Mowu City.

One p.m.

Number two parked the car at the door of a villa.

Before entering the gate, you can hear the roar coming from inside.

It's number four.

"Those damned guys...and the high-ranking No. 9...I will kill Xia Chuluo one day..."

Number Two pushed the door open.

In the hall, except for No. 4, the other three guys were not there.

He casually lit a cigarette, leaned against the door, did not enter, but said indifferently: "It's just two failures, can't you even bear this?"

"Hmph, next time I will definitely succeed!" Number Four gave him a cold look.

"Look open, think about No. 7. It has been more than two years since it was started, and it has not been successful once."

Number Two flicked the cigarette in his hand.

A pile of gray flakes of soot fell.

It just landed at his feet and shattered into pieces.

A few small black ants, barely visible to the naked eye, crawled out from the soles of his shoes, hiding under the soot.

Number two smiled faintly, and then stepped into the gate.

His stride was strong and brought a breeze.

A few flakes of soot were also blown up by the wind and entered the gate.


A harsh sound suddenly sounded.

Alarm for this villa.

Number four suddenly turned his head, looked at number two with vigilant eyes, and said coldly: "Number two, you brought something you shouldn't have brought in."


Number Two frowned, and then extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

He took out an electronic cigarette from his arms and said in a slightly doubtful tone, "Could it be this thing?"

With that said, Number Two turned and walked out the door.

He threw the electronic cigarette in his hand on the ground and stepped into the door again.

This time no alarm sounds were triggered.

"Tsk, this thing is too sensitive."

Number two shook his head, then walked towards his room.

As he walked, he stretched.

"Continue to find ways to deceive number nine..."


Good night, fellow readers!

Thanks to book friend Gan Kaiying for the reward.

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