Black Dragon Code

Chapter 463 School

"Where are these people from?"

In the dormitory of Imperial College, Sheila was lying by the window, looking at the dozens of children passing by outside the window one after another, asking strangely.

She was one of the second batch of children introduced to the Northland at the beginning of the establishment of the Black Wing Imperial College. It has been a while since the Imperial College was founded. She has come from the white skin and blue eyes of the trading cities like her, the gray hair and brown eyes of the riverlands, the blond hair of the empire on which the sun never sets, and even the dwarves of the swamp area and the barbarians of the summer islands, but have never seen before. These very different children.

Sheila is a member of the academy called "trading slaves". Although she did not receive a good education since she was a child, her life as a slave in the trading city-state made her smarter and smarter. Although she sometimes couldn't understand what the academy and teachers did What is the meaning of the school, but she will subconsciously work hard to complete the college's class hours and study requirements, so after a few exams, she successfully became a senior student.

In contrast, many of the older children were still in the lower grades.

Sheila's roommate, a fourteen-year-old girl named Shanlier David, closed the book and also came to the window, and glanced at the freshmen entering the college. Her status was completely different from Sheila's. Her father was a Black Wing Baron from the Faye area. For some reason, her father took the initiative to send his two sons and one daughter to the Imperial College. The preferential treatment was that although she was young, she was still a senior student.

Shanlier David squinted and looked at the uniform and ill-fitting clothes of the dark-skinned and dark-eyed children: "Maybe they are children from the East?"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at another roommate in the dormitory: "Noreen, have you ever seen such a person?"

Noreen, who came from a richer background than Shanlier, walked over with a blank expression, looked at the window, and said, "I don't know you."

After finishing speaking, Noreen Huayent glanced at Shanlier David indifferently: "But I know where they are from. Didn't Mr. Lord mention the matter of Veloster?"

"Velost? My father wouldn't tell me this." Shanlier opened her eyes wide.

"Won't it?"

Noreen thought for a while, and then continued: "The barbaric and rude Veloster refused civilized communication, and took the initiative to fight the sojourners sent by the Empire to the New World. That's what my father said. I think these are all after the defeat. Captives, His Majesty the Great Emperor is merciful and tolerant, and gave these slaves a chance to be reborn."

"So." Shanlier pouted,

Looking at the last roommate in the corner who had been silent all this time: "From now on, trading slaves will not be the lowest status students in the college."

The girl was curled up in a corner reading a book, and didn't participate in their discussion. Hearing this, she just turned around.

Sheila also looked a little embarrassed.

Although they are in the same dormitory, Noreen Wyent and Shanlier David, who are children of nobles, have no common language with the young child Sheila and another girl who came from the foreign slave trade. The experience and knowledge are very different. Perhaps before entering the academy, Noreen and Shanlier had already received a good education and had no worries about food and clothing, but what a slave-born child like Sheila was thinking about every day was how to live. go down.

In the general environment of Elradia, if there were no Emperor Caesar and the Black Wing Empire, it would be extremely difficult for these children to live in the same room, sit in the same classroom, or even appear in the same area .

"Try not to say these words." After listening, Noreen reminded with a blank face: "Everyone doesn't like to hear it, you know, Shanlier." She was not referring to students, but college teachers and other nobles.

"I'm so sorry." Shanlier quickly apologized to Sheila and the other girl.

Shanlier was born in a noble family, but her father did not inherit the title, but won it after allegiance to the New Empire. Her family also lived in a harsh environment, so it can be said that it is similar to children of other classes. , although the words are outspoken, but after doing something wrong, they will sincerely apologize.

In contrast, Sheila still prefers Shanlier, and Noreen always has a taste of those unattainable characters she has seen before.

"I don't know what it will look like after these Veloster natives arrive at the academy." Shanlier sighed and changed the subject.

Noreen, who has always been withdrawn and reticent, looked at her frowning, realized what Shanlier was thinking, and rarely smiled: "What are you worried about? This is Imperial College, no one can mess around here .”

"God knows how different these Veloster natives are from us." Shanlier looked panicked, "I don't want to be in the same place with these guys. I heard from others that the Veloster natives are the most barbaric and difficult to communicate with. Creatures, they actually eat people alive, just like wild beasts! Even the Black Wing Clan can't..."

"Shanlier!" Noreen said heavily: "The Black Wing clan is the guardian of the empire, even my father would call them adults, you have said enough today, don't say any more."

Shanlier was able to know these rumors because Emperor Caesar’s cross-sea conquest plan encountered obstacles. The ocean-going fleet was fighting the local indigenous tribes along the coast of Veloster. In order to draw strength from the people and share the economic pressure, the empire was promoting propaganda to fuel the flames. .

In order to afford more sojourners to enter Veloster, the ocean-going fleet must control the east entrance of Veloster and build ports in the coastal area that can accommodate large ships. Building military bases and supply points on the coastal islands is undoubtedly a huge project in Veloster, where magic is powerless.

But when the fleet landed in Veloster for the second time, the local aborigines seemed to realize something, they united and took up arms, and took the initiative to launch an attack on the ocean-going fleet of the Black Wing Empire. It lasted for two full years, and even the common people could hear news about the war in that "Land Abandoned by God" from time to time.

The black-skinned and black-eyed foreign children seen by Sheila and the others were indeed captives brought back by Veloster. The ocean-going fleet fought against the natives in the coastal areas and broke down more than one tribe. Killed, the temporarily obedient captives were brought back by the ocean-going fleet in batches to serve as labor force. These children were a bonus.

The Imperial Academy established by Caesar does not only focus on theoretical knowledge. In addition to cultivating professional talents, one of the purposes of the Imperial Academy is also to provide talents for the imperial forces. Therefore, the potential and improvement of personal abilities are also very important assessment items. Black Dragon sees Taking advantage of the excellent physical fitness of these Veloster natives, they plan to naturalize and train them from children.

On the other hand, the war in Veloster caused a lot of trouble for the empire. The cross-sea war is a matter that consumes a lot of time, energy and money. The point of the problem is that until now, the wartime statistics department has not Give the specific values ​​of how many tribes and how many indigenous people there are in Veloster.

The Black Wing Empire was forced into the quagmire of a protracted war. In just two years, the oceanic marines fought tens of thousands of large and small wars in Veloster. Even though the reports kept coming, the empire still hadn't completely controlled Wei Luoster. Lost Coast.


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