Black Dragon Code

#342 multi-line battlefield (1)

A crescent moon floated above the desert, Jon Arthur agreed to the multi-line combat plan proposed by the five-color dragon, and led the army to the forest of elves.

The three columns were like a thick steel snake, meandering into the northern territory, and then detoured around the detection border of the Black Wing Empire, crossed the rushing river, and left obliquely from the north to the east.

Jon Arthur rode at the forefront of the team, accompanied by his younger brother, as well as the previous dragon hunters Buff and Darrow, and behind him was the entire army he brought this time, including spellcasters and Knights, Lancers, Horse Archers, and a large number of crossbowmen.

It took them several hours to complete the crossing. Afterwards, Jon Arthur would always recall the occasional howls of beasts he heard in the dark when he was closest to the Black Wing Empire's cordon. He clearly realized that he was not besieging an evil Dragon, but crusade against a country.

The main force against the Black Wing Empire is the five-color dragons of Elradia. After the end of the last war, the number of five-color dragons active in the north has not decreased. Instead, they have been replenished one after another. These red dragons, blue dragons and green dragons are lurking in the magma, yellow sand and dense forest, and under the command of Alex, they are going to do everything possible to destroy the newly prosperous country.

Whatever the outcome, good or bad, they've put all their eggs in one basket.

On the second night, the night fell, and all the flags were dyed black. The Qhorhor army camped and rested among the rolling hills and the elf forest. It stretched for several miles, and the fireflies moved among the tents, like wandering stars.

The huge blood-red ox carcass was put on top of the blazing campfire, and was skewered with a barbecue fork as thick as a sapling—in fact, the fork was indeed a sapling. Blood and oil dripped into the flames. The warriors worked together to turn the ox slowly.

Around Jon Arthur, there are all the deployments that swear allegiance to the Free Trade City-State, and the resident army of Kohol City. However, now, he has led them thousands of miles to the north. Bringing a series of follow-up ills, the Head of State Tashanmu should and will soon be able to know.

So time is running out now, not only the blue dragon Alex is impatient, but Jon Arthur himself knows that he can't keep this army outside for too long.

After a night, the pale mist floated from the night, like long white fingers on the river, people and horses opened their sleepy eyes in the cold of dawn, stumbling and moving their bodies, they were busy fastening their saddles and transporting heavy weapons. Get in the wagon and put out the campfire.

The horn blew, and after a night of recharging, Jon Arthur felt that his army could start the war. The knights jumped on the breathless mixed-blood horses, and the infantry tied their swords as they ran. belt, and the crossbowmen followed lightly at the rear of the team.

But only for a moment,

The extraordinary perception made Jon Arthur smell something wrong. After listening attentively, he heard a commotion from the outpost troops separated by a long distance from the main force. The soldiers shouted, the impact of spears, and the neighing of horses And the roar of wild beasts came to his ears one after another.

He hasn't ordered the attack yet. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be the sound of fighting coming from the front.

"grown ups."

Just as Jon Arthur was thinking, the messenger came running out of the fog, the soldier in full armor, on a horse, wearing a battered full-face helmet.

"What's going on?" Jon Arthur asked.

"The Elven Forest discovered us and launched an attack first." The messenger said: "They took advantage of the night to lurk around the outpost troops, less than one mile to the east of us, and the number is unknown.

After listening, Jon Arthur had almost no time to think. He made a decisive decision, clamped his horse's belly, and rushed out with his trusted knights: "The whole army is in battle formation, charge."

——Damn it, isn’t the forest of elves a place where good races live? Before we express our attitude, how could they take the first step and take the initiative to start a war? This is not the way of good races at all.

The morning sun rose from the horizon, streaks of reddish rays stretched out from the east, while the sky to the west was a deep purple dotted with a few stars.

The sound of the bugle sounded in the Kehor army, with low mourning, soul trembling and blood boiling. In terms of luxurious equipment, the army of the central trading city-state is definitely the crown of Elradia. For example, the current Kehor army is just Even the horn is a rare magical wonder.

When Jon Arthur arrived at the battlefield of the outpost troops, the mist drifting in the air was gradually being evaporated by the rising sun in the east. The green grass left by the horses was covered with dew, like diamonds scattered on the ground, and the dragon hunters followed closely Behind him, a large number of trusted knight troops are on standby at any time.

Even from a distance, the brilliance of Jon Arthur's equipment is so dazzling that even the king's gold-haired jade garment cannot be compared with it. His cloak is woven from countless mithril threads. It is difficult to make it float even when charging, and once mounted, it will almost completely cover the hind legs of the mount. His armor is made of thick elemental black steel, covered with a layer of silver-white enamel, and the knee pads and gloves are complicated. Glyph covered, bright as light.

Such a set of equipment seems to have little meaning in actual combat, and it is very interesting as a decoration, but it is not the case in reality. Jon Arthur's armor is full of permanent spell blessings, and the overall effect is no less than a pair of legendary armor. The actual weight burden on him is about zero.

In the morning light of dawn, Jon Arthur's heavy cavalry climbed the hill like a slowly blooming steel rose, with gleaming thorns.

At this time, Jon Arthur could already see his opponent. As shown in the intelligence, the main combat force of the Elven Forest is the druids who change their forms, the evil hunters who hold hooks, sickles and arrows, The extremely fast giant eagle and the strong and ferocious chimera, but why the other party would take the initiative to attack has always puzzled him.

The outpost troops hid behind the barriers made of shields and spears, resisting every wave of impact from the Elven Forest race, but the offensive of these kind races was more ferocious than expected, and the troops had suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, they have completed their mission and successfully held off the enemy—now, it is the turn of these alien races to bleed.

"For Cohor!"

Jon Arthur roared loudly, and the cronies immediately followed up. Although the dragon hunters didn't shout, they also clenched their weapons: "For Qohor! For Qohor!"

The low and long horns suppressed the horns of the alien races. Jon Arthur led a group of elite heavy cavalry into the battlefield. Directly ahead, a team of Tia elves formed a half-moon formation. A ready-to-go hedgehog.

The bows and arrows of the Forest of Elves greeted them like hail, ten, hundreds, innumerable in an instant, but no one in the heavy cavalry fell down because of the arrows. harm.

The cavalry unit turned into a torrent, rushing forward like a rainbow, and it was about to crush the elf team into powder, but a huge Chimera suddenly appeared, crossing their way forward, blocking the elf team who could not retreat, and three heads Exhale breaths of different natures.

However, it also failed to stop the charge of the heavy cavalry, because in the next second it was overturned to the ground by a rock spur, and the spellcasters of Qohor could not be ignored, and they were also playing a role.

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

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