Black Dragon Code

Chapter 338 Fusion

As early as some time ago, Caesar's body had begun a series of phased adjustments. If Caesar's chest and abdomen were cut open, it would be found that the inside was not a normal dragon heart at all. Caesar's life heart and energy heart had already undergone a period of time. After a smooth transition period, they gradually merged together. Blood delivery is only a small part of the function of this unconventional heart, most of which are hot reactors. Mobile terminal

After a long period of precipitation, Caesar began to try to ignite the fire of fusion again. Today, unlike in the past, his body is already ready to carry a more powerful energy source and remove all possible obstacles. Logically speaking, Nothing can stop Caesar from getting stronger.

The fire in his body shrinks and rises, which is different from the recklessness when he is on the verge of extinction. Under normal circumstances, Caesar is quite cautious when he takes this step. After all, if he wants to build a nuclear weapon in his chest, it is estimated that no one can keep calm.

He completely shut down the radiation reaction emitted by his body, and kept all kinds of rays firmly in his body, and then began to continuously push up the energy limit to obtain more drastic changes. After the energy curve reached a certain critical value, his fission furnace began to decompose and reorganize.

Fusion begins...

At the same time, at the pier on the west coast of the Black Wing Empire, batches of merchant ships are arriving at the port. The Northland, which has just started, has a big appetite and has a huge demand for all aspects, so it aims at business opportunities and comes to take risks to do business. There are not many businessmen.

In fact, as long as you go through serious channels, the trade in the Northland is much safer, and this experience has also brought a good reputation to the Black Wing Empire, making more fleets willing to use the Northland as a transfer point when sailing long distances, and the large population Flow will lead to the prosperity of the port terminal, the West Coast has begun to show this trend.

After the merchant ship arrived at the port, the tax officer in black shirt and his assistants immediately searched for it, like a cat sniffing fish. The regulation in the West Coast Free Trade Zone is quite strict, and the empire will guarantee your safety and rights, but in Taxes must be paid before this, and perhaps some businessmen will take advantage of loopholes in the law to find some means of tax avoidance, but tax evasion is out of the question.

Only taxes and death are inevitable, even in the name of Vol'jin.

Speaking of Wojin, she and her believers are very happy to do business with the Northland. After comprehensive consideration, the empire also gave some preferential treatment to the goddess, relaxed the policy, and agreed to her believers in free trade. You have to pay for a small temple in the district, and everything on the west coast is not cheap.

The merchant on the ship quickly negotiated with the tax officer. The imperial officials inspected their goods and left satisfied after collecting the due taxes. The money belongs to the orcs and wild boars who are directly related to the empire. These two races are not sensitive to money and are absolutely loyal, which can effectively prevent corruption from happening.

In addition to merchants,

There were also many outsiders migrating from various places on the boats. After the diving board was lowered, people walked down the trestle bridge with all kinds of luggage on their backs.

Most of these people set foot on this strange land for the first time, and their expressions looked a little confused, and the urging of the sailors behind them intensified their sense of uneasiness. In addition, what made people even more frightening was the ferocious aliens that could be seen everywhere.

The rise of this chaotic empire has attracted countless attentions. However, it is not human beings who are most interested in it, but those various alien races. It is not that there are fewer human beings, or even more.

Pushed by the crowd, a gray-haired old man accidentally slipped, lost his balance, and was about to fall off the trestle, but the young man next to him grabbed his arm first and helped him stabilize his figure.

"Be careful, mentor."

The young man half-supported him off the trestle bridge, and then said: "We are here."

There is no personnel registration system in the Northland, at least not on the west coast, but those who want to make money in the free trade zone generally pay a high price, and even become a member of the wild skeleton. The official does not prevent the free trade zone from forming all kinds of people. industry, but cannot play tricks such as highway robbery and forced buying and selling, but those who can play these are some inconspicuous little characters, so they will soon disappear inexplicably.

"Is this the Northland?"

Corvette drove the crowded port and the straight open road. The exhaustion of his old age made the master shipbuilder take a breath and sigh: "I imagine it is much more prosperous here."

"Its ruler is a dragon, a black dragon." The young man looked up at the flying black flag, "I hope it can give us this chance."


The guards of the Black Wing Clan withdrew from the royal court, leaving time for their king to be alone. In the depths of the royal court, a terrifying monster with a length of 40 meters began to twist its body. The radiant light is retracting and releasing on the scales, and in Caesar's body, terrifying changes are proceeding step by step.

The black dragon sneezed, and the breath of flames came out of his nostrils. The tubes that had appeared in his body before but were never used began to expand and contract. Terrible substances were entering Caesar's heart along these tubes. Plutonium 239 naturally extracted from Caesar's body.

The energy response broke through Caesar's previous critical value.

As in the past, a violent explosion occurred in the black dragon's body, destroying all the tissues in his body like a hurricane, and then began to recover and reorganize. In a mess, the black dragon completely lost the power to resist external threats.

But soon, the fusion fire was completely ignited, and all the feedback from the senses was quickly replaced by a sense of relaxation. The majestic energy poured out from the flame-like amorphous energy body and began to pour into Caesar's body. As time went by, the energy output It became more and more stable, and gradually blurred, and finally merged with Caesar's super-standard heart.

Without falling into a deep sleep, the black dragon completed its own evolution, and the short period of weakness passed in a flash. Soon, Caesar stood up again and was able to move normally.

Powerful energy supports each of his cells. In fact, Caesar does not know that the fusion fire is just a symbol, and the change is all-round. In this short and rapid evolution, he has completed the promotion of life level.

It is worth mentioning that after the fusion fire was ignited, Caesar's body began to exude a pungent rose-like fragrance, and his external performance was also changing uncontrollably. It will take a period of time for the characteristics to settle down and become smooth and fully revealed.

But if a plutonium dragon appeared beside Caesar, he would already regard him as his newborn kind.

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