Black Dragon Code

Chapter 330 Blue Dragon is preparing

Alex who turned into a human body took a sip of black tea and leaned back on the sapphire-cast lord's chair. The chair was hideous in shape and very hard. There were many thorns on the corners that hadn't been polished. It was unbearable for ordinary people, but she was very like.

Alex's desert palace has accumulated a certain amount of power. In the initial period of time, there will be some evil dragons who will jump out to openly question the blue dragons of the ancestors, or plan riots secretly. Dragons have always been chaotic and disobedient. In this regard, Alex also gave full play to the essence of evil dragons, and he was merciless in dealing with these same kind, hanging them on copper pillars to peel their scales and skins.

This kind of punishment is actually not fatal to dragons, but the pain they endured is unimaginable. After such a set of thunder methods were implemented, the situation quickly calmed down. the power of.

It has been half a year since he entered the Northeast Territory, and Alex found that he liked this place more and more. The endless yellow sand and the most suitable environment for blue dragons to live in, and the gradually rising palace structure in the form of steps, let She can stand at the top and overlook the dragons, family members, and slaves below. This feeling satisfies her desire for power and control to a considerable extent.

As an ancestor true dragon, although Alex has stronger power than the ancient blue dragon, his actual age is far from reaching that level. In addition, most of the dragon's life has been sleeping under the influence of Tiamat, With very little experience and immature mental development, it is easy to be driven by various desires.

If she can completely own the entire northern land, connect the desert palace and the northern kingdoms together, and then turn them all into yellow sand and become a veritable place of death, Alex's wish will be fulfilled. Of course, the premise is that she can defeat When the black dragon Targaryen became the king of the entire Northland.

It's not easy, but Alex is continuing to work hard. She has investigated the enemies of the black dragon and started contacting them. She also found the legendary team that was about to collapse.

The blue dragon knew very well that Buff and those guys were dragon hunters with bloody hands, but so what, what they did had nothing to do with her. She was sleeping at that time, and Alex did not avenge other dragons thought.

In addition to Eladea, there is also power at the level of gods. The arrogant and rude black dragon not only angered the dragon queen, but also offended Mara, the god of black blood, and Quelkzad, the god of war. Having received the oracle from the Dragon Queen, the believers of the two gods will also join in this operation, and they may even take action in person in the future.


A half-dragon guard walked into the lord's hall and handed over a letter: "News from the Blackwing Empire."

Hearing the word Black Wing Empire, Alex frowned,

His crystal-like pupils flickered, and he pushed his slender black hair behind his ears, and sat up straight.

She took the envelope, and shook the thin papyrus away with disgust. From the poor quality of the paper, it could be seen that the letter came from the eyeliner she had planted in the bottom of the other party's territory.

"Know your enemy as you know yourself." These words are famous among all intelligent races, and come from the bard Schiller.

In order to defeat Caesar Targaryen, she sent many confidantes to the Black Wing Empire, including humans and aliens. The news and intelligence seen were sent back to the palace one by one.

But so far, except for the two humans disguised as fishermen who continue to update the information, the other spies have no news, and the monster disguised as an alien race has no news at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Did they betray him, or were they all eradicated after being discovered by the black dragon?

A fierce light flashed in Alex's eyes, then he shook his head and focused on the secret letter.

The content of the letter is written in charcoal, and the writing is crooked. After all, it is not easy to find a guy who can read and write among the dragon's family. Such a person is good enough. , it seems that it was written secretly in a bad environment.

The first paragraph says that the Black Wing Royal Court is making an iron furnace of unknown purpose, but the description in the text is vague and flickering. A large iron furnace with iron teeth. This thing seems to have been manufactured in an industrial area. When the author saw it, it had been spliced ​​into a whole.


That word again, Alex thought.

The same is true of the last secret letter. Judging from the information alone, the black dragon is constantly making new gadgets. Last time it made leather and armor, and now it is making iron furnaces with unknown uses.

What it is?

You must know that the spies among the serfs are not real serfs, but her carefully selected human dependents. They are smart and well-informed. If it is something like a weapon puppet, her dependents will definitely be able to distinguish it.

Probably because Iron Furnace hasn't really shown up yet, so it's hard to judge just by its tiny claws, Alex thought, maybe there will be more detailed information after a while.

She moved her gaze to the next paragraph.

The letter stated that the Black Wing Empire mobilized a large-scale caravan to go south for unknown purpose, but after returning, a large number of ore ingots and saltpeter were unloaded from the goods.

Buying saltpeter is easy to understand. Although the climate in the Northland is much calmer than before, it is still very hot, and the black dragon who likes water must not be able to bear the need for a large amount of saltpeter to cool down the dragon nest. It can also be used to refrigerate drinks and juices.

"It seems that this guy is enjoying it."

Alex said sarcastically, but the purchase of ore ingots by the other party is a bit unclear. According to the investigation, the Northland itself has four ore veins, and some unknown means have been used to reach the forest of elves rich in minerals. In the end, instead of selling ore, they continue to buy and hoard?

Reminiscent of the inexplicably made iron furnace in the previous paragraph, it becomes more and more difficult for Alex to understand what the black dragon is doing. Sure enough, these mutant dragons are all strange things that escape their thinking.

And when Alex saw the last paragraph of the secret letter, he couldn't help but strengthen his mind.

The Black Wing Empire held card games in every region and city at the same time? Tickets are not charged, the names of the cards are unheard of, a game that revolves around a set of inexplicable rules.

What does it mean? That Targaryen guy is doing something like this in his own territory? It seems to attract a large group of despicable slaves to watch it, is it a joke?

"Looks like a mentally handicapped."

Alex squeezed the letter paper into a ball, and the electric arc that jumped from his fingertips instantly burned it to slag, feeling that his IQ had been insulted.


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