Black Dragon Code

Chapter 443 Battle of Al Sara (1)

"You alarmed Monet." Yinlong said.

Caesar was holding a glass of "Queen Faroria" wine, and turned his head to look at the violent storm outside the wall window. Electric snakes shuttled through the black clouds, and the sky seemed to be cracked. The entire Al Sala area seemed to be afraid of divine punishment. The mortal trembled like a mortal, and the shock waves hit him continuously.

Across the conference table sat several other leaders of the alliance. Their faces were clearly disturbed. Although an earthquake of this magnitude was not enough to cause substantial damage to people and things, the implication was quite terrifying——Monet Waking up, leaning out from the demiplane.

But the Black Dragon Emperor still enjoyed the stormy night of the earthquake slowly, without any emotional fluctuations. "Isn't this exactly what you want?" He said lightly.

"Indeed, but before Monet woke up, we had already suffered heavy losses." Silver Dragon explained, "Before Monet's army attacked the defense lines of the castles, a leader of the Wolfheart Clan who sneaked into the Kingdom of Ebu, Karanu Burnmane, He disappeared strangely, and until now, we haven't found any news about him."

As she spoke, she glanced at another leader sent by the Wolfheart Clan, Xiernu, the chief of the Bloodtooth Tribe, was keeping his head down, silent, without any emotional fluctuations.

The silver dragon paused, and then said: "On the other hand, the Kingdom of Tia announced its formal withdrawal from the alliance. They suffered heavy losses when they were attacked by the dark orcs. Now all the troops have withdrawn from Korver and escorted their sleeping king back to the elves. forest."

"Five-color dragons can enter Korver Castle?" Caesar turned his head and glanced to the left.

"no problem."

Alex shook the wine glass lightly, staring at the vortex of blue liquid in it: "A reasonable request."

"In addition to these, there is one more thing."

Yinlong turned around and looked at the corner of the conference table: "When Monet's main force arrived at Fort Michod, the Kingdom of Aiyo retreated without any resistance. If it wasn't for the timely arrival of the power of the Black Wing Empire, Micho DePauw may have fallen by now. Once this happens, the entire joint battlefield will be implicated."

Yinlong looked at King Aiyo: "Your Majesty Nelson, not only me, I think everyone here needs an explanation."

"According to the information given by the Metal Dragon Clan, I don't see any possibility of the human army resisting the Viper Dragon. Unless the casters of Butch and Malha and the elite troops are all gathered in Fort Michod, otherwise they will face Mo Nai's Viper, the kingdom of Ayo will suffer a massacre."

Nelson stood up and glanced at the back of the Black Emperor, and said: "In addition, I can't tell whether there are derivatives in the Viper Dragon. If so,

I think the Kingdom of Ayo will not be able to resist for a long time even if it does not evacuate. Temporarily evacuating Fort Michod is a decision I made after careful consideration. We also stated in the parliament that the reinforcements will arrive immediately after the Viper appears. I think this is not a problem. "

"So in order to protect your own army, you fled from Fort Michod." Silver Dragon looked at him.

Nelson's explanation is reasonable, but it is not a force of the Ayyo Kingdom fighting in the Eb area. Once the strategic point of Fort Michod falls, the defense line on the entire battlefield will collapse like a bank. Although his explanation is not problematic , but could not convince the other bosses.

"Yes, perhaps in your opinion I made a mistake."

Nelson said softly, "I am willing to discuss compensation with you after the war, but if I am given a chance to do it all over again, I will still choose this way. The Ayo army is not equal to the Viper. If we fight, we will It's a huge loss, and in my opinion, it's an utterly useless sacrifice."

"In addition, I also believe that the army of the Black Wing Empire will arrive in time." After speaking, he glanced at the Black Emperor again.

Alex curled his lips disapprovingly, while the metal dragons fell into a long silence. After these words, they could no longer impose duties on Nelson, because cherishing every life is also the teaching of His Majesty Bahamut, devout believers cannot against their gods.

"In the next time, the Black Wing Empire will be stationed in Fort Michod, and the army of the Kingdom of Ayo will be stationed elsewhere."

After a long silence, Caesar spoke suddenly, and after the words fell, he turned around, opened the door and walked step by step into the deep rain.

The rest of the people discussed for a while and felt that this should be the most suitable choice.

Fort Dagrana was brightly lit, and the constant light source produced by the lighting technique was fearless of the thunder and lightning in the sky, and tried its best to radiate light and heat outward. Caesar walked aimlessly to a secluded place and crushed a communication crystal.

A ferocious wolf face appeared in the scattered light. When Caesar saw it, it obviously also saw the scene here. The owner of the wolf face stepped back slowly, revealing his whole body.

"His Majesty."

Hogg bowed his waist and abdomen, his red eyes flashed a bit of surprise when he saw Caesar's second form of body, but he didn't ask anything. He understood the straightforward nature of the Black Dragon Emperor, and said, "I think this way There might be something wrong."

"Luna?" Caesar subconsciously thought of the little guy.

"The queen is fine." Hogg said in a deep voice, "It's Black Rock Mountain."



Hogg's face was serious. The gnolls had never bothered the Black Dragon for trivial matters. All he had to do was look for more serious problems: "The magma on Black Rock Mountain has become active recently, and some demons have gradually climbed to the surface and spread outward. The Blackwing clans are in conflict, but they are constantly trying to block the bottom line of the empire."

"The Radiation Dragons are very disturbed. Judging from the observations of the Overseer Kadoze: there is a powerful force brewing under the Blackstone Mountain. After our discussion, we guessed that the Abyss Lord is waking up. Azriel did not know how to know I heard the news of you leaving the Northland, and I want to take this opportunity to break free from the shackles of the empire."

Since the last truce agreement, the Balrog Lord has never done any evil, and has always behaved peacefully. He used the Black Rock Mountain as his lair, sleeping and dormant in the deepest underground, and his reputation gradually faded. Over the years, the reputation of the Lord of Hell, Azriels, has gradually faded, but the Black Rock Mountain, where demons are active, has become a paradise for adventurers to explore and develop.

But a demon lord is a demon lord after all, and the Lord of Hell is always looking for opportunities to vent his desire for destruction.

Although half of the top forces of the Black Wing Empire are stationed in Black Rock Mountain to guard against death, but in Azriel's view, these are small troubles. The only thing he is really afraid of is the Black Dragon Emperor, who has power not weaker than the demon lord However, even after so many years of adapting to the rules of the material plane and further improving his power, the King of Hell still has no confidence in winning.

However, when the Black Dragon Emperor left, the abyss lord hidden deep in the northern empire was not so peaceful, and the energy fluctuations became more and more active. Hogg judged that the opponent would walk out of the Black Rock Mountain in the near future, and the Black Wing Empire had entered a state of emergency preparations.

"It's raining heavily."

Caesar looked up at the heavy sky and said.

He let Hogg take off his combat readiness.

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