Black Dragon Code

Chapter 324 Merchant (1)

The caravan headed north along the narrow cableway. They walked ruggedly on the "Barrier of Despair". As the leader of the caravan, Sotana took the risk to walk at the forefront of the team, not to enjoy the scenery, but to see To the walls of the Blackwing Empire.

"How long until we reach our destination?" He asked impatiently.

"It's coming soon, Mr. Sotana, there are wild beasts everywhere, and the road is quite difficult, you'd better let us lead the way." The guard behind said, he didn't need to look at his tone to know that it must be flattering at the moment smile.

Looking back, Sotana found that it was indeed the case: "When I asked you before, you told me that it would be soon, and now it is still soon. Did you answer me seriously? I want a specific answer!"


The guard was dumbfounded, and straightened his mask: "As long as we get out of the barrier of despair, we will soon be able to reach the Black Wing Empire."

"The Bulwark of Despair didn't appear overnight, but you haven't even drawn a specific map yet." Sotana said angrily: "What did you do when the business group sent you last time? Besides bringing me a bunch of Besides barely usable weapons and armor, did you do anything else?"

Looking at the way the other party retreated with a frozen smile, he finally felt a little better. After all, the Northland is still too poor and closed. The magic circle for teleportation, you must know that in the trading city-state, a similar teleportation industry is already quite complete.

If it wasn't for the little gadget he discovered by accident before, allowing Sotana to smell the aroma of profit from it, he really didn't want to travel to the north again by himself.

As one of the principals of the famous Clyde Merchant Group in the trading city-state, Sotana is quite well-known in the entire ten cities. His greatest achievement is to open up a new huge market and successfully expand his business to the empire in the south where the sun never sets. , even Tashan Muyuan, the trading city-state, had received his audience,

The rolling mountain road gradually became gentler. They were walking out of the mountains and entering the Tukhara Desert. There were many camp tents on the side of the Mountain of Despair. It was now noon, and the wandering adventurers were busy making fires. During the meal, there were occasional ferocious beasts running out of the forest on both sides, but they dared not attack. They just stared at the caravan with malicious eyes.

"Excuse me, Mr. Sotana."

Miss Nasha who went with him lifted the window curtain of the carriage, nodded to him, and then asked hesitantly: "Why are you willing to travel a long distance to visit the Northland in person? As far as I know, the channel for dumping goods in the Black Wing Empire has been opened. You don't seem to need to do it again."

"Beautiful lady,

Do you remember your cute little deck of cards? "

Sotana replied with a gentle voice, and after seeing Nasha nodding, he continued: "The Northland is the birthplace of this kind of card called 'Elegy'. Since you like it, why don't I bring you here? How about feeling the strong atmosphere of the birthplace?"

"I see."

Nasha nodded. She knew that this was by no means the real reason of the matter, but since the other party was unwilling to say it clearly, it meant that the matter might involve some commercial secrets, so she would not continue to ask without knowing what to do.

The real situation is that Sotana smelled wealth from the elegy card, and businessmen can cross hell and cross the abyss in pursuit of profits. Although going to a country ruled by evil dragons is indeed full of unknown risks, Sotana also Knowing that it was impulsive to make this decision hastily, he still trusted his intuition.

As for the subsequent follow-up development, he will have to wait until he actually enters the Northland, conducts on-the-spot investigations on the market feedback after the implementation of the Elegy card, and then makes a judgment based on the actual situation and regional differences.

"Hey, farmland."

Along the trade road, the caravan came out of the barren desert, and someone shouted: "We have reached the hinterland of the Blackwing Empire for a long time."

Sotana rode on the horse and looked forward, and saw rows of wheat stalks below the knees moving with the wind like waves, and farmers wearing straw hats were busy in the fields, as if they were in the green ocean. The canal extends to the north, and it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

Even after investigating the situation of the Black Wing Empire, Sotana still couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart. Before that, no one in Elradia could have expected that a dragon could control a real country. without messing it up.

"This scenery is so beautiful, Mr. Sotana." Nasha changed to go with him on a wildebeest, with a surprised expression on her face: "I didn't expect that in this remote place, I could see animals not inferior to Jiaxi. vast farmland."

"Whether it's here or Jiaxi, it's nothing compared to the fact that the sun never sets."

Sotana concealed his surprise, pretending to be disapproving and said: "There, the wheat field can even connect the two cities, and there is nothing but wheat along the way, which makes people bored."


Nasha had no choice but to respond with an embarrassed smile: "I've never been to a place where the sun never sets."

"As long as you want, I can accompany you there at any time."

Men always pretend to be strong in front of women, and Sonata is no exception. After giving Nasha a guarantee, he turned around and asked the guards who repelled him before: "Does the caravan stationed in the Northland know that we will arrive today? "

"I agreed on a date in the letter I sent them, and they will meet us at the city gate."

"That's good."

Sotana nodded: 'I don't want to look around for a hotel in a strange city. "

After nearly half an hour of riding, Sotana finally saw the long-awaited city pass Kaji. Although the nominal territory of the Black Wing Empire has expanded to the Barrier of Despair, in people's eyes, this is its real border.

"Welcome, Mr. Sotana."

Sure enough, the officers of the Kreider Merchant Group stationed in Northland for commercial activities have been waiting here for a long time. After seeing the arrival of this small team, they received them very warmly. After the review, Sotana and his entourage were able to enter the territory of Kaji.

As soon as he walked out of the cold and damp city pass, the wildebeest under him couldn't help raising its hooves and neighing.

The business environment in Elradia is not safe. Running around may not only encounter bandits and refugees, but also wild beasts and strange monsters. Over time, Sotana has also cultivated a calmness that does not change, but even if he knows The Black Wing Empire is a multi-racial mixed country, and he still didn't expect to see so many ferocious and rampant alien beasts just after stepping into this country.

Ferocious Thorn Beasts and ferocious Barghests, orcs and gray horses as tall as two meters, wild boars and troglodytes with tense faces are walking wantonly on the wide streets, and occasionally Wyverns and Dark Mantle Scorpions can be seen in the sky What is truly unimaginable is that even with so many terrifying monsters shuttling through it, the city can still maintain a high degree of order.

Times have changed, and Kaji is no longer what it used to be. This border city has its own name, Sulfur Mountain City.

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