Black Dragon Code

Chapter 163 Whispers of the Ancient Gods

Letting Chimerama Gushir go and making all the arrangements, Caesar originally wanted to close the canopy fortress, hide in the green city treasury, and then pick up all those shiny and good things to welcome the long-delayed sleep.

However, a sudden trifle forced the Black Dragon Lord to postpone this wish again.

Brando, or shape-shifting monsters in Kaji on the Rhine border, took the initiative to contact their owners and sent something. It is said that the treasure unearthed from the mansion of Earl Brando was hidden in a secret room. , the disguised doppelgangers are only now finally discovered.

They didn't know what that thing was, but they expected it to be hidden so deeply that it should belong to a certain treasure of Brando, and they didn't dare to hide it from the Black Dragon Lord, so they sent someone to bring that thing very honestly.

"Only this?"

Caesar looked at the gadget in front of him and asked the doppelganger who was responsible for wrapping it up.

"In that chamber, we found only this, my lord," said the doppelganger.

"I see, let's go down."

Caesar waved his paw in disappointment, thinking it was a good thing, and sent the shapeshifter away casually, the black dragon lord was only a little bit ahead of schedule, and looked at the small sculpture that looked like a handicraft.

It is only about a dozen centimeters high, and it looks like mosquitoes and ants compared to the huge black dragon lord. Moreover, the carving techniques are very rough, even worse than the relief craftsmanship of the ancient orcs in the underground passage of the abandoned city, it is hard to see.

This thing depicts a monster with a vaguely humanoid outline, but octopus-like tentacles spread out from the chin. The body seems to be covered with scales, and the hands and feet are long and thin. Claws, behind a pair of narrow, flightless wings.

No matter the material or the workmanship, this thing is extremely inferior, but there is a hint of vividness in it, as if accompanied by an innate, extremely cold viciousness. The monster in the sculpture crouched on a piece of cloth A stone slab full of randomly drawn characters—it is indeed squatting, and it is bent forward, with the end of its wings resting on the back edge of the slate, and its long, curly four claws spread across the four edges of the slate, and The slate buckles backwards.

The grotesque humanoid face is the most elaborate of the sculptures, its eyes laughing and exaggerated.

"Tsk tsk."

Caesar smacked his lips and looked at this gadget with interest. After coming to Elradia, he has seen too many deformed and ugly clans. Although this thing is a bit weird and weird, it hasn’t touched his heart The point of causing a deterrent impact.

However, for some reason, he felt that this thing was somewhat familiar, and there was always a feeling of déjà vu.

It was obviously created recently, the carving marks are very new, and some of the water chestnuts are still sharp, maybe some servant of Brando's house was full and fine, so he made something at random, but it was put into the secret room for some reason.

Regardless, one thing is for sure: this stuff is cheap.

Dragons have an innate talent for appraising treasures, so Caesar can tell at a glance that this is not an expensive and good thing, and it can't even be sold for a few copper coins.

That being the case, it lost its existence value to Caesar. As for the historical origin and meaning of it, the black dragon didn't want to delve into it. He has limited energy, so how can he have time to do some of it.

The black dragon stretched out its claws, ready to throw this thing away. It seems that the doppelganger is really getting more and more stupid now, and dares to send anything to him.

I don't even look at whether it is a treasure or not, and whether it has collection value.

Not clean up.

"Are you—hungry for power?"

Just when Caesar's paws were about to touch the small sculpture, muffled whispers suddenly sounded in his ears. The tone of the voice was like the murmurs and delirious ravings of people deep in a dream. The speaking speed was very slow and very vague.


Caesar froze for a moment, and subconsciously asked back.

He glanced left and right, the Emerald Palace was empty, and the only little guy was sleeping in the small house in the Green Dragon Treasure. He heard that Caesar was going to fall asleep in the Green Dragon Treasure, so Luna set up a building there first. Small house.

In other words, there is no living thing around here at all.

"Are you longing for power?" The deep, whispering voice sounded again.

This time Caesar didn't answer. He bent down, stared at the small sculpture that was sent, blinked, thought for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"Are you C'Thun? Or Cthulhu?"

He finally knew why he felt familiar. As a soul from another world, this sculpture model was very similar to the description of an evil god myth he had seen in his previous life. Because of this, Caesar forgot a lot of things that he had experienced on Earth, and now he has been reminded several times before he fully remembered them.

"You, longing for power?" Repeated for the third time.

"So, you are the initiator of Brando's strange oath?"

The black dragon lord didn't answer. He got down on his stomach, put his neck flat on the ground, and looked at the vicious and grotesque little sculpture: "You're not a foreign god, are you? Although you've done a decent job, you still need to take the initiative to hook up with other creatures. "

The legendary outer gods are not so low-level.

"Do you desire power?"

"I don't even have the ability to connect to the phone. It seems that you have had a hard time? The gods of Elradia allow you to do this? Will you not be beaten? Are you a demon, a devil, or something else?"

"Do you desire power?"

"What method do you use to communicate with me? Will it attract the attention of the gods? Where are you really? Do you eat meat or vegetarian? Do you want to wear clothes? Do you need to defecate? What is the posture for defecation?"

"..." The whispering voice disappeared.

The black dragon was lying on the ground, with its scarlet vertical eyes remaining indifferent, staring at the small sculpture. After waiting for a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no more movement.

To be honest, when he guessed that the other party might be a living body such as the Outer God or the Old God, he did have feelings of fear, but Caesar knew that fear would not solve the problem, it would only make things worse, since The other party has already been approached, so he can only face it.

Now it seems that after getting rid of that thing, looking back, it seems that the doppelganger found this thing is not a coincidence. Although they did not rebel, they may have been influenced by the subconscious mind and made such a move subconsciously.

Fortunately, that unknown thing is not that strong, otherwise it would be impossible to just repeat an inexplicable sentence, and it is impossible for Caesar's spirit to remain rational.

It must be a demon or something that invaded Elradia.

Combining his experience and the information he has known, Caesar personally made such a judgment. Of course, he is unwilling to think deeply. This lazy dragon does not have such serious curiosity. He will explore continental changes, conspiracies and so on. This guy just wants to be comfortable and that's enough.

Therefore, for gods, devils, and other strange foods, Caesar is of course keeping a respectful distance at present, and he will not eat them if he can. In order to avoid further troubles, this guy directly found two dead ghosts and sent the statues to a place far away from Blackwing's Lair. place, and then completely destroyed by their hands.

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