Black Dragon Code

Chapter 340 Prologue (2)

The breeze blew through her long and smooth hair, gentle and fragrant, just like a mother's caress. She listened to the singing of the birds and felt the pulsation of the river. The magical leaves were used as boats, carrying her to drift with the wind and sail to the sky The curtain of light gradually appeared.

Luna feels that the world is so sweet, like the afternoon sun, and the sense of happiness overflows from her heart. As time goes by, the days are approaching her adulthood.

Long before, her parents had been urging her to go home, and in a few days, she would return to her hometown to complete her adult ceremony, but what really made Luna happy was that she had just told Caesar about it Da Shalong agreed to go home with her.


"Don't mess around this time."

While jumping for joy, Luna couldn't help telling Caesar that the last time the black dragon went to the Elven Forest was very unpleasant, and many ethnic groups in the Elven Forest had heart knots about it, including Luna herself. care.

Caesar was also very clear about this, knowing that he had to take care of the little guy's feelings, so he nodded foolishly.

These are all things to say, now, let's play a round of elegy first.

Luna slid out of the garden in front of the king's court, and then cast a spell on herself using the transformation necklace, turning into a young human with the characteristics of the Northland, glanced at the nonchalant dragon guards, and started to walk out.


People come and go on the street. The Black Wing King City is the political, economic, and cultural center of the empire. Of course, it is also the most prosperous city in the entire Northland. In addition to the 50,000 permanent residents, there are also an unknown number of Black Wing troops stationed there. More than 30,000 migrants move in and out of the city.

A long time ago, the city walls of the Black Wing King City were demolished, and now it is undergoing continuous expansion.

"Remember this man."

Aobo passed by the young man in the form of Luna, looked down at the faintly shining divine emblem in his hand, and winked at the people next to him: "This is our goal."

Aobo did not choose to attack immediately. In order to determine the target, his companions scattered in the streets and alleys, and there was a possibility of failure in rash shots. After witnessing the other party entering the Elegy Tavern, Aobo began to gather people, and planned to assassinate the target when the target returned after discussion. Nothing goes wrong.

These people who sneaked into the Blackwing King City and took root here quickly gathered together.

"you you you.


In a dark corner, Aobo ordered three weaker companions: "You enter the Elegy Tavern, and then come out with the target. The task is to block the back road and not give the other party a chance to escape."

"You are in charge of stalking, monitoring the movements of the black shirts and aliens around you and giving feedback at all times. This is very important, so we can choose the right time to do it."

"Kasa, you will help me later, use the divine emblem to remove any magical objects that may exist on the opponent, and if the opponent escapes with a spell, remember to intercept it."

"Reynolds, once we make a move, you will be responsible for creating more chaos in order to gain a chance to escape, but whether we can leave alive afterwards, we can only hope for the blessing of the gods."

Aobo arranged for everything that followed, but he didn't notice that during his whispered conversations, the crowded streets and alleys gradually became thinner, and a deep fog poured out from an unknown place, covering the earth and covering them all. surrounded.

Surrounded by darkness, the head of a giant dragon emerged, floating above the tower and looking down at everyone coldly. The wind chimes shook and trembled secretly. People could only see the long and sharp snout. several adult humans.

Two small-sized horns meander back from the top of the head, and the dark blue eyes flicker like will-o'-the-wisps. It has no scales all over its body, and it doesn't have the strong and thick fleshy body that people think of the dragon.

Corpse Dragon, Yogg Angramor Targaryen.

This name is the most terrifying and cruel nightmare in the Black Wing Empire. People in the Northland would rather be caught by black shirts and taken into a dungeon to be tortured by the Lizardmen than to meet it—even if it is just a glance.

The mist didn't stop rolling, and it took a lot of concentration to discover it. It was black smoke swirling around the corpse dragon, thick as a cloud, and the scene was so quiet that a low and rhythmic hum could be heard coming from the corpse dragon's body. The sound of the inner soul fire surging, its sound is very weak, but it is endless.

"I didn't expect that someone would be tempted by Queen Luna."

The dragon language was uttered in a deep tone, and no one present could understand: "They are all threats and must be eliminated."

The voice of the corpse dragon became a reminder, and the crowd suddenly exploded. Some people howled and ran away, some stood still and did not dare to move, and some took up weapons and prepared to attack as if desperately fighting.

The instigator of the plan, Obo, was the last one. He pulled out the magic long sword he had recently obtained, poured all his fear and hope into a roar, and rushed towards Angramo.

The Corpse Dragon let out a deep laugh, as if she was amused by the ignorance and arrogance of these people. She took a step forward, protruded five giant skeleton claws from the darkness, and slapped them on the ground, suddenly a gust of wind blew them down. Among them, only Aobo could barely stand upright.

The soldier's charge was interrupted, and when he turned sideways, he realized that his whole body was already dripping with sweat. He roared at the top of his voice and prepared to continue charging, but found that the boundless black mist had already surged up, and the corpse dragon was hidden in the darkness, not knowing what to do. trace.

"My god bless you." Someone howled in pain.

"Perhaps the gods can really bless you, and what I have to do is to send you to meet your god."

The shadow in the distance suddenly swelled, accompanied by the screams and wailing of the escaped. Aobo stood at a loss with his long sword in his hand, but at least he was still relatively awake. Several people squatted at the base of the wall with their arms around their heads and trembling, and they had lost their faith.

Soon the giant dragon emerged from the shadows above them again, holding a human in each claw, and was still desperately trying to pry the dragon's claws. In front of Obo, the dragon put the human into its mouth, snapped, chopped off the head as if biting celery, and threw the headless body on the street.

The corpse dragon turned its head and stared at the people who had fled far away with its sunken eye sockets.

Soul Siphon.

Soon, the surging magic drained the strength of the deserter. Although there were no scars left on the body, the lungs were unable to expand and the heart was unable to beat. All muscles were like loose springs. The smoke dissipated, and everyone silently fall down.


Aobo roared again, before charging a few steps, the tail of the dragon came out from nowhere and swept across, the soldier fell to the ground on the spot, the blood from the headless corpse cavity sprayed him all over, then the corpse dragon disappeared again, screaming again in the distance, Two more bodies were dropped.

A much smaller roar rang out again, and he was knocked down without any suspense.

Even the trembling other people understood that the bone dragon was enjoying the fun of hunting and torturing. Seeing Obo's blood and courage disappear in the non-fatal attacks of the bone dragon, the roar gradually turned into a scream .

For the last time, Obo lost all his strength while sitting in the pile of corpses, and could no longer stand up. Angramo's sinister laughter echoed in the fog in the streets and alleys, and she ground a brave man's courage and dignity.

The Corpse Dragon took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled a billowing thick black mist.

The fog filled the entire street, covering Obo and the only remaining humans. When the black fog filled, neither the rock nor the entity was damaged, but the living people in the corner fell limply to the ground.

"Boring." Angramo thought, this is a battle without any suspense, and she is going to end it all.


The tooth-piercing laughter ended with an unexpected tone. The Corpse Dragon saw a light in a dark corner, which came from Obo, who could not stand up but was still alive. The warrior held the radiant emblem tightly, and it was this light that captured the soul Draw block.

Angramo stared at the divine emblem and thought for a while.

"This is not a spontaneous act of yours."

The soul fire of the corpse dragon surged, staring at the only remaining living people, and said in a common language they could understand: "Tell me what is behind the scenes."

The light of the divine emblem brought strength to the conspirators, and made them hope again. Maybe this thing could block the bone dragon, but the hope was quickly shattered. Angramo hooked his claws, and the divine emblem came out of his hand flew over.

"Well, constant detect aura, protection, and a spellbreaker."

The divine emblem wailed unceasingly between the sharp claws of the bone dragon, and then cracked: "It seems that your master doesn't value you, I thought there would be a divine blessing."

Obo trembled, their lives were coming to an end, although the bone dragon did not eat the flesh, it devoured the soul.

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