Black Dragon Code

Chapter 467 New World (2)

In the natural refuge near the coast of Veloster, many simple houses have been built, and the air is full of the salty smell of the sea breeze and the smoke of the campfire.

The tribe is very quiet, most of the men have gone out, while the dark-skinned women are sitting in small groups with hooked knives, patiently grinding on the whetstone, polishing the blades to a sharp point. The women of Veloster are as violent as the men, and they carry knives close to their bodies. When conflicts and disputes break out with other tribes, they will also slash the enemy's throat with the knife whenever they have the opportunity.

Pei Pu silently stared at the woman sharpening the knife, the cold light on the blade, and coughed a few times.

Pep is the leader of this remote tribe. Because he has been to the Golden City, his knowledge is much higher than a bunch of ignorant tribesmen. The Golden City is the greatest city in the past and present. It is the center of the world. crown.

The soldiers there wore copper scale armor, a long kiss helmet with fused copper teeth, and a long red cloak. They rode camels high and sat on saddles inlaid with gems. It is said that each of them once received the God King With Artuso's blessing, ten soldiers can defeat a tribe.

The deep wolf pant was like thunder.

People turned their heads to look in unison, then bowed their heads and prostrated themselves, whispering: "The Prophet."

On the huge panting white wolf was a man in a black cloak, with a hood covering his face. He sat on the white wolf and never turned his neck to look at the crowd.

Accompany Pu walked forward slowly, stopped before the white wolf bared his teeth, bowed his waist, paused, stepped forward again until he came to the wolf's head, and said respectfully: "Prophet."

Only then did the man in the cloak react. He glanced at Paipu's face through the hood, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are very powerful. Among the dozens of tribes fighting in the Black Sea, you are the only ones who captured To the living captive."

"Yes." Paipu said, "But we don't understand the language of the Hai people, so we can't communicate with him or interrogate him."

"That's why I came." The Prophet threw off his black cloak, revealing his shiny bald head and painted black body, and jumped off the wolf's back lightly: "Where is he?"

"He's waiting for redemption," Pepper said, calling back, "Kaman."

There was a sound of snorting in the tent, and after a while, the partner who accompanied Pu came out with a man tied up in the vines, and put him in front of the wolf head. He said hello and left immediately.

The captive's mouth is jammed by vines,

Seeing the huge white wolf close in front of him, he made a whirring sound.

"Let him go," said the Prophet.

Paipu used a dagger to separate the strong vines on the prisoner, and the prisoner immediately jumped up and fled outwards. Unfortunately, his physical fitness was far behind that of the Veloster natives. Peipu dragged him back with a dagger.

"$^*\u0026%..." The prisoner roared for a while with a ferocious expression on his face, and then Pu Pu glanced at the prophet, indicating that the situation was the case. Although he could guess from the expression that the other party said something bad, the language barrier made it difficult for them Communicate with the Hai people.

The Prophet nodded, took Pep's dagger and cut a small slit on his finger, dipped in blood as ink, and drew a round spell on the wet and soft ground at his feet, then forcibly separated the captive's arms and threw him blood on the spell.

"*\u0026%." The captive was still cursing, but the words changed halfway through: "Stupid and ignorant Veloster natives, you have no idea what you are facing, when the real power of the empire arrives here, you all Will be turned into bloody mud under the rolling iron hooves."

"Empire, what is it?" The Prophet asked blankly.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The prisoner asked back in horror, and then suddenly realized that he could understand what the other party was saying. He subconsciously looked at the weird spell on the ground, and the blood was gradually sinking into the soil and disappearing.

This is magic. His eyes widened. It must be magic! The empire's information is wrong, Veloster can also use magic! And some of these natives already know how to use magic!

"Empire, what is it?" The strange natives in front of them continued to ask.

"Empire is our home."

"I understand." The prophet nodded, equating the empire and the tribe in his mind, and then asked: "Sea people, we have lived in peace with the sea for thousands of years. Why did you come this time?"

"Sea people..."

The prisoner was silent for a while, and said: "There has been a huge change in the sea. We can no longer survive, and we are eager to open up a new home on the earth. We came here with goodwill, and it was you who attacked us first. "

"The land is ours. If you want to live on this land, you should ask us first, and you can only land after you get permission." The prophet said.

"It was our mistake." The prisoner bowed his head and admitted: "It was a misunderstanding. If you agree to let me go back, I can persuade our leader to apologize for the previous mistakes. I think we should have a good talk."


Twenty minutes later, the two sides suddenly found that they could no longer understand each other's language, which meant that the spell had failed. The prophet signaled someone to take the prisoner down, and then walked out with the companion.

"Is what he said true? The Prophet," Pepper asked.

"Some are true, but most of the key points are false. Do you remember what he said at the beginning?" The prophet shook his head and repeated the captive's original words in Veloster: "Stupid and ignorant Velos Special natives, you have no idea what you are facing, when the real power of the empire arrives here, you will all be turned into blood under the rolling iron hooves."

"The aborigines in his mouth should mean 'us'."

"Without those flaming iron pipes, their bodies are as ridiculous as weak old people." Pei Pu said disdainfully: "They want to occupy the land just because of these? Warriors in the Golden City are not afraid of those things at all,"

"No." The prophet lowered his voice: "The disaster is coming. A Duo is also the leader of the tribe. Do you still remember the stories we have passed down from generation to generation?"

"You mean God King Artuso? Of course I remember."

"What about Egon?"

"The most powerful enemy in Artuso's life, it is said that Artuso fought with Egon for thirty-three years, but he still could not defeat this terrible monster. In the end, he had to borrow the power of iron and fire to create eight thousand swords. The chain barely locked Egon, and then continued to strengthen it with all the strength of the Archmondor clan, and finally drove Egon out and sealed him into the eternal deep sea."

Pepper told stories he had known since he was a child: "But aren't these all legends?"

"Not a legend."

The Prophet said: "The elders of the temple have received the revelation, and Egon has awakened. It spent a hundred thousand years in the cold deep sea, and vowed to repay the iron and fire it suffered hundreds of times. The descendants of Artuso, the weapons used by these sea people are the best proof."

"In the following time, it will drive its servants to spread fear and blood on the earth. In the end, when Egon's mountain-like body lands on the earth, the whole world will be submerged by floods, and that is the end of the world. .”

"How can we stop it?" Paipu trembled when he heard it.

The Prophet shook his head: "No one can stop it. Whether it is the owner of the Golden City or the elders of the temple, everything done by mortals is in vain. This is the end we are destined to meet."

"Only after the world is flooded, God King Artuso will appear and fight Egon for thirty-three years, then seal it into the sea and start a new era."

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