Black Dragon Code

Chapter 131 Legend (1)

Luna knew that she had made a mistake, so she didn't dare to hide it anymore, and disheartenedly followed Caesar's request, and began to change the camouflage template in the deformation necklace, and adjusted it until the black dragon was satisfied.

The matter about the deformation necklace has come to an end for the time being.

But in fact, due to the urgent research on the necklace, the black dragon did not browse through all the magic items. In the green dragon's treasury, there are still some things that he has to pay attention to.

"Hey, Caesar, look what I found?"

Luna used mana as a sling, dragged a heavy weapon with difficulty, and staggered to him: "This is a real treasure. In this age when artifacts are invisible, it is the supreme treasure."

Caesar heard the reputation and looked at it. At first glance, there is really nothing special about that thing. The material is generally gray and dark, and there are even traces of rust in some places. It looks like an old discarded product.

But in fact, this is a legendary treasure.

The green dragon is a thief, so he applied a layer of camouflage to cover it up, and left it in a corner of the treasury where no one cares about it, and sprinkled a little dust on it, making it easy for people to ignore it.

However, the Forest Fairy finally discovered it with her innate sensitivity and insight.

Magical Wonder: Isaacs Blood Thirst.

Each of such treasures is a unique and unrepeatable orphan, so legendary that they even have spirituality in themselves, and can engrave their own historical origins inside the objects, allowing outsiders to peep.

[This ax was originally used by Isaacs, one of the leaders of the Orc Empire. Due to his ability, charm, military talent, and pure nature of violent destruction, the ancient orc Isaacs was favored by the gods in 783 of the Second Epoch, attracting' The Eye of Gruumsh', and in doing so lead his Bonebreaker Horde to glory.

But because of his love for weapons and desire for power, Isaacs made a crazy plan. He tried to infuse the divine power of the "Eye of Gruumsh" into his axe, so as to obtain a powerful force that he could control. strength.

He tried hard, and the result told him that it was feasible, but the ancient orcs were betrayed in the process. In the end, Isaacs was betrayed and killed. The crazy plan was ruined, and the entire Bonebreaker tribe came to an end.

However, his ax was still infused with divine power, so it evolved and sublimated, and still thirsts for blood. 】

Isaacs Bloodthirsty.

Caesar played with it in his paws. It was a hatchet with a jagged edge and a jagged edge. It was as small as a toy to him. It was only slightly larger than the little Luna, but inside But full of majestic power, even Caesar could feel it.

In terms of identifying magic and strange objects, the fairy of the forest is an expert on an equal footing with the real dragon, so Luna quickly figured out its effectiveness, and began to introduce it to the black dragon.

As a legendary item, "Blood Thirst" is much stronger than the "Howl" in the hands of the black knight Nagendro back then. There are more than three types of light weapons: [cutting], [strength], and [silence] , and 【Pain】.

Of course, these are just the most basic weapon characteristics.

The user is then given three times a day of darkness, hold and rage. In addition, "thirsty blood" itself has a unique special purpose power: deadly despair

——Although this is a potency spell of the hallucinogenic system, its effect is equally powerful, and it can work on almost all legendary creatures, and what will happen next,

It depends on the willpower of the caster. It is not surprising that those out of control go crazy or commit suicide.

"Legendary item."

Luna was amazed all over her body, and Caesar was also amazed. Both of them are bumpkins who have never seen anything good, but Luna's joy stems from her appreciation of the treasure, while Black Dragon's pure sense of accomplishment and possessive desire.

At this time, under Luna's gaze, the black dragon's throat gurgled, and soon he vomited out the transformation necklace he had swallowed.

It sounds a bit disgusting, but in fact, no one would refuse this process, even wishing that the real dragon would do it, because it might be the cleanest thing in the world, a magic item that goes into the stomach of a real dragon , not to mention dust, even all microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses have been completely wiped out.

Luna picked up the transformation necklace that the black dragon had spat on the ground, and watched him swallow the legendary weapon.

How would a real dragon use a weapon?

It's very simple. Like other magic items, after the elemental blood resonates with it, the weapon characteristics of the magic weapon will be attached to the minions of the real dragon, and its additional spells will also appear in the mind of the real dragon, allowing the real dragons to easily cast them .

But not Caesar, he didn't feel it.

In fact, he felt it, but it was incomplete, the connection was weak, and only [cutting] and [strength] of the four major weapon qualities appeared in his claws and fangs.

As for the potency spell that came with it, Caesar could only cast the darkness spell, and the hold spell and the berserk spell didn't appear. As for the "deadly despair", he couldn't even touch the shadow.

It is of no use to him at all!

Caesar finally understood that it wasn't the deformation necklace garbage, the problem was with himself, but this guy wasn't angry or ashamed or anything, for a blind man without elemental blood, he was already very happy to be able to barely use magic items Yes, Caesar is not demanding.


Thinking, he spit out thirsty blood again. Originally, the black dragon was a little worried that the sharp saw blade of the legendary weapon would cut his throat and trachea, but in fact it would not. God Io had already considered it when formulating the rules. These have a set of detailed and complete basic rules.

"Caesar, you are so inflated, you don't even care about legendary items."

Like a little follower, Luna helped him pick up what he spit out, mumbled a little, and then asked seriously: "Is it not to your liking?"

Can Legendary Weapons Be Disliked? It's just that I can't use it.

The black dragon shook his head sadly, bent down, put his neck flat on the ground, his tail drooped, and he swung unconsciously.

After a pause, he asked, "Luna, what do you say if you can't use this thing?"

"Of course, like the big green dragon, put it in the treasure house and treasure it. This is a treasure. The legendary creation is priceless, and countless races are flocking to it."

Little Luna was still staring at Isaacs' thirsty blood: "You can also create a crystal display in the palace, seal it up, appreciate it as a work of art every day, and look happy every day."


Caesar thought for a while, refused to agree with the little guy's words, looked at her with contempt, and said righteously: "Eradia's atmosphere is ruined by you guys."

At the same time, he had already made a decision in his heart, and shouted to the Wyvern standing by at any time outside the Emerald Palace: "Go and find the leader of the orcs and the leader of the wolf man."

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